Something very scary happened
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yesterday i was laying watching tv and out of the blue something very scary happened to my vision. ill try to explain the best i can it was like when you look at the sun or something bright from the sun reflecting off it, i had bright silver shiny spots in my vision i laid there calm waiting for it to stop. it didn't it sent me in a major panic attack and i went to ER. no bloodwork no CT scan hooked me up to a heart monitor gave me something to calm down sent me home. im scared it will happen again something is very wrong with what happened. i was scared i had a stroke or something. has anyone ever had anything like this to happen?
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staci88515 pamela2016
All the time. Ever since I had my first migraine with aura last October at 43. My life has been one big panic attack and every moment is filled with anxiety. It happens ever day and it's ruined my life. What did they say at the ER?
susan43259 pamela2016
hi there yes same thing happed to me last week it was like I had be staring at the sun then I had this bright light in front of my eyes
Must have lasted a out an hour then it passed was very strange but manage to not get into a panic no doubt it will happen again at some point
Gypsy014 pamela2016
Thats the aura before the migraine strikes with or without pain.. Mine happen to be the most painful ones you could imagine..the auras can be so many different signs the migraine is on its way everything from seeing spots wavy lines loss if vision , numbness they are scary and awful and just like staci it has ruined me, I have anxiety and panic so bad as to when the next one will strike me .. My last one I felt like I was aware of everything going on around me but I could move or speak my mouth was stiff an I was numb, 3 days before I had ice pick stabbing pains going thru the top of my head to bottom of back of head , they have gotten severe.. Look into migraines and read all about them , apparently they are commonly during this phase of life..
Gypsy014 pamela2016
also Pamela you should learn your triggers if they continue or get worse, you can't stop them every month because the drop and surge in hormones make them happen every month no matter what, but you can prevent extra ones from coming by learning your triggers , and for me I can NOT watch my newer big screen tv the led lights affect me going by an ambulance with lights going and siren sounds, smells, computer screens ,Wal-Mart fluorescent lights, and other big stores, certain foods, these all trigger a bad migraine with aura for me , that lasts a week, from beginning with numbness dizziness arias then the attack after a day then what they call the migraine hangover.. Ive had these about 3 years now and getting worse no relief in site, and never had this before in my entire life..
Guest pamela2016
Sounds sorta like the silver glittery rain I see once in awhile. Used to scare me, now I just go with it. ugh
Sorry you went thru that ❤
lori92895 pamela2016
WOW!! About same thing happened to me yesterday! I had like a opaque spot that would sit in my left eye and I would blink and finally it would go away just to return only two seconds later. I thought, I hope it's not glaucoma. I went and looked at it and it all looked clear. Then today at work the same thing happened but all was clear when I had a co-worker look at it. If it comes back and stays, that's when I'll worry, I guess. It was really weird though.
Sassyr12a pamela2016
Hi Pamela
Yes this has happened quite a few times but always as a result of my hrt. I've just changed dosage again to have less estrogen because when that peaks it can cause migraines with aura and ocular migraines. They really are scary especially when you haven't had it before. I started having them regularly in July and would lose vision, have flashing lights and threads of colour like a kaleidoscope. It lasts about 20 mins and if I take some headache tablets straight away it sometimes stops it. Sure to be hormone related so worth asking your doctor and having your eyes tested xxx
hi ladies thanks for replying i really dont know how to explain what it looked like all i know is it was like i had looked at the sun and i hadn't cause i wasn in watching a movie, then i layed there and it wasn't passing i got up started to panic alittle not much at that point was walking to the kitchen and while i had this going on in my whole vision both eyes i felt like the silver big blotchy spots was moving like i was in the twilight zone i felt dizzier then usual this went on for 30 min then i started to panic extreme panic and that made it all worse i went to the er they didnt check my eyes or do a CT scan focused on the panic and calming me down then focusing on what cause the panic. i told them what my vision did didnt seem concerned apparently but i am. gave my something to calm me down and sent me home thats all they did hook me to a heart monitor my hearts fine cause i mentioned the palps i get. i cant describe any better what happened to me but it scared me to death. im still not quite right today idk maybe the bad panic made me feel worse but i cant do no more scary things. went to my dr today did bloodwork praying that comes back ok. i hope im nearing the end of perimenopause and thats why the horrible scarier symptoms but i prat to God that nevwr happens again.
staci88515 pamela2016
Pamela, that is exactly how my first aura happened. In an instant, it was like I looked at the sun or a flashlight or a light bulb. I kept blinking to make it go away. I was indoors and had not looked at anything bright. A few minutes later, I developed a scintillating scotoma. It grew larger and larger until the colorful zig zags started. It was downhill from there. You are not alone. I was so terrified and it was so traumatic, that I swear I have PTSD from those 40 minutes of being scared out of my mind as my vision went haywire, xo
VAV2018 pamela2016
Wow ladies! I feel like I'm reading about myself after reading your posts! My vision has been weird lately, but I've had issues with blood pressure lately so I thought that was why. But lately just looking at bright screens (like my phone or TV) or driving on sunny days causes the auras that you all described. I have been stressing about it. I also just recently moved to Washington from Texas and am dealing with all kinds of things like sore muscles and joints to a dry cough that comes and goes. I'm sure the drastic change in climate and my crazy hormones have a lot to do with it, but my panicked mind automatically assumes it's lung cancer or some horrible undiagnosed disease. My health anxiety is at an all time high. Can't wait for this premenopausal nightmare to end.
pamela2016 VAV2018
its all scary im getting ready to move to fl in a few weeks,idk how to do all this and move and yes past few years ive notice florescent lights mess with my eyes and head all so scary and to me not normal
pinkcatfairy pamela2016
Unfortunately this is a symptom not mentioned very often,, it is an aura, I get them without the migraine, started about 51, they tapered off only to return, in the beginning I had as many as six a month. They are classed as a silent migraine. The first one i ever had set off a panic attack. Mine were caused by several things, tiredness, fridge, tv or phone ligbts (normally if room etc is quite dark) rose' wine, caffeine, stress, or a combination of these things and of course hormones!