Spiritual solutions for peri& menopause
Posted , 10 users are following.
What solutions work for you that you can share with others
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Posted , 10 users are following.
What solutions work for you that you can share with others
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michelle50768 julesmsw
I pray and read my bible without that I don't think I would make it through peri x
julesmsw michelle50768
marli310 julesmsw
My long reply with lots of info is being moderated. So it for any reason it doesn't get posted, I hope there's a way I can send it to you through this site.
julesmsw marli310
marli310 julesmsw
Yes. Sat Nam to you as well. I sent you an email through this site. God only knows if they will post what I wrote to you.
sharcerv52408 julesmsw
I pray and read my bible and attend church regularly without these activities I couldn't make it through peri.
michelle50768 sharcerv52408
Me neither hun. Even though some Sundays I just don't feel like it I still go and am always glad that I did. X
julesmsw michelle50768
Sochima822 julesmsw
The thing that kept me sane and watching out for myself is prayer. Never stop praying. You'll receive solutions in mysterious ways when you pray.
julesmsw Sochima822
sharcerv52408 Sochima822
There's an expression that says "more things are wrought by prayer than the world will ever know."
Sochima822 sharcerv52408
Kegel8Stephanie julesmsw
Hi Jules - I misread this! But as I have typed them here are my Tips for Peri and Menopause, they are not spiritual, but on the natural side as I wish more women would celebrate the change, and hopefully the spiritual side will help many to face the challenges of our changing bodies! Pray, chant, meditate, whatever - but look after yourselves!
* Be positive - your patience will be tested!
* Watch your weight - food you ate last year will now sit on your bum and hips and losing 1LB will be a major hurdle
* Watch your pelvic floor - as we age we produce less hormones and this can lead to a slowing of our system including constipation, take the strain off your pelvic floor and get a toilet stool to get your body in the correct angle when pooping.
* Lose the alcohol - your body will struggle to tolerate it I'm afraid, but the rewards are worth it!
* Hot Flushes/Hot Flashes - these are a power surge of inspiration, use them. They bring clarity to the mind - harness them!
* Change your skin routine, menopasal skin needs more collagen and gets dry quickly, buy skincare products for older skin! They are formulated for our needs
* Hair - buy special products to help with thiining hair, and always condition after a wash.
* Exercise - walk, talk, and laugh - essential
* If you suffer vaginal dryness invest in a cream to help you, it is miserable. Look a slow releas suppositories that last 2 - 3 days at a time.
* Support one another - always
Sochima822 Kegel8Stephanie
Hi Stephanie while many of these things are true, I diagree with one you mention. Still I had to continuously pray that my hormones would not make me go insane & that I have the patience to endure all emotional bouts of crying and helplessness I was feeling. As for hot flashes, I was soaking the bed, changing 2 times at night how can anyone think of it giving inspiration? If you haven't been through it you wouldn't know how horrible it is.
I say do whatever it takes to spiritually connect with your higher self to help overcome some of the horrible symptoms that we don't expect to experience until it happens.
julesmsw Kegel8Stephanie