sorry to everyone

Posted , 6 users are following.

Just wanted to say a quick sorry to you all. I've had some lovely supportive posts from this forum and want to return the favour, but with trying to battle with work I just don't have the stamina to read through the messages, but my thoughts are with you all and I hope soon to be some support back!


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30 Replies

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    hI Maz, Thanks for your thoughts, hope your battle with everything is going okish at least.  l think this is a bad week, for me anyway, and maybe others, as the mbs got very quiet, as if lots of us are having a battle this week particularly, maybe increased allergens aggrevating, or high pressure, weather changing, said to be high this week.  l fell asleep this aft, near 2hr, woke up feeling terrible, disorientated, thought it was 6am not 6pm, groggy, heavy, headachy,  and still trying to come round, probably manage it when its time to go to bed.  See what tomorrow brings, Hope your managing with all and work, that is a battle, best wishes. 


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      Hi Lynne, am not feeling great either. Did too much at weekend and struggling with heat. Tryimg to catch up on housework. Totally shattered. 
    • Posted

      Ditto,Elaine,  l had a feeling a lot of regular posters were having a tough week, so  you and Georgia now accounted for, hope Beverley is ok after her New Forest break. think Retrievers still testing himself.   l think its got really close and stuffy tonight, just checked if heat was on, its not, just high pressure l think. l hope tomorrow we can feel a bit more energised.   
    • Posted

      Hi Lynne, sounds like you're taking the class register! cheesygrin

      I usually really struggle during weather changes like these but I'm doing ok because of the homeopathic remedy I've been taking. It's making quite a big difference.

    • Posted

      Roll Call, lol,  where are you Bev, Elmo late arrival. l,m barely here myself, feels so groggy and stuffy tonight,eyes sore, allergens adding to all l think,  must be building up for a storm, dont usually wish the sun away when we get so little, but maybe some rain will clear the air a bit, just hope it doesnt last days on end,  Glad the homepathy is helping, good to find anything that helps, wll check it out, l,ll  try anything,within reason, might even try one of them??? if l thought it would help,  but l,d probably sleep even more. Tomorrow a new day, might be a better one, 
    • Posted

      Have you tried Witch Hazel water for your eyes? It really helps mine when they sting.

      I love a good storm, the air feels so fresh and enlivening.


    • Posted

      Thanks, got your message, going to check on ebay.

      l remember as a kid when  we had long hot summers, but every week or two we,d have these fantastic evening storms, it would be warm so out in tshirts, but thunder and lightning, we,d run around like mad things, shletering under trees lol,  when the down pour came, people stood at thier doors watching the show, we dont seem to get as much lightning and thunder now, plus the following day it would return to sunny days for weeks, wont hold my breath waiting for that to happen.  Still warm now, probably freshen overnight, good night.  

    • Posted

      Feels fresh and cool this morning.

      I have an EFT practitioner coming to do a session with me this morning so I'm glad it's not hot as I'd have less energy.

    • Posted

      Hi Lynne, am feeling very stressed today. Still really tired and weather is hot and clammy making me feel worse. Now have to make unexpected visit to my parents on Saturday which involves 15 min train journey into town, change trains (finding other platform, seeing if train on time, waiting on train,etc), a 45 min train journey, then car journey to parents house and same back again. My parents think there is nothing wrong with me and say things like 'why are you tired?' which is really not helpful. Gave up long ago trying to explain M.E. to other people as no-one understands. Am panicking now as only have two more days to feel well enough to go and will be really set back afterwards. Sorry to be moaning and negative. Hope you are having a better day!
    • Posted

      This is exactly the place to be moaning and negative Elaine, with people who understand! razz

      We've got to get it off our chests sometimes. I hope your journey goes well and never mind what people might think rest when you get there if you need to. 

