Sober Saturday

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I didn't drink last night. It was hard at a couple of points when temptation nearly got the better of me but I didn't do it. The earlier part of the day i was optimistic - the drink monster was talking to me on & off saying my night would be boring without it. I tried to ignore it.

I practiced my dancing while my husband & Son watched the usual Saturday movie & had some popcorn. As I was finishing the drink monster started talking to me again. It was trigger time ! Every Saturday I would practice & it would be nearing bedtime for my son & while my husband but him to bed I would pour myself my first drink. There was no booze in the house so it wasn't an option. I decided to take the dog on the walk I had promised her & I put money in my pocket thinking I could stop in to the off licence & get some & down some before I came back. I knew I should of left the money at home but it made me feel safe having it. 

On the walk I posted in here as I knew it was better to say it to someone. I walked & I thought sure I can just have a bit hopefully I will get the meds soon why deprive myself now before I start the meds what is the point of that ? Then I thought of my husband who is being so supportive & my promise to myself to never drink in secret again - that is at least over. I was walking towards the off licence & my dog turned off to go a different way & I went with her. I then walked home. Once home I knew I had done it as there was no alcohol in the house.

The evening was ok. I'll admit it would of been better with my usual hit. We watched a movie ordered food & I got a foot massage. Sounds really nice but it was missing but I did it. I actually did it. I would usually would drink tonight also but I think it wil be easier to not as the craving would be strong if I had of drank last night. I have an appointment with my doctor early tomorrow morning so I also want to have a clear head & at least at that point I can tell her I abstained for a week. 

Again thank you all for your support here. 


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28 Replies

  • Posted

    amazing!! Well done. You must be proud of yourself. New begnning for you. Robin
  • Posted

    Yes! Hopefully the next time you are tempted will be just a successful. I like the fact that your dog led you away from the Off Licence too! smile

    • Posted

      I know! She just decided to turn a corner we never normally go. I have to thank her for that.

      I was very tempted again tonight but I stayed home so I've actually managed to stay sober on the 2 nights every week I would get drunk on. It was hard but I did it.


    • Posted

      Yay! 2 days....I was glad you made it thru yesterday and as everyone said...the dog knew doesn't like being left outside while you go in store..hahaha..does he have to be left outside?

      Good luck at the Dr. tommorow and make sure to tell them what a huge tempatation you got will further illustrate that you are "struggling" to stay away....I am immensly impressed by your determination...because regardless of your "pup" YOU DID could have very easily pulled the dog in the wrong direction smile

    • Posted

      She did know better! Yes I have left her outside before. We were still a bit away from the off licence but she must of known biggrin

      I really hope she gives me the prescription. My husband is coming with me & he is generally more insistant than me when it comes to things. He doesn't know about last night but I did tell him I missed the drink. 

      Thank you Misssy!! xx

  • Posted

    You done well and hey maybe the dog did you a favour if you know what i mean. Well done and good luck with the doctors tomorrow, just be honest and take all the help you can. I have been in similar times to you. I know that there have been so many times when my boyfriend has been out that i have went to off/L  or poured that drink when bedtime came. But tonight  and today i am the same as you i havent. I am also a full week sober. There are times of the day when i seem to want it more than others but somehow i am pushing past it. As you say his support means a lot and the look of happiness in my daughters eyes means so much. My son was also here yesterday as well. So there are lots of reasons not to do it. Hey you should buy your dog a treat lol good luck
    • Posted

      hi sharon "the look in my daughters eyes means so much"...Wow...I remember the first time my son was laying on my bed in 2005 when I first got sober..and he was about 15...and he was talking to me...and I REALIZED I was LISTENING..and also looking at him in the eyes..

      I will never forget that feeling...and it is a feeling that I can reflect back on now that you brought it keep me sober even today...

      So amazing for you that you have a week...when I had about a week back then I started writing down things I noticed that were different about the example with your skin energy willingness to try new wonder about what the trees and sky looked like...its all amazing...all good stuff.

      So happy for you too.

    • Posted

      Fantastic you are a full week sober!! Yes I am the same it hit me early evening & if I get passed that I seem to be ok. I'm quite content at the moment & looking forward to a good night's sleep.

      Keep the thought of your kids in your head. I am doing the same with my son. As for my dog she deserves all  the treats but she isn't well today the poor dote cry

    • Posted

      This forum has helped so much this week for me to be honest. I was content enough last night in the end, silent witness and a cup of tea for me lol 

      The kids faces when their happy is amazing, way better than that first hit of drink in your mouth...there is no comparison. 

