Starting Acamprosate today.

Posted , 8 users are following.

Today is my 9th Day alcohol free. I have successfully detoxed at home with the support of my local alcohol recovery Centre and my excellent GP.

I have to say this is my that was my third detox, The 1st two being in a secure unit.

I have agreed with my alcohol support worker that I will visit one group session a week for at least six weeks. I also have to see my MH Key worker every week and my doctor every month.

I'm not too sure what the expect with the Campral but hope it will help to ease the cravings. I'm pleased that the weather is okay at the moment as I'm trying to distract myself with gardening. I've got so many little projects on the go I'm flitting around just trying to do something different in the afternoons when I would normally be starting drinking.

First steps towards abstinence.

2 likes, 56 replies

56 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Vic,

    I wish you well, on your journey.  Congratulations on the 8 completed Alcohol-free Days.  You must be so pleased... and ready to continue further, with the Campral to help.

    I am not taking that medication, but I hope you have brilliant success with it.


    Alonangel 🎇

    • Posted

      Thank you for you kind words Alonangel.

      I hope you have a good weekend

    • Posted

      Thanks.  I am sticking with the Selincro/Nalmefene tablet, for now.

      Good Luck.

  • Posted

    Campral is helping me I think.  I don't know the specific scientific chatter in how it actually works and what part of the brain it works with.  

    But, I am under a tremendous amount of stress and usually at my 2 week period I am ready to blow it again.  

    I think I noticed a change in about a week.

    I hope you will check back with your experience on it.

    Really I had no side effects except for "gas"...lots of it the first few days but it has "Passed" for the most part smile

    • Posted

      Your story is an inspiration Missey. I am so pleased the Campral appears to be working for you.

      Stay strong, the 2 week period will pass and I am sure you will succeed.

      Stress is a horrible thing, especially when our minds are used to alchohol to temporarily alleviate the pain.

      Yes, I second your side effect of Gas..... Oh dear x

    • Posted

      You keep up the good work too and keep up the Campral...let us know if it works for you too?
  • Posted

    Wow and brilliant vic. Keep doing what you doing and keep us posted on your progress as, like misssy, this kind of post is going to help a lot of people. There are a lot of people who look on this site but don't post, which is fine and good, meaning you will be helping people who are looking for help for their addiction and may just think"hay this might be my solution". Alcoholism is a killer, good posts like this and others may save their lives. I know some people might think I'm being rather OTT, but I've known a few people who have died from this disease so it's a serious subject.

    Anyway, hope to follow your example soon. Massive respect x

  • Posted

    Great that you are enjoying the sunshine and gardening, it's all therapeutic. Better than drinking the weekend away and achieving nothing but a horrible hangover!!

    There is so much kind and important advice given on this site. One of the best, that dear misssy gave and others I've noticed have said this..."in the early days make sure you have one goal a day". Excellent advice which I've taken onboard. Simple but very relevant. I over complicate things by setting myself up for too much and then give up. Misssy kind of pointed this out to me in a very subtle way, which I appreciate and understand now!

    Enjoy your weekend 😎

    • Posted

      Thank you Paperfairy.

      Yes I totally agree with the one goal a day. Today is to visit a carboot sale at lunchtime. My husband has agreed to take me.(I lost my driving licence through Drink driving )

      It's going to be a test as it is at a social club with bar attached....

      I have yet to feel any reduction on the cravings but it is only day 3 on being on Campral.

      But today is day 11 of my sober journey.

      Have a great weekend x

    • Posted

      Hi vic. Great to have you on the forum and I'm getting a lot from your posts. You are doing so well and it's great you are enjoying the gardening( plus your neighbours reaction, you comments !!). I've not got into the gardening thing yet( my neighbour or dad has been mowing the lawn) maybe that could be a new hobby if I can get someone to teach me! 

      I love car boots and bargains. Used to go with ex on a Sunday morning, back in the sober days ☹️ Another thing I'd like to do again. Small steps though...


    • Posted

      Thanks Paperfairy, what a lovely post.

      I'm useless at Gardrning, I'm sure I pull more plants than weeds but I find it therapeutic.

      I didn't go to the car boot in the end. Nerves got the better of me. I started getting paranoid that I'd see someone I knew...

      I used to go every week until I lost my licence and now have to rely on hubby taking me and he hates car boots!

    • Posted

      I know exactly what you mean about the confidence thing. I can't face anyone, apart from family, for days to weeks sometimes when early in recovery. Plus I don't have the energy to wash my hair(yuk!) never mind put makeup on, to face people...!!!!
    • Posted

      I dong think I've even brushed my hair for days. Thank god for scrunchies!

      Small steps, tomorrow's another day x

    • Posted

      Yes. Agree. I have long hair so the scrunchie is a God send in these times of need..ha xx
    • Posted

      I really did "Laugh Out Loud" at the scrunchie comments !! What is it that makes us so reluctant to wash our hair? I used to wash mine every morning.

       I had just received 6 new scrunchies, yesterday..... on-line shopping...before I read the post... ha, ha, ha.  Horrible hairdo, but comfy !!!

      Alonangel 🎇

      P.S. I will never have short hair. Just won't.

    • Posted

      Angel and vic, still not washed hair and chosen a black scrunchie today. Should have called myself scrunchie instead of paper fairy ! X

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