Sphenoid Sinusitis?
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I'm seriously worried about my girlfriend. She's had a few very bad sinus infections in the past few years but for practically the whole year she's been in tears with pain everyday and has been house-bound for the past year (she is only 20) and has tried courses of all different types of antibiotics, etc. She was told in March that she had viral meningitis and after 6 weeks of rest or so it eventually got better but she still had a dull headache.
We were both so relieved when she was like this again and it seemed she was going to get well, but then a few weeks later she started with bad headaches again every day and she also found that she got out of breath very easily (she used to suffer from asthma and this was suspected at first). She had 2 weeks of injections of antibiotics and was told she had an ear infection, the treatment didn't help. She then had several more courses of antibiotics and was eventually told that she had pericarditis which was why she was unable to breathe. She has had increasingly bad headaches since then and is repeatedly told that it is Sinusitis. She has just finished another course of antibiotics which helped at first but she is now in as much pain if not worse. Iburprofen, painkillers, codeine, etc. no longer relieve the pain. Repeatedly throughout the past year her blood tests have shown to have bacteria and virus infections which have not gone away.
Today she has been told that she could have Sphenoid Sinusitis (which could have caused viral meningitis) and that she would need a CT scan with Iodine injected, although she has anaphylaxis and is dangerously allergic to lots of things and has been told there's a risk that it could kill her in minutes if she has the scan.
I'm scared, I love her with all my heart and I just want her to get better, she's in so much pain every day and I need someone to help! Can anyone please suggest things which will help, she has tried practically everything - can anyone offer a diagnosis? What should she do?!
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Oil pulling is based on centuries old Ayuverdic medicine and the concept of using mouth wash stems from it, too.
Your mouth is the perfect breeding ground for germs - bacteria, viruses, funghi - and brushing your teeth helps reduce the number, but not enough to allow your body to cope with the daily bombardment of toxins. The membrane (skin) of these germs are lipid (oil) based and water based solutions don't have much effect on them. Oil does! They hide in the microscopic pores in your teeth and the easiest way to remove them is to swish oil around in your mouth. I know it sounds weird, but it works! I have been doing it for 2 years and have seen amazing results.
The first few times, your mouth may fill up with saliva, so you can either spit the whole lot out into the rubbish bin or just enough to keep going. In total, you want to oil pull for at least 15 minutes. Do this first thing in the morning before consuming any food. The germs have been growing over night and you want to clean them out of your mouth rather than sending them to your stomach with food/drink.
When you start to feel ulcers, infections, symptoms of any illness, oil pull as many times a day as you can. The first time I tried this with mouth ulcers, after 3 sessions of 20 minutes oil pulling over a 5 hour period, the ulcers went down. Keep oil pulling several times everyday and it should give the immune system time to start dealing with the underlying problem. Once you're clear of all symptoms, you can do just the morning oil pulling as maintenance.
The idea is to spit out all of the bacteria, viruses, funghi into the bin. This reduces the amount of work your immune system has to cope with on a daily basis. Start with a small amount of oil and build up the amount to whatever you're comfortable.
What to do:
1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon oil (I use coconut oil)
Swish the oil around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Pull it through your teeth like your sucking water through the gaps and keep actively swishing. Letting it sit in your mouth is not effective.
Do not gargle as you may swallow some by accident.
Spit it out into the rubbish bin or garden, not down your sink as it will solidify and clog your drains.
Make sure to do the oil pulling first thing in the morning and before every meal. As I did it more and more, I found that I had symptoms of previous illnesses which lasted for short periods call "healing crisis".
Also, find a good quality organic extra virgin coconut oil and add it into your daily diet - at least 2 tablespoons during symptomatic periods. Reduce to 1 tablespoon once symptoms are gone. Coconut oil is a natural antibacterial/antiviral so helps the immune system cope with all that's going on.
I have had a lot of antibiotics in the past and they always seemed to make things worse and I ended up with more and more infections. I'm looking into candida fungal infections - which I suspect I have and sets off a lot of the symptoms you mentioned. I will post more if I find anything that is more effective than the coconut oil.
I am putting together my own website about information like this because it's been so effective for me, and I'm now studying nutritional medicine to become certified as a health practitioner. I hope this info has been useful to you and anyone else reading it.
keri11756 sam02148
sam02148 keri11756
I hope the coconut oil is working it's magic. Just remember there will be plenty of ups and downs. It took years, decades, for your body to become overloaded, so it will take time to recover your health.
I started taking milk thistle (Silybum marianum) to help deal with the healing crisis and have found it really helps me. My doctor prescribed it to support the liver as it has to get rid of all kinds of toxins, especially if you're detoxing.
Remember to drink plenty of filtered water (2 cups straight after oil pulling) through out the day. Having fresh juices (vegetable and fruit) or green smoothies really helps as well.
I've been busy writing short articles so haven't finished my website but I'll post the link here when it's done. I'd love to hear about the improvements you've been noticing, and if you need any suggestions for specific symptoms.
sam02148 lynneypin
Amanda1994 h92361
I was wondering if you ever found out what was wrong with your girlfriend? I was diagnosed with Sphenoid Sinusitis last year on Christmas. They gave me Ceftin to help treat it, (supposedly there is no cure) and Naproxen for the headaches. The meds helped, or so I thought. That God awful headache came back last week.
