something feels stuck on tongue, loads of small papillae middle back tongue, yellow coating
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Please have a look at the picture and tell me if you see something weird going on.
It's now been 3 months of tongue/throat hell.
3 months ago, I started feeling that something was stuck on the back of my tongue. I went to the hospital one week later, they found nothing.
Now for the last 3 months,I keep needing to swallow as I feel stuck is stuck on my tongue.
Along with the feeling of stuff stuck on tongue, I have some dryness back of throat, the need to keep swallowing food as it doesn't go down easily, lost 4 kilos in 1 month (eating properly), extreme tiredness & neck pain (maybe due to the constant swallowing)
I would never try and get a diagnosis from the internet, but I have been seen by many doctors and still waiting for more tests.. maybe someone out there have seen this type of issue before and can help out.
Anyone who has a clue, please let me know.
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erickim1985 therese91
Trying to help you out. Before you go spend your money in hospital, go work out, eat healthy foods, relieve your stress and anxiety. Drink plenty of water and chew a lot and swallow.
I can tell you that your doctor won’t find anything.
I’ve been through all these but my last solution was working out and eating healthier. I am still battling but I got a lot better. If you don’t take care of your self. It will come to you. I know I can sound so harsh but that’s the only solution buddy.
donna74411 erickim1985
How do you know her doctor will not find anything? I've been working on taking care of myself and eating healthy for years, but it did not stop the problem. She stated she had been eating properly.
Sometimes medication is needed to clear up a serious fungal infection.
If it has caused her to lose weight and she is having difficulty swallowing she needs to see a doctor. She is awaiting more tests. Working out and eating healthier are good ideas. I've had lots of friendly advice, but when a person is very sick working out or eating healthier isn't always possible.
To imply she isn't taking care of herself is insulting in my opinion. I remember when people blamed me when I got cancer like I had done something wrong and caused this to happen to me.
I'm not sure what you mean by saying you have been through "all of these." I do know that all things cannot be cured through working out and eating healthier.
No disrespect intended.
therese91 erickim1985
When this happened, I was going to the gym, eating healthy and not stressed in any way.
erickim1985 donna74411
erickim1985 therese91
I am not saying you did not. I am not you so I can really say but I wrote it because it worked for me in someway. Good luck with your health
donna74411 therese91
The good news? The script for the fungal infection worked quickly. Within 3 days I was better. The bad news? Not one of my local doctors knew what it was. Even my pulmonogist who did a bronchoscope and found fungus in my lungs knew what had infected my vocal cords. He said he had never seen anything like it before.
Look up oral thrush. Are you using an inhaler? Regurgitating frequenting? Taking meds for GERD? All of these can produce an overgrowth of candida.
Best of luck and hope you feel better soon!
therese91 donna74411
Hi Donna!
So happy to hear you're better now.
I've had many doctors telling me I don't have oral thrush, so im guessing I dont?
Everytime when swallowing, I feel like I keep swallowing down small pieces of something, which you can imagine can become super annoying as it makes me want to swallow more.
This started out of the blue one day, I was healthy going to the gym, eating well and healthy, not drinking much alcocol etc.
in the beginning it was just a small area on the tongue irritating, now its travelled more down to back of mouth/throat area & sometimes when swallowing, it feels like its not opening up properly again and breathing comes difficult.
A doctor has put a small scope down my nose, cannot see anything wrong in my mouth area. Now waiting to have an endoscopy.
When eating, it feels like small pieces are not being pushed properly from my mouth down to throat & pills feel like they get stuck in the back of my mouth just before being pushed down the throat
very annoying feelings.
donna74411 therese91
Hi Theresa,
I had a scope and they told me the same thing. It wasn't until weeks later that the upper GI confirmed the diagnoses. My dentist and pulmonogist said everything was normal. My pulmonologist even said the yeast in my lungs was normal!
Have you had the barium swallow test? I couldn't swallow the pill.
I really hope you feel better soon!
therese91 donna74411
Hi Donna,
Very interesting, let's see if that endoscopy shows something then. Im guessing the upper GI test is the same as a normal endoscopy?
I have not had the barium test no, maybe the doctor will organise that too, let's see.
Thank you Donna, 3 months now and its ripping me a part mentally, of course I try and keep as positive and happy as possible
easier said than done.
donna74411 therese91
The endoscopy was the same. Different doctors in different towns. The first one told me all my problems were related to my diet. My 2nd opinion doctor thought he was crazy and ordered another scope/upper GI.
I totally understand how this can drive you mentally crazy! Good job trying to stay positive and happy. It is easier said than done. I'm sending you hugs and good thoughts!
Hope your doctors are able to find and fix this quickly!
j14991 donna74411
Hi Donna, What were you prescribed that got rid of it in 3 days? I think I'm having this right now! Thanks very much for your help.
donna74411 j14991
It has been awhile. I do not remember the exact name of the medication. It was an antifungal pill. My mother currently is battling COVID-19 and has gotten thrush in her mouth. They are giving her an antifungal along with a prescription mouth wash.
It cleared hers up in 3 days.
Thrush is a fungus and in my humble opinion needs to be treated with an antifungal medication.
Best wishes! Hope you get the help you need.
cassandra79111 donna74411
where you having trouble swallowing pills and feeling like they were getting stuck?
AlanJM therese91
If it is oral thrush / candidiasis a pharmacist would probably tell you what medication would help.
There are also some hints about how to deal with the condition:
Please note these are from an achalasia sufferer who had candida in her oesophagus long term before surgery for achalasia - which is entirely irrelevant because it is simply because she offered these hints to achalasia sufferers.
· For a month at a time, I cut out all dairy foods, alcohol, sugar (particularly important), mushrooms, melon, grapes (the last three tend to harbour mould very easily).
· Best to follow a vegan diet but make sure any nuts you eat are reasonably fresh. I store nuts for the muesli I make, in the freezer, as nuts can get an invisible mould.
· Watch invisible mould in left-overs, particularly rice (don’t keep cooked rice longer than 24 hours). Nothing more than 48 hours – bin it!
· No yeast-based products, such as bread, beer, wine.
· Vodka is OK as a spirit.
· Eat organic where possible.
· Good quality French cheese is good for candida if it has bacteria as these are not fungal and are actually helpful for candida.
· Can have yogurt.
· Citric Acid can help – very concentrated and tastes foul. X drops in water and gargle with it. You can swallow a little bit to help kill off the fungal infection.
· Cortisol mouth wash can help if it is painful.
· Vitamin B supplement (not yeast based).
· Get a decent candidate cookbook for recipes for candida.
· Anti-fungal Oreganol can also help with oral thrush – taken at breakfast and evening meal
· No coffee or chocolate.
· Take good probiotic breakfast, lunch and evening meal (preferably purchasd from Metabolics) to build up immune system
· Also take good quality Zinc – breakfast, lunch and evening meal also obtainable from Metaboliocs.
· Ionic silver (2 teaspoons) taken before breakfast
· Watch too many chemical cleaning products. I changed from treating swimming pool with chlorine to non-chlorine based product.
NB I took all these supplements only when the Oral Thrush was at its height. Normally, I just take one zinc and one probiotic last thing. I have been clear of candida for years now but I DO have a very small chronic ulcer near the valve with the stomach.
therese91 AlanJM
Thank you for your advise!
I am waiting for an endoscopy so lets see what they can find there.