sooooo miserable all the time
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Miserable ....crying all the time...having to stop the car because I just ramdomly start I Teresa in anything g....isolating myself from everyone especially people who are "happy:!!...constantly wanting my 13 year old to be little again...and crying when I see little children. thoughts about people dying...nothing to look forward to...can't even be bothered talking to people some days...just want to stay in bed...can anyone else relate to this???😢😢😢😢😢
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dobb34487 lizzymarie
Bless you
You need to speak to someone.Would you go the doctors?Living with these feelings especially when you have children to care for is not easy.Do you think it's all Menopausal?could you be depressed?Anything going on at home that needs addressing?
I'm in post surgical menopause and had alot of those feelings that you have until I was healed enough to go on HRT.Within a fortnight I felt so much better.Hormonal inbalance causes us ladies so much inner turmoil.
Please talk to someone and try to get some happy feelings back.Life is wonderful and your children need you 💖
wen_54374 lizzymarie
I can definitely understand where you are coming from its a terrible place to be .I feel just the same it's a roller coaster of ups and downs and I know I am miserable to be around .I don't want to do anything or chat to people it's such a effort .The only time I am at peace in my head is when I am asleep .I am constantly worried about dying and cancer it is taking over my life.This menopause is terrible .please don't feel alone with this lots of us are dealing with these feelings .
Happy2016 wen_54374
I have to take Paxil 60 milligrams for my depression... And Klonipin for my anxiety. I can't take a HRT because I smoke. Sooooo Im buying AMBREN today for help with menopause. Women are swearing by it.
becky53379 lizzymarie
All of this, yes I can relate exactly to what you're going through! Mine lasted about the whole summer feeling just like you feel right now. It does get better though. You just have to hang on and do what you can do to keep yourself positive. If you don't feel like talking to people don't talk to people . One thing that helped me the most was keeping my mind busy, taking light walks, doing laundry or watching comedy movies. I also prayed, and read my devotional daily. You will feel me! I still have little bouts of the old feelings but nothing like before. Keep posting on this site and reading all the post. These ladies are so awesome and we will help you get through this. We are all at different plases in perimenopause so someone can help you at all times. I will be praying for you! Take care!
valarie24431 lizzymarie
Happy2016 valarie24431
I'm buying AMBREN over the counter TODAY. women are swearing by it.
Indifferent lizzymarie
Oh Lizzy! i sure can...been like that for two months. Completely hopeless. I was really starting to scare myself. The other day I called a woman I know because it turned into a panic attack that I couldn't shake for two days. She gave me some stuff called Bach's Rescue Remedy that you can get at any health food store. It stopped the panic right there, within minutes.
Then she told me about all the other Bach flower essenses. I bought six (for the tears, the moods, the anxieties, the depression. Look them up. I have been feeling great since Thursday! After having only four good days in the previous thorty. So I would say they are working wonderfully!
Hugs to you. It will be over soon
valarie24431 Indifferent
Indifferent, I'll have to look that stuff up too. Thanks for sharing!
Indifferent valarie24431
Happy2016 Indifferent
valarie24431 Indifferent
Indifferent Happy2016
paula97795 lizzymarie
I can relate to all of this I am 49 and been having problems for nearly a year I'm still having periods usually every three weeks. I constantly feel low especially before I come on I am dizzy light headed and generally feeling u well I keep thinking awful thoughts of having cancer or something wrong with me I've tried the usual primrose oil etc but nothing works I have seemed to spend the last year at the doctors with sinus problems which could be related to the menopause with tinnitus too I've been treated for that with nasal sprays etc but not I proved at all. I feel miserable most of the time and can't be bothered to talk to people sometimes. I am back at docs on Monday as my husband wants me to start taking hrt as he's about had enough of the way I feel but I'm mpreally not sure at all. I feel your pain.
Happy2016 paula97795
Hey Paula. I can't take HURT per my Dr. Because I'm a smoker and it will defiantly cause blood clots. Im buying an ETC at wall mart today called AMBREN. All natural and women are swearing by it... I pray it help's me Im 53 in a couple week's. No period now in 5 months. Had hormone labs..confirmed post menopausal. Insomnia is my main side effect which in turn makes all else triple worse!!!! Im isolating also.