So tired
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This is so frustrating does it ever end everyday a different symptom it first started with night sweats joint pains then dizziness headaches nausea upset stomach now is terrible mood swings I can be happy one minute then upset the next crying my eyes out I haven't been able to get any sleep the past few days I've been getting heart palpation and shortness of breath and fulness up to my throat this happened to me a few months ago I ended up in the emergency room they did every test from x-ray to stress and thank god everything was fine I use to be very active and now all I want is to be in bed I'm always so tired and sleepy since I can't sleep at night I just want to be my self again is anyone going through all these symptoms can you let me no what can i take someone told me estroven works have any of you lady's taken it and seen results.
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colleen90305 marisol95780
I bought estroven but like vitamins, I don't take them regularly. I'm suffering too and feel these yrs will be wasted ones
debbie75601 marisol95780
You are so right, new symptoms daily! It has made me have the worst health anxiety!! I can't believe all of these symptoms are menopause related, and I'm still seeking medical answers. Nausea, no appetite, weight loss, eye problems, digestive issues, headaches....list goes on. I'm hoping it all just stops, and I can go back to some normalcy again. Hope you find some relief too. I tried estrogen a couple times, and it made me feel queasy, so I stopped. I'm on HRT now, but not sure how much, if at all, it has helped me.
marisol95780 debbie75601
So sorry Debbie that you are going through this to it is so hard to live this way being fine one day and the next having to crawl out of bed the worst part is that the doctor's tell me that I'm not in perimenopause then what is it I'm so tired of hearing this every time I go see him it's so frustrating I've gained 25 pounds it's made me so depressed every time I try my close they don't fit it's like I gain a pound every day I've always mantained my weight and now it's just horrible I have an appointment soon let see how that goes I'll talk to him about HRT see what he says hopefully we will make it through this soon I wish you the best.
Sochima822 marisol95780
I did not see results with it after taking it for 2 months. I had better luck with St. John's wort. Sage is good for hot flashes, vitamin D3 for mood.
metamorphed Sochima822
Sochima822 metamorphed
metamorphed Sochima822
Sochima822 metamorphed
marisol95780 Sochima822
Thankyou sochima for your help I would try them hopefully they would work for me to ive tried black cohosh primerose oil 1000 MG which my doctor suggested and that didn't work for me I just started taking one a day women menopause multivitamin let's see how that goes it's so hard dealing with this we really go through so much I'm glad I found this forum at least I no I'm not alone.thank you once again wishing you the best.
Sochima822 marisol95780
Marisol, maybe things work on me because I eat organic foods, I avoid anything containing soy lecithin or soy of any type including chocolate, I also don't drink coffee or tea, and no alcohol which all contribute to those symptoms. So basically, the more wholesome your body is, the better your body will absorb the pills and get into your system to work.
But St. John's wort works on any type of system. Best wishes. xo
marisol95780 Sochima822
That's so true eating healthy is part of feeling better and I haven't been doing that lately I just started around 2 days ago trying to eat better I Don't drink coffee or tea or alcohol but I am a chocolate lover which I've stopped having around a month now I've gained so much weight and I've always have eaten the Same all my life and never gained a pound I'm going to try organics maybe I would see a change.
Sochima822 marisol95780
You'll feel the change of eating organic when you start taking St. John's wort or any other pill and you see that it's working. Yes, I cut out chocolate because like you I gained a lot of weight, which I am now working on losing. Just avoid anything with soy in it as well. It's a hormone disruptor.
metamorphed Sochima822
Sochima822 metamorphed
No, if it's organic it's fine. It's the one they use in chocolate and in other foods are that are not organic that cause hormone disruption.
looloo43 metamorphed