Someone please help.
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Hello. I am in a desperate place and need help/feedback. This is my first time ever posting, so please bare with me if it is lengthy. I am a 27 year old female, very overweight, nonsmoker.
I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember, even in childhood. However, in the past months it has taken on a new form and is totally debilitating. It started in October. The night before a flight (I'm terrified of flying) I started having awful pain in the back left side of my head, as if I had hit it or were having a stroke. Ever since then I've had every strange symptom imaginable: heart palpitations, tingling in my face, weakness on my left side, dizziness, a sense that I am going to pass out, night tremors, a vague dissociative feeling, and more. I should add that I've been under a lot of pressure: my dad was diagnosed with cancer, my mom is in kidney failure, my marriage is absolutely falling apart, and there are pressures at work and school (finished grad school in December) that seem overwhelming to me. I've had an MRI due to two family members having MS. It was normal. I've had normal routine blood tests, decent blood pressure readings, a normal EKG, but can't shake the feeling that something is gravely wrong. I've drastically changed my diet and have started therapy. I've tried a low dose of Busbar, which wasn't that helpful. I think I'm just looking for someone who can relate, because I feel so alone.
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elaine75058 holly72204
holly72204 elaine75058
elaine75058 holly72204
holly72204 elaine75058
elaine75058 holly72204
AnonymousWoman holly72204
You have been going through a lot lately. I think the symptoms you have been having are just yoru body expressing the undue stress you have been under with all that you have had going on. Try not to get too worried about it as that'll only keep the viscious cycle of anxiety going. Not to say ignore it. When you feel bad, you need to acknowledge it and try to do things to make yourself feel physically and mentally better.
Try getting outside sometimes, doing some exercise if you like any particular kinds, I find even just guided meditation (check youtube
can be really good. Even if you can give yourself just a short break from the anxious chatter that goes on in your mind, it can help. Focus on making little steps towards reducing anxiety.
It's great that you reached out for some help, welldone. That can be very difficult to do.
And remember, you are NOT alone. We are here xxx
holly72204 AnonymousWoman
hgreen holly72204
holly72204 hgreen