Did/Does your girlfriend smell smells that aren't there?, or have some confusion? I am 22. So I know exactly what your girlfriend is going through. --
When I first started having these symptoms it started out with: extreme body aches, I could barely move. Headaches. Pressure in my head when I stood up. Smelling stuff that wasn't there. (they say that's how you know something isn't right with your sinuses)
Hope your girlfriend isn't suffering through those headaches anymore!
christophe39441 Amanda1994
How do I get diagnosed I have been suffering crazy pressure headaches in the back and top of my head it's different than any headache I've ever had in my life for 4 months now nothing takes it away and my India doctor doest know anything the hospital tells me I have cronic sinusitus and acute sinus infection theme ent 2 days later says I don't have a sinus infection and I don't need surgery I say what about the headache I'm supposed to live like this id rather die I offered him 500$ to stick the endoscope in there and look and he wouldn't I'm dying and no one cares what do I do????????????please
michelle_88483 christophe39441
My recent sphenoid sinus infection started out with an awful ache in the back of my head and in my neck. A few days later I was having spacey feelings in my head and a feeling of pressure. I was diagnosed with the infection and advised the sphenoid sinuses cause the bad neck ache as well as a base of skull ache. I was switched to a stronger antibiotic because the infection got worse and the sphenoid sinuses were causing pressure on my optic nerve in my eyes and causing me to see bright flickers of light.
I would suggest you seek another opinion for your symptoms. If you are having this kind of pain, if it were me, I would go see someone else. I was told I have a deviated septum and that is why I experience sinus infections. I have a new appointment with my ENT due to the infection being in a different sinus cavity. I am also experiencing migraines and have to take migraine medicine which gives me relief within two hours.
I hope you can get relief of your pain.
claire55581 Amanda1994
I was diagnosed with sphenoiditis October 2015. I have since been diagnosed with Sphenopalatine neuralgia following sphenoiditis. I am having regular SPG and GON nerve blocks which are only giving me two days of reduced pain.
I was wondering how you are doing? There are very few of us with this diagnosis.
richard30233 h92361
Hello, I am Richard, it's been four years since you post this and I would like to know if there has been any new solution to sphenoid sinus, did your wife get over it and how?? My mother as of yesterday 17/06/2017 started experiencing the symptoms but they got worst this morning 18/06, I did my research based on her symptoms (major headache, earache etc.) I then found this page and reading through makes me even more worried, I would like a reply as soon as possible please.
She will be going to a doctor for the first time today and I don't want this to become a prolonged period of pain for her, this is one of the few times I've ever seen her cry and I am merely 19 so if there is anything please share.
Also did antibiotics helped at all throughout this situation because she insist that antibiotics is what she needs, she has taken a cold and sinus pill which helped for a little amount of time few hours, she refews to take anymore because it barely work so her mind is set on getting antibiotics, will this help.
She is known to have bad sinusitis like the least of smells can trigger an headache but this is on a total different level, first this is ever happening so please can you help me out? 🙏
claire55581 h92361
I was diagnosed with sphenoiditis in October 2015. The head, face, scalp and neck pain have continued. I have been diagnosed with Sphenopalatine neuralgia following sphenoiditis. I am having regular SPG and GON nerve blocks which reduce pain for 2-3 days only.
Anyone else with same symptoms and any advice.
1951grumpa claire55581
University of Chicago ( I’m in the US) After some further testing surgery to open the blockage and remove the infection was performed. All went well. There was some bone thinning but not as serious as thought of at first. I was fortunate not to have any symptoms which is unusual, almost as unusual as a sphenoid infection.
eugenia50476 1951grumpa
I am also from the US. I’ve been having sx of malaise, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, eye twitching, altered vision. A recent CT showed a retention cyst in my right sphenoid sinus. I was able to check this in my online health portal. I have an appt with my ENT who ordered the CT.
Since this seems so rare, could you share the name of your surgeon?
I hope all is well!
Thank you!
1951grumpa eugenia50476
raymond24308 h92361
As your girlfriend is highly allergic I believe I have the answer to your problem.
I suffered from severe hayfever, rhinitis, and sinusitis for 65 years, before finding a miracle cure. I tried all of the products available, and I did find temporary relief from these, but the problem was always there. I was treated by many specialists, and had my nose cavity cortorised twice to obtain temporary relief but the problem soon returned. I relied o sinutabs, avil retards, nasal sprays and drops, as well as inhalants like Friars Balsum and Menthol, as well as analgesics, to give some relief.
I was highly allergic to many pollens, timber dust, kapok, cement dust, high humidity, as well as some goods like nitrates and MSG. I had to move to a drier climate to avoid high humidity.
Finally I discovered a miracle cure for my chronic, lifetime problem. It was simply Evening Primrose. One 1000 mg capsule daily was an absolute cure. No more allergy problems ever.
Evening Primrose Oil works in about 4 hours, and it is effective for a further 24 hours, so one 1000 mg capsule daily is usually sufficient.
It is not a drug, so it has no adverse side affects, and it does not affect mental ability.
It works by desensitising the nervous system, so that it does not react to normal irritants. It prevents the problem from occurring, rather than attempting to overcome a problem that has occurred.
It is simply a miracle treatment for allergies. Try it for two weeks and see if it is a cure for your problem, as it was for mine.
Kind regards, Ray.