    • Posted

      l,ll join in with the moan, didnt sleep well at all, wakeing up, pain, toilet, cramp, phone ringing, so yes still tired also. Did a few jobs that needed doing, it is still warm, though raining on and off. l always loved setting off, whether local or distance, always felt an adventure, bit of a gypsy in me. That was the past, now l rarely go anywhere, it does cause anxiety wondering if or how youll cope. Last time l,d a journey that sounded like yours, was going to visit my son in kingslyn via peterborough 2 changes at major train stations, finding platforms, omg, no easy way to do such journeys, my only tip would be dont rush, wait for next train if possible, lve rushed to get t platform so not to miss train, felt wrecked breathless, not always sure of a seat, on peterborough train at least from london, wouldnt it be great to just do it and enjoy. Just rest before and during best you can. My mum never really understood, not sure she believed, as for others very few, so like you mostly dont even try to explain to many, dont like snide or cynicism responses you get from some, maybe it will happen to them kharma, lve seen it with some cynics, through some condition or another,  they know then, sheepish about it when it happens to them.  Not heard or seen Beverley on mbs, unless she went away for longer than weekend, or on when she,s ok.  l really hope it goes fairly well for you with your journey, best wishes.
    • Posted

      Thanks. It's really good to know other people understand how I feel. I'm better about not caring what people think now but still find it most difficult with family for some reason. Am using my CBT tips now and am thinking that I've managed it before so can do it again. At least I'll get a seat on the train and will get to see different scenery out window so will be a change. Just going to look at it as a challenge and see how I get on!!
    • Posted

      Hope you are having better day. Have felt drained all day with heat but it's finally a bit cooler outside. Managed a 10 min walk after tea and it has cleared my head a bit. Worst part of journey is changing trains as they keep changing platforms and can never find them and pressure to find a seat if I have to wait for next train as I can't stand for long or I get lightheaded. It will be a long day and will make me relapse but just need to give it a go. Have decided I'll just need to do what's essential and rest as much as possible the next couple of days and hopefully will build up enough energy to go and deal with the consequences later!
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      Yuor in Norfolk, my son moved down to Norfolk from Yorkshire about 8yrs ago, his friends had moved down lyr earlier, they moved to Hunstanton, his friend was really ill when going down and improved at Hunstanton, my son chose kings lyn cheaper to buy a house there. lve been a few times in the past, intrepid traveller l used to be, l mile a big deal now. l really like Hunstanton, nice size, beach, went out on a boat to see the seals  My son wouldnt return back here now, visits once a year or so, but no wish to come back, he prefers norfolk.
    • Posted

      Not been too bad a day, miserable grey and wet out, but got a few jobs done.  Go for it, just some normality and adventure and hope for the best. Be good if your parents understood, but same with me and many, l think youve to live with someone and see how theyre affected daily in the home, but we get drs who dont empathise, some are ok, bt some are useless, l know they cant cure it, but some are so casual dismissive. doesnt help, Georgia knows a supplament that helps with lightheadedness, just been looking at it on Ebay, sent off for some to try, called vertigo heel, Anyway, l hope all goes well and you enjoy the change of  scenery and parents, Take care lynne
    • Posted

      No lol King's Lynn in Devon is near me.

      Going to the kitchen's a big deal for me, it's like a trip out! I actually plan it beforehand. 

    • Posted

      Oh well, better still, Devon is a gorgeious county, and milder weather. mild here today though rainy, but does feel a bit fresher.  lol Your excursion to the kitchen, l,m getting out less and shorter distance time away, then an endurance, l also plan,like a military manoevre, expedition, l couldnt believe it myself, l told my son that `l can study for an hour or more before setting off`, and its by taxi, just that bit after, route, whats nearest, what do l get, what can l leave, if l just take a shortcut there, omg, and my biggest aid is supermarket trolley, to lean on, l,d fall down if not for it, not joking, battle to keep it going. thats in summer, as it is.  l hope when its nice your able to get into the garden and sit out a bit,  Got my rheumy appt through, 5wks wait, but at least ones come through,  l ordered the vertigo, read up a bit, notice a lot is from abroad, many from bulgaria, live dangerously, anyway its on its way, notice they say it helps nausea along with balance, tinnitus, etc, all connected.  Anyway, as Elton John sings, hope yuor day is ok, take care lynne.
    • Posted

      Yes I didn't know there are two King's Lynn's. I've realised ours has two nns and yours has one.

      I think they make VH in Germany. It's a very precisely thought out combination and I really hope it works as well for you as it does for me. You'll let me know won't you?

      Have you got instructions in the item description in ebay because it's foreign on the label? If not I'll message them.

      Military manoevre's is right! Lol

      I plan to do things when I go to the toilet if I'm feeling capable enough. Do I need to get anything? Is it nearing time for tea? Etc, etc. It's a wasted journey otherwise! Who knows when I'll be venturing out of bed again. cheesygrin


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