Someone please help
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I have been going crazy for a year. Everything is fine when I am up walking around but as soon as I lay down to go to sleep everything changes. I am 47 years old and feel as if my life has been taken over. I start getting heart palps body jerks and a funny feeling in my head as if I am going to pass out. I have been to the doctor and he looks at me like I am crazy. Does anyone else get these symptoms while lying down.
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maria101 shirl15546
Hi Shirl been there has those symptoms your not going crazy it's hormones
A couple of months ago I was afraid to sleep it seems like I was panicking when I wake up or I will have a thumping I also had jerking too
These symptoms will come and go do don't worry and get yourself to work up or your Anxiety will be through the roof
We are all here for you,what ever you are experiencing is all normal and you will. Be OK
I know we all scared when I go out i get bit frighten walking because of my funny head
Be strong darling take each as it comes
Anything sensations they think you are crazy what we are experiencing is hormones messing around causing us to think all sorts.
shirl15546 maria101
estrella_77505 shirl15546
I understand what you're going through. This sounds like severe anxiety.
I'm going through it too. I have dry mouth and it's horrible. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Is there a cure?
shirl15546 estrella_77505
estrella_77505 shirl15546
You're are very welcome ????
looloo43 estrella_77505
Hi ladies. There is a spray you can buy from the most well know high street chemist b---ts, dry mouth spray, especially for people with dry mouth that maybe caused by meds, anxiety etc. its very good & refreshes your mouth when you dont have enought saliva. worth a try it only cost £3-£4 & you only need a little squirt. xx
looloo43 estrella_77505
didi0613 shirl15546
It's all normal peri symptoms. Don't go to the doctor to tell her or him your symptoms. They don't know or will think you need anti-anxiety meds. Trust me on that one. I felt the same as you, and my Dr. made me feel the same way.
estrella_77505 didi0613
What's peri symptom? I'm taking Xanax during the day and at night. But I was told the dry mouth is due to my severe depression and anxiety.
shirl15546 estrella_77505
bobbysgirl shirl15546
First of all - you are NOT going crazy! Didi is right about doctors. I'm sure that all those years spent studying is just to fit a pill to an ill and very little more. Mt doc is a lovely man and a keen gardener like me. But when it comes to things like nutrition he is clueless. Good nutrition is SO important for good health and helps your body fix itself. Right I'll climb down off my soapbox now.
I have neck and shoulder problems and sleep with a heap of pillows. Since I started doing this I no longer get the 'funny feeling' you talk about and find it easier to get off to sleep. I don't often stay asleep and I wake several times a night. But I have a large glass of water, with a little lemon juice, on the bedside table. I have it down to a fine art now. Wake up, get up, jiggle everything back into place, sit on edge of bed, have a sip of water, get comfy go back to sleep.
I know it sounds daft, it feels daft writing about it, but it works and I don't feel exhausted in the morning. It might work for you too, I hope so.
didi0613 bobbysgirl
Keep at it Bobbysgirl.
sue58256 shirl15546
Yes shirl I get palps and jerking when I am lying down to the point where I feel my arms and legs are about to "shoot" off and like the girls say its normal and unless the gp understands it they havent a clue.I was very fortunate the doctor not only understood my menopause but the effects of my anxiety and depression she even said she felt sorry for me going through the double whammy and talked about my hormones and feelings all over the place she really took the time to explain things. if you had asked me about my palps about three months ago i would and did ask for all tests conceivable. yet now because the doc has explained and others have helped me understand on here I take it as part of my symptons hope this helps
lori7712 shirl15546
Hi shirl,
First, as everyone else has said, you are not going crazy. My worst symptoms happen when my body is trying to rest. The main reason for this is that the part of the brain that regulates body temp, etc is also the same that triggers the amygdala-the warning/danger part. So when something is happening to your body, your brain can't differentiate between a "bear" or hormones. So when your body is going into "rest" mode, body temp decreasing as well as your heart and entire parasympathetic system, hormones are not. So there is a battle from within.
Second, you may want to consider either medication that settles that system or some natural techniques (essential oils-make sure it is someone who has a degree and can do a blend specifically for you). I have ativan for the severe nights as well as a SNRI. I do meditation nightly and the oils. I'm 50 and trying to "roll" through this.
God bless you and best wishes.
sue58256 lori7712
well explained Lori my doctor explained this all to me because I was waking up with a thumping sensation as well as other symptoms. and couldn't understand it because I thought being asleep I was relaxed noooooooooo the body is still and feels more and of course when do we get a good nights sleep. sometimes I am more tired that when I went to sleep. I take the menapace and evening primrose along with some oils I am going to try the black cohosh when these course of tablets are finished to see if they work any better thank you for your post I hope it helps others I feel if I understand it I cope with it better