Spotting Day 6?!
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Hi all,
Sorry - this might be long!
I am trying not to freak out over this, but the horse might have already left the gate! Back at the end of January I had a bit of a hemorrhoid flare up. Within a few weeks, my whole GI system was in a turmoil. I was seen by my GP who wasn't overly concerned because I had a clear colonoscopy 2 1/2 years ago (because of the hemorrhoid situation). She gave me some Bentyl for the gas/pressure, diarrhea and told me I could see a GI if anything persisted. Well - Covid came into the picture and although I have continued to have GI symptoms, it is virtually impossible to get an appointment with a specialist (especially because I live in Massachusetts close to Boston). Back at the end of March, my primary tried me on Lyrica because she said it might help with the GI symptoms as well as calm down my nerve endings in my "nethers"! I did feel some relief, but my symptoms came back about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have since discontinued the Lyrica. Now to add to this, I started spotting on day 19 of my cycle and have been for the past 6 days with no period in sight! Also, the past few days, my right ovary also has a bit of an ovulation feeling. I am 44 and know this could be all part of the peri process, but I am an illness phob. My mother and grandmother both had endometrial cancer (albeit postmenopausal), but I'm just freaked out I have something like that or worse, ovarian cancer given the GI symptoms. I'm literally losing my mind. I did manage to get an appointment with my gyn for Friday, but if anyone could give me some words of encouragement or wisdom, I'd really appreciate it!
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lisa33471 amy67442
hi there, I really know how youre feeling right now! i have recently turned 50 and since xmas have missed a period, had 2 in one month, had a normal month, now all of this month ive been spotting 😦 its like not enough for a pad really but i guess to protect underwear! ive gone the odd day and thought ive stopped then starts again!
I have severe breast pain and also aching pain in legs i need to call doctor but under circumstances its hard to have a proper examination 😦 keep me posted with your gynae appointment and good luck 😃
katyD211 amy67442
Hi Amy...not sure if this is encouraging but you're surely not alone. I could've written your post!
I am literally sitting here checking messages from my primary for exact symptoms you have....right down to the ovary pain. was fine last week but realized i had been eating a lot of junk and was backed up so i took miralax. That worked but then i got sinusitis and was prescribed amoxicillin. Gut has been funky since then. Had a good day yesterday but as soon as I ate today i flew to the toilet. (sorry tmi) Is it hormonal? Doc wants a stool sample to check for my hypochondriac anxiety is off the charts.
Praying we are both victims of hormonal shifts and these challenges clear away as suddenly as they appeared.
amy67442 katyD211
Thank you both so much for the replies. Yes, it does make me feel better to know that I'm not alone! Sorry! I have ALWAYS had illness phobia and I do my best to manage it, but I really got thrown for a loop once the spotting happened. Especially after trying to muddle through this stomach stuff for the past 4 months! I went against my better judgement and sure enough, Googling spotting and GI symptoms turned up about 4k articles on the link to ovarian cancer. Ugh. Plus, like I mentioned, my mother and from what I remember hearing, my grandmother had endometrial cancer. After a quick bit of research on that one, it freaked me out further.
I just want to feel like myself again!
katyD211 amy67442
yesssss....we MUST stop the Google scares! I'm one to talk...did it this morning and been out of sorts all day!
Hugs!! Feel better!😘
lisa33471 amy67442
i understand completely Amy my mom died of cancer and u cant help but worry its normal. However, GI symptoms can also become more noticeable with the peri/menopause.
try not to worry im sure your apointment will b reassuring!
Thanks again everyone for the replies❤. I did end up getting my period last night so I'm in a holding pattern. I rescheduled my appointment for a couple of weeks from now. I also talked to my primary about getting in with a GI. I'm going to make that appointment also. Ugh. Hoping to find some relief! I will keep the forum posted because I always like to see resolution on a message board!✅
and yes...18 months after my mother was diagnosed with the stage 2 endometrial cancer, she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. She lived for 3 years with that. It was nothing short of awful. 2 primary cancers in 18 months. My daughter was 9 months old when she passed away. This July will mark 13 years. I would be remiss if I didn't admit that I have very early memories of being an illness phob, but living through my mother's cancers was completely life altering for my phobia. Having kids also ramped it up. I know what it's like to live through having a mom with a terminal diagnosis and I am always fearful of something like that happening. I could write a book on everything I've done to help me with this fear (literally...medication, hypnotherapy, seeing gurus, practicing TM daily, therapy...) you name it! my poor husband has probably shelled out thousands! God love him, the poor guy!