So scared...

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Hello, I'm 48 and being driven crazy by some scary symptoms. My periods have been all over the place for about five or six years, very heavy, very light, brown spotting, mid-cycle mini period, I'm sure you get the picture. However, I have just taken vitamins and tried to carry on as we all do. For the past couple of months however, I have suffered from repeated infections in the intimate area, with repeated courses of antibiotics which never worked for long, plus my periods are ridiculous, for example just had four days of spotting followed by five days heavy, one day clear and ovulation, now bleeding again. In the midst of all this I went to A&E with bad pelvic pain and more soreness down below. Stayed in hospital for a few days, a CT scan came back clear, I am booked in for more tests under anaesthetic in a few weeks, absolutely terrified. My anxiety has reached uncontrollable levels, been prescribed Setraline, I am also constipated and bloated. I just want to avoid everyone and sob as I am so scared and out of control. Please anyone, does this sound familiar at all?

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, being scared certainly rings a bell.  I did have  period, followed by spotting, followed by a weird period of 5 days of brown goo when I was peri menopausal, around 14 days all told.  It seems almost anything goes. 
    • Posted

      Thank you Helen for your helpful reply, I am just finding it very difficult to cope with all weird things that my body is throwing at me, so good to hear that others have gone through the same.
  • Posted

    Yes it definitely feels like we are trying to hold on but it's hard not to lose control horrible feeling. You're having a really rotten time and I really hope you feel better soon. Somehow you need to keep turning these things causing such anxiety to a positive so whilst it's scary you're being checked out which isn't a bad thing and will help your anxiety in the long run. Can you go for some reflexology as this really helped me. Please let us know how you get on.
    • Posted

      Thank you Tracky for replying. I really do feel as though the wheels are coming off my life right now. You are exactly right to say that I need to feel positive about the clear results I have had so far and I am hoping that the anti depressants will work in calming me down. I must admit I had never thought about anything like reflexology, but its something I can look into. I want so much to feel better and get through this!
    • Posted

      What's good about reflexology is my reflexologist tells me where my blockages are and works on the areas :-) sometimes my elbows will really hurt and it's where its trying to clear! Very clever. First time I had I was jumping all over the place as could not relax at all, as I didn't feel in control, that good old anxiety! but over time I can now lay back eyes shut. I try and have a session once every 6-8 weeks and honestly I feel so much better afterwards. It's not for everyone but when you're feeling so low there's nothing to lose but plenty to gain. Recently I had a reiki session and that was quite amazing too and got some fantastic tips on controlling anxiety. Please let me know how you get on Karen
  • Posted

    I had that same thing happen to me off and on for 10 years. Turned out to be cervical polyps that hadn't dropped from my uterus.. So uterine polyps. But once they were visible and I had them removed all that craziness stopped. I had them removed three separate times. I started taking DIM after that and haven't had any more for a few years. I'm convinced it was excess estrogen. During that time I had horrible anxiety so much so that I wanted to walk into the ocean and not resurface.

    Hang in there , its probably something simple. Keep us posted on what you find out

    • Posted

      Thanks so much Dawn. I had begun to wonder about estrogen levels as I recently had a mammogram due to having discharge from a nipple, the consultant said he thought it was hormone related, this happened just before all the latest problems started. Please what is DIM? I am new to this forum and not very clued up! My anxiety is still extremely bad and this forum is my lifeline right now.
  • Posted

    Hi Karen Please dont worry about the op itself, I had a hysteroscopy last week and was home 2 hours after coming back from theatre. Back to normal within 2 days. Ther are so may things which could be causing your symptoms, most of them easily fixed. Try to think that at last youre going to get a diagnosis and start the road to recovery. Sincere good luck and enjoy the relexology!
    • Posted

      i'm due hysteroscopy next tuesday.

      a couple of weeks ago they tried to take out the little beastie without anesthetic but i was in too much discomfort.

      they are telling me now that i have 2 polyps ever so small.

      so i dont understand how they can cause such awful symptoms and pain.

      i think the hospital must have a new machine as they only recently changed their minds about me having polyps and fibroids.

      i was told for 3 years that fibroids were normal and didnt believe the stress i was in.

      all the gnnos here in spain are macho blokes.

      i'm 67 for gods sake.all the books and sites say that fibroids shrink by themselves after the menopause.

      mine have turned to stone (calcified)

      may i ask what kind of anesthesia did you have for your op.

      these guys are telling me i'm having an epi dural.

      i wonder if it hurts.!

      i'd much rather they put me to sleep.

    • Posted

      Hi, had mine done in the uk under general. I would have thought that a general was easier, but other health issues could deem a spinal safer. Will they not consider giving you a ga?
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      Thank you Debbie, I am not worried about the op itself I am worried about what the findings may besad

      This whole thing is ruining my life.

  • Posted

    Sorry you are feeling this way. Sounds like you are getting the proper investigations done. Meanwhile, take 1 sachet of movicol every morning until your procedure. This will relieve your constipation and help with the bloating and it is very gentle on your system. Drink plenty of water. Do hope you get some answers and some help soon.


    • Posted

      Thank you Coralie

      I have now got some Movical, I have had IBS for several years and I am well aware that all the anxiety is not helping that issue either!

      thanks for your well wishes.

  • Posted

    I am so sorry you are feeling scared. Hang in there, hopefully the Setraline will kick in soon and help with the anxiety. I have been on it for just over a week now and fingers crossed it kicks in soon. take care of yourself xx
    • Posted

      Thank you Liz, the anxiety is appalling, the worst I have ever experienced, I feel worthless and stupid and I don't want to leave the house. I hope the Setraline is working for you and I need it to work soon for me as I am really not coping right now...
    • Posted

      Oh no! No one is worthless or stupid, please don't think that. Do you have friends and family to support you? Do you enjoy music or reading? Gardening maybe? I know it's hard but I'm told to forceyself to do something I enjoy which is one step towards feeling more positive. Not easy but doing something does help or else you just sit with everything going round in your head. No one knows what anxiety is like until they have been through it, on here everyone understands, hugs to you, it will get better xx

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