Soreness sensitivity miserable
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Eleven years into menopause or hell is probably a better word for it. No hrt as bad reaction so all natural coped with hot flushes lack if sleep insomnia mood swings. Etc now out of the blue sitting down is so uncomfortable like prickly hedgehog. Constantly sore swollen down below diagnosed atrophic vagina (what fun ladies it just got a whole lot better NOT) anyone else out there with these symptoms??
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jane98094 liz53953
HRT helps but if you can't have then REPLENSMD is a longer lasting vaginal moisturiser helps .
liz53953 jane98094
sheryl37154 liz53953
liz53953 sheryl37154
jayneejay liz53953
Replens MD vaginal moisturiser is very very good..
also senstra for women is good for external use.. clitoral stimulation..
Pjur woman is very good too as a lube.. have tried so many and these in my experience have been the best...
i see vagisal products have expended too and have a wide range of products..
vagisal cream is good for itchy dryness externally too..
Jay xx
Retired2011 liz53953
i am so sorry u are suffering and the hedgehog description about Sums it up. Studies show about 50-60% of women suffer from atrophy! but many women are too embarrassed to talk about it, which is unfortunate. Vaginally atrophy occurs with many women, including myself! I just went back on estrogen about six weeks ago, and while the pain, dryness, burning and irritation are a little better, I have a long way to go. I was off hormones for six months and I think it made thing worse for my vagina.
A couple of things you could look at is vaginal Estrace, Vagifem, and a compounded estriol or biest cream in the vagina. The compounded vaginal creams or tablets may help you without giving you a lot of systemic issues. I am in the US so if you are from the UK I assume they have compounding pharmacies who can make it up. You don't specify which HRT you were on but in my case I had to try many, since some of the estrogens, namelyPermian gave me horrible reactions.
Goggle high oxalate diet since those foods can irritate the vagina as food along with a lot of foods that contain acids, such as tomatoes and coffee sometimes irritate the vagina since urine will be acidic. I have also tried vitamin e with coconut and palm oil in a suppository sold on Amazon which helped. I also use a vaginal balm from Indian Meadow Herbals which is excellent and they are out of Maine, but you can google and order. I hope you feel better since eleven years is along time to suffer--whoever said menopause was a time of "freedom and wisdom" must of been a man!
liz53953 Retired2011
sheryl37154 liz53953
liz53953 sheryl37154
jayneejay liz53953
i too do natural route... I am 10 years peri aged just 50.. havent had period for 11 months so nearing the end... my experience with vaginal dryness hasnt been too bad, but assistance sometimes needed for sex.. but like I say replens MD is good
I am very sensitve too to strong bubble baths etc etc etc ... infact I always have a bath, I am not a fan of showering I like a relaxing bath always have, like to relax in the water 😃 so have to be careful what I wash with, its always femfresh for me, always has been as very gentle, I dont use replens MD all the time just as and when, i did use it more often, but since the B6 150mg daily, things have improved for me...
you say you are 11 years into peri so we are very similar that way... if I can go one more month I will have reached full meno.. I must say my symptoms are minimal now, and going natural route I know I will be feeling much like this goin forwards which is great, no after HRT finished shocks and downers and reoccurring peri to deal with in later life, I take all the Vits and natural supps, B6 changed my life in April, sounds pathetic but it did, and also i find that Vit K2 is a must for bones, I take the calcium and Vit D3 but shall add Vit K2 to my list now and shall order some off amazon later.. prevention is the key,but only natural for me as I cant risk HRT due to family history hell, and wont take HRT, as I want it over and done with allowing my body to resuxe what it wants i. its own wat and not confuse it by adding Hormonea its naturally wanting to rid.. yes it works for many and maybe has benefits but the risks are too great for me, and I am pleased it helps some ladies and they are happy on it and its all personal choice, and I love hearing the ladies experiences it is so sisterly and helpful, believe me during some peri phases I have thought my self enough is enough but got through it and feel liberated I have... .if you dont take B6 yet Liz .. take it try it its amazing... it also helps ladies on HRT too as it assists absortion ... good luck Liz.. Jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
you have been more sore since Coconut oil have you ... as i read laot about that ages ago, and if it is not extra virgin coconut oil it can make you sore..
I just used some Replens MD as been in pool alot lately so just like to protect everything... never had any reaction or soreness with it..
it was only just a thought with the coconut oil ... I couldnt use it I dont think my bits would like that or Vit E internally ... oooch ooooch hahahah
Jay x
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
you have to have a sense of humour ... it helps so much...
i laugh about all of it... and quite open with people about it... and find it very liberating to go all this time natural..
if i stay another month no period my years up... full meno... after 10 years ... yipppeeeee.... will continue as i am with all the vits and naturals and bobs your uncle 😑 good luck ... Jay x
jayneejay liz53953
details ...
Fast Relief, for External Feminine Itching due to Thrush, Perspiration, Deodorants or Detergents.
Fast acting anaesthetic instantly cools, soothes, Itching, Burning and Irritation.
Lignocaine USP 2% w/w.
Greaseless, non-staining.
Vagisil medicated creme has been formulated to give prompt, effective relief from the discomfort of minor itching, burning, and other irritations of the external area surrounding the vagina. The fast-acting anaesthetic formula goes to work in seconds to stop the the burning...soothe irritation.
Vagisil creme forms a protective film over irritated tissue to reduce the chance of further irritation.
Vagisil is lightly scented, non-staining and greaseless.
good luck hun Jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
Try a little vagisil i was like you thought same..will it make it worse..but its very soothing ... External use only ... Replens Md for internal moisture.. I am ridiculasly sensitive below... I even do the pool maintenance on pool so PH and levels are always spot on, nightmare😃 dont trust anyone else to do it 😊 give it a try i am pretty sure when you do you will wish you had alot sooner 😊. Take care jay x