So scared I might have cancer, ultrasound showed thickening of the lining of the womb,
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Hi I am 53 hadn't had a period for over a year then started bleeding on Monday, went straight to doctors had ultrasound the next day no cysts or fibroids discovered then had call today to go to see GP who informed me I have thickening of the lining of the womb, so have to have more tests, :-( I am so afraid it's cancer especially with the speed the tests etc have been happening, blood tests were ok, doctor said I will have a diagnosis within two weeks, I am absolutely petrified, not coping at all, I do suffer with very bad anxiety too:-(
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Bloodnut_100 susan81669
Hi new on here so hi every one ,been suffering like the rest of you feel ,better not on my own here
Had my first biopsy yesterday and agree worst minute of pain ever, my lining has gone from 3 to 15 in a matter of months next appointment put in for straight away not even waiting for results of biopsy so a bit worried there consultant just kept saying if it's anything nasty we've caught it early more worrying but will try to stay positive
marilyn09094 Bloodnut_100
Hi me too, had biopsy because I had a slight bleed, I have thickening as well, and I had another one a few weeks later, and they said it was turning and would turn into cancer, if they don't get everything out soon, so I have finally had a date for October 10th I will be so relieved to got it all done and dusted x
Bloodnut_100 marilyn09094
linda68475 Bloodnut_100
Hi there I'm new here ..I have been this morning for the tests scan which showed a thickening so I went on to have the biopsies taken to say I'm worried is a massiv understatement I'm 69 years old I have to go for results next Monday I have convinced myself I have cancer googling it over and over I had some brown discharge in June that stopped then a week last Friday a bleed then nothing to date I had a polyp removed in 2004 ....
Bloodnut_100 linda68475
Stop googling Hun leave it to the experts I used to do the same by now by googling I should be pushing up the dasies.
I've have the thickening and had a biopsy and have to go back for a second biopsy I've also had polops in the past .there's no use (I know it's hard ) in worrying until you get final results
linda68475 Bloodnut_100
sherrie92934 marilyn09094
pat0262 susan81669
Hi Susan. Not an answer to your problem sorry. But I'm 56. Not had a period in 4 years. Started to bleed then turned to brown discharge for 4 days. Went see gp that referred me to a gynecologist. Had internal scan and found thickening of the womb so had an immediate biopsy. So so painful. Yesterday I started having bad period like pains and today I started bleeding again. Don't go back for results for 4 weeks. Consultant wanted me back in 2 weeks but fully booked till next month. I don't know what to do now. Im quite nervous of the outcome to be honest now I'm bleeding again. Has anyone else experienced this. X
sherrie92934 pat0262
Hi Pat! Just signed up today so reading these posts has already made me calm a little. Almost a year ago now I had some very light bleeding. Made appointment with gyno for exam, pap, ultrasound - interior and exterior and the dreaded biopsy. Nothing to be concerned about was the diagnosis. October of this year I had very slight bleeding, mild cramping and made another appointment. Doc did internal and said everything looked good but, she wanted me to have another round of ultrasounds. This time she came back with the fact that my uterine lining went from 7 to 9 and should be 5 or below for my age (63) and being post menapausal at least 7 years now. Options one was a D & C - option two is hysterectomy. Option one does not interest me as I WILL NOT have any more babies. I would rather the hysterectomy and be done with it. Of course one needs to be mindful of the fact that if anything is found I would possibly need more surgery in the same area. I hate hospitals and I am extremely scared but, I do have maternal history (grandmother and mother) of uterine cancer.
I too would like to stress how important it is to get back on this site and update everyone. I am grateful for sites like these.
suzan123 sherrie92934
Lebelleame susan81669
Hey Susan, I am totally in same boat at the moment as you were I know this was posted over a year hope everything worked out for you. I am going through the testing process at the moment and I'm such a worrier I hope I can be as brave as many women hoping nothing is wrong do you have any inspiring advice?
sherrie92934 Lebelleame
Hi Lebelleame! The older posts don't seem to be responding anymore. Where are you in your testing?
barbara95966 susan81669
I know this thread was started a year ago but, I noticed recent activity and am currently going through something similar.
I am 47 years old and had a double oopherectomy at 22 years ovaries and no fallopian tubes. Pretty much started menopause in my 20's. I never took my hormone replacements...felt better with out taking them.
Here I am 25 years later with thickening of the uterus...currently at 11mm. I have NO bleeding at all. I went to the doctor for lower abdominal discomfort and the doctor began to rule things out. Never had an abnormal pap, haven't bled in over 20 years, abdominal discomfort subsided, blood work looks great, just knowing that I have a thickened uterus.
I have a D & C scheduled for January 23, 2017 but, wish it was sooner. Have any of you had this done?
I have been reading Web MD...bad idea!!! If you weren't worried before, you will be after looking up your symptoms!!!
sherrie92934 barbara95966
barbara95966 sherrie92934
When the ovaries/fallopian tubes were removed I was 23. At the time of surgery I requested the uterus be taken. However, insurance won't cover the removal of healthy tissue and therefore it was left.
I requested, at my appointment last week, to skip the D & C and remove the uterus all together. For a couple different reasons they won't do being insurance.
I just phoned my ob/gyn this morning...may be getting in earlier!
sherrie92934 barbara95966
That darned insurance is always a problem. How are you doing Barbara?
Sorry I didn't reply sooner - was holiday visiting.
barbara95966 sherrie92934
I feel good but, had a slight abdominal cramping a couple weeks ago. I called my ob/gyn and he bumped my D&C up to January 9th.
Looking forward to answers, good or bad. I just want to move on and take care of whatever issues may be causing this problem.