so so angry
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Oh ime angry i have an issue with weight doctor has said it's an eating disorder I have as I hate to even put on a pound the doctor put me amitriptyline for my fibro and I have felt over the last week I have gained weighed so I weighed myself tonight and yes I have put weight on I was trying to cut the dose down myself from 75mg and managed with the 50mg but when I went down to the 25mg I was awake the whole night so stuck with the 50mg but tmrw I need 2 go to gp as I can't take these tablets she never said a side effect was weight gain 😈😈
Sorry for the rant
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wendidly643 chris11339
I have only today had my Amitripyline increased from 25 to 50 Is this what you are taking? Nobody mentioned to me that I may gain weight on them - I mean I am off food most of the time Is it Amitripyline you are talking about?
chris11339 wendidly643
Yes it's amitriptyline I was on 75mg at night but my Tounge got so sore and dry I had 2 stop it after 2 nights I haven't made it to Dr's yet but will definitely be there tmrw
tiswas24537 chris11339
so i wont take anytablets for fibro because of the side effects and most of them have side effects of weight gain . or bloating .or dizziness, or increased sweating .
i already sufer from these so dont want to add to my problems ,
look up complex regional pain syndrome on the net it will help you understand the pain . i find magneisum oil and flakes in te bath help big time in relaxing the muscles and reliving pain and restless legs and cramps . .
i also use b12,q10 vitd3 and collegen capsuals hope theres something in there that helps .
wendidly643 tiswas24537
tiswas24537 wendidly643
collidaul gold is also very good .supplement
caroline271 wendidly643
tiswas24537 caroline271
jeanne81532 tiswas24537
Where do you buy your magnesium flakes and oil from? Sounds worth trying to me. x
emlou487 tiswas24537
Private acupuncture is too much to pay every week
tiswas24537 emlou487
jeanne81532 tiswas24537
caroline271 chris11339
wendidly643 caroline271
chris11339 caroline271
It was ment to help the pain but it hasn't done anything with the pain but definitely helps me sleep better
I was 2 try 75mg then gp was going 2 try another table if it didn't work I've given up takin meds now though as I had this a few year ago with gabapentin helped with the pain but no point being pain free but 2 fat 2 move around oh I give up
tiswas24537 caroline271
now round the block kills me . i am now a size 20/22 and i hate it with a passion .
i did 5 days of taking a brisk 15 min walk, i loved it felt great to get out then came the pain flare that lasted 4 weeks . and the crushing fatigue along with it . so it just feels like i am trapped ,its nothing to do with being lazy like so many non sufferers and and gps seem to think
wendidly643 tiswas24537
caroline271 chris11339
tiswas24537 wendidly643
because your so sore, my symptoms really kicked in after my 3rd baby when i had extra baby weight he was nearly 10lbs , and i was like nellie the elephant by the end even thou i ate really well garlic chicken in bread crumbs and salad and steak and salad i had no sweet cravings at all and still the weight pilled on and iv never lost it . we tend to crave carbs . which are really bad when we cant excersise them of ,
good luck i hope you sussced in keepin git of .
Flowerlady tiswas24537
jeanne81532 Flowerlady