      Hope the wee dog gets better. What age is your son?

    • Posted

      Was thinking about going for a run today...feel quite a bit physically stronger. How are things with you today Missy?
  • Posted

    Well done! Don't let the Dr convince you you don't need medication help though....just because you have managed to abstain for a week. Be persistent. Good luck. Let us know how you fare.xx

    • Posted

      Thank you Sharon !!

      Any tips on what to say? What not to say? My husband is coming with me. I know if she doesn't prescribe I will be trying elsewhere as Nalmefene is available in Ireland known as Selincro. 

      I will of course let you know xxx

    • Posted

      It will be hard but just be honest, to be fair there may be things that your husband doesnt know but he obviously wants to support you. So even if you think he will be a bit shocked at some of the things you say it is better for YOU to be honest. I have made the mistake of telling bits and pieces but not the full story, it doesnt really help you get better or your relationship. Look at today as a fresh start. Just take it day by day, there has to be hope for all of us. Your husband sounds like a good man. Wish you all the best again for today, let me know how it goes. xxxx
    • Posted

      Sorry Sadie, I have only just seen this. Think Im too late as you said your appointment was early. Great that your husband is coming. I hope you will still be able to explain your struggles honestly. 

      Basically I went with a lot of literature about it. I even said I'd drink everyday if that was the only way they would give me medication....the reason being that they are only allowed to prescribe it as a daily tablet (half a day for first week). I myself am going to use TSM  as this has the best results. I will PM you the 2 links  I was given to explain why and gives the clinication trials results. 

    • Posted

      Sharon, are you getting confused between naltrexone and nalmefene (Selincro)?

      Nalmefene is an as-and-when someone drinks every day tablet, not a daily tablet. There is nothing to say that doctors can only prescribe it to someone who is drinking every day.  It also should not be broken in two for the first week.

      This is the medication that Sadie Dee is trying to get.

      Naltrexone is usually NOT prescribed to anyone who is still drinking (old prescribing instructions from the mid 1990s, we now know taking prior to drinking gives better results), though it can be broken in two to allow for titration up to the full tablet over a few days to a week.


    • Posted

      I meant to say:

      Nalmefene is an as-and when someone drinks tablet - it is not a tablet that can only be prescribed if someone is drinking every day.

    • Posted

      That's the thing when my doc looked up Selincro - Naltrexone popped up & she said she heard bad stuff about this. I tried to explain its Selincro I wanted. I

      don't she understands how it works I'm hoping she does the right kind of research.

    • Posted

      Well now I am confused. I was prescribed Naltrexone. Half a tablet for first week, then one tablet daily. She did say however that some of her clients do use TSM. 

      So to clarify...can I use this medication using TSM?

    • Posted

      Sadie - your doctor had probably heard bad things about naltrexone because they prescribe it daily, and tell people not to drink.  This has been clinically proven to not be much better than placebo so people tend to relapse - hence doctors believing naltrexone is no good.

      Sharon - yes, naltrexone can be used for TSM but you only take the naltrexone one hour prior to drinking and not on any days that you don't drink.  That is TSM.  Taking the tablet every day in the morning, will block ALL endorphins.  The concept of TSM is to allow yourself to enjoy endorphins when you don't drink, and target the blocking of the endorphins when you do drink.  The brain comes to learn that drinking no longer reinforces the endorphin/reward mechanism, whereas other activities do.

      If someone is currently drinking every day, then they take a tablet one hour before each drinking session of the day and then start working with the tablet to get to the stage of having days when they don't drink, and so therefore don't take a tablet.

    • Posted

      Thank you Joanna, yes I understand this. So how does the half tablet work? If I am using TSM do I go straight to one tablet an hour before drinking? Or do I still start with 1/2 tablet for first week of using and drinking?
    • Posted

      Start with good meal about 30 minutes before taking HALF a tablet.  Drink lots of water and wait the hour.  Then drink alcohol, recognising that the usual 'rush' is missing from the drinking experience.  Drink more water before bedtime.

      The half tablet is just to get you used to the medication and to lessen the chances of any nausea etc.

      If you feel find after doing this a couple of times then repeat with the full tablet.

      (the meal and water doesn't need to continue once you have got fully used to the tablet, you can just take it with a glass of water).

      If after taking the full tablet, you feel fine, then you can revert straight to TSM - one tablet one hour prior to drinking. 

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