Somebody please help before I lose my mind
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Hi all
Just stumbled across this group while Googling symptoms.
I’m 45. For the last two years I’ve had so many strange symptoms I feel like I’m losing my mind. I have health anxiety so I’m always thinking the worst. GP is fed up with me and puts everything down to anxiety.
Symptoms much worse the last six months or so.
Two main things worrying me right now:
1). Last month I had electric shock type shooting pains in right breast. They would happen several times a day, startle me and last for a few seconds. Went to GP and she said she could feel nothing of concern.
Those have stopped now, but instead I’m getting pinching type pains in the same breast when I lean or stretch a certain way. Kind of feels like a pinchy nerve pain.
2). I had what I thought was ovulation pains on left side this week. It’s the right time in my cycle. But they’ve lasted for three days now and still hurting, though not as much as the first couple of days. Is it normal to get ovulation pain for that long? I’ve also got horrendous lower back pain.
My other symptoms include:
Joint pain, especially hands and feet
Muscle aches
Back pain, upper and lower
Blurred vision and dry eyes
Ear pressure and tinnitus
Palpitations and skipped beats
Chest pain
Sore intestines
Numbness in legs and fingertips
Crushing tiredness that I have to stop what I’m doing and sleep
Heat intolerance
Insomnia and waking early
Night sweats occasionally
Tailbone pain
My periods are regular and cause no trouble.
Recently I’ve had thyroid ultrasound, two upper abdo ultrasounds, bloods, diabetes test, all normal.
I’m so scared right now. I can’t get to the GP for another week and even then I think they will just send me away again.
Can anyone else relate to these symptoms, especially the breast and ovulation pain?
Thank you for reading if you got this far.
4 likes, 38 replies
wendy36287 Lrowley77
Gwenn1120 Lrowley77
I think I am about to lose my mind too.
Im 53, in full menopause , I have had in and off scalp tingling for 3 three months; bresst pain, burning vagina, burning skin sensations,severe muscle pain on and off for 4 years, headaches, chronic neck pain., sciatica.
MRI, CT's, blood tests, urine tests, all came back clear (except for bone spurs, mild bulging discs and arthritis in neck and lumbar).
I started have major anxiety as well. After one huge meltdown electric shock sensations on and off, and visible twitching.all over.
This of course has added to my anxiety as now Im terrified I have ALS/motor neurone ..or MS.
My GP thinks it is due to anxiety and menopause and has reluctantly just referred me to a neurologist.
Ive tried various hrt , antidepressants but haven't got much success as yet.
Honestly I feel paralysed by fear about making that
appointment despite wanting to know because Im.assuming the worst.
I cannot believe all of this would be menopause related, surely it cant be this cruel.?
My sympathies to you and all the other ladies suffering btw. Ant Any tips or advice gratefully received.
Sochima822 Gwenn1120
Gwenn1120 Sochima822
Omg. Well it's hideous. Now my anxietyis in overdrive thinking I have ALS which terrifies me.
Ive got small twitches all over my body and theyre not going away, which adds to the anxiety!
Burning muscle pain, insomnia on top of that. I look 83 and feel 100!
The only snall comfort I take is reading other people's horrible issues and I feel a horrible person basically saying I am gladnot the only one experiencing these nasty symptoms, cause I really wouldn't wish tgem on sny woman.
Im trying to muster the courage to make my neurologist appt next week. I feel as though I have a death sentence looming over my hesd.
There will be at least a three week waiting time anyway Im told, so I should just bite the bullet and do it.
Sorry to ll the ladies, I know I appear a toral melodramatic misery guts.
kelly85748574 Gwenn1120
amongst a litany of other symptoms I listed in a reply below!!! I know exactly how worried you I sit here typing this... i have the same.
I’ve been awake all night with the left ovary twinge and obviously I’ve convinced myself it’s cancer. I took two Ibuprofen which knocked the pain for a couple of hours. But now it’s back. The thing is it’s not even that painful and I can barely feel it. I’m just hyper aware now. But it’s sent me on a spiral and I’ve been picturing my 14 year old daughter growing up without me and other dark thoughts.
Marinab Lrowley77
Hi Lrowley77 - Yes, I have had ovulation pain for days and sometimes Advil etc. doesn't help. I'm 53 and still have it although not as bad as when I was in my 40s, Don't worry though because it is your body's way of letting you know everything is cycling through. I ended up going on the pill to control bleeding,nausea etc but it was great not to have that mid-month pain. I'm off the pill now and the pain is back but when that pain ends I will know I am crossing over to the other side
Have had many of the symptoms you list. My co-worker and I have been going through this for 2-3 years and just discussed how there is a slight improvement. Perhaps because the hormone levels are reducing and the fluctuations aren't as dramatic?
My new way of coping is to look at what is working in my body, When I freak out with health anxiety, I try to chalk it up to a hormonal high or low and not some other serious illness. It would be nice if there was some kind of meter to show our hormone levels are at any given time!
Take care
jennifer85442 Lrowley77
amy341731 Lrowley77
2chr2015 amy341731
amy341731 2chr2015
2chr2015 amy341731
She didn’t want to refer me as she was adamant that it was nothing to be worried about but I insisted and she gave in lol.
Guest Lrowley77
kelly85748574 Lrowley77
Do not feel alome. I found this forum literally about an hour ago...I am 48 and sitting here reading this while researching "muscle twitches and aches" bc that's a new thing for me to go with my recent and increasingly noticeable....
-frequent low back pain, constipation, newly diagnosed interstitial cystitis (frequent uti with no identifiable cause..but holy cow painful), heart palps, electric feel, insomnia, constant worry/anxiety, food sensitivities. Some days I feel pretty good..other days I just feel ILL.
I'm a cancer survivor, mom of 4 who already has health worries and paranoia (that I keep at bay with yoga, weighlifting, tianti inflammatory diet, meditation, EFT,supplements) so this crap is for the birds!!! I shutter think what I'd feel like if I didnt do all of those things!!! What's left????? You may all just save my sanity...what little I have left!!! Please keep the faith. Your post has helped me a bit today already..I'm sorry you feel so awful, I'm just grateful I am not going insane and clearly see I'not dying nor making this stuff up!
Gwenn1120 kelly85748574
Hi Kelly,
Just saw your post. I am glad you don't alone. Im on the end of a break at work, so can't leave much of a reply but will later on tonight. Hang in there.
kelly85748574 Gwenn1120
Gwenn1120 kelly85748574
I am going mad after all, I thought I had replied in a long post.
Im on a phone so will look for the awol post. Knowing me I have left it on another thread lol.
kelly85748574 Gwenn1120