Starting Acamprosate today.

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Today is my 9th Day alcohol free. I have successfully detoxed at home with the support of my local alcohol recovery Centre and my excellent GP.

I have to say this is my that was my third detox, The 1st two being in a secure unit.

I have agreed with my alcohol support worker that I will visit one group session a week for at least six weeks. I also have to see my MH Key worker every week and my doctor every month.

I'm not too sure what the expect with the Campral but hope it will help to ease the cravings. I'm pleased that the weather is okay at the moment as I'm trying to distract myself with gardening. I've got so many little projects on the go I'm flitting around just trying to do something different in the afternoons when I would normally be starting drinking.

First steps towards abstinence.

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56 Replies

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  • Posted

    Well done Vic. Gardeing is fine and I also had lots of project to keep me busy. You already feel better! Most certainly. Waking up remembering what you did?? Why not! And also more money in your pocket and saving every day and perhaps you can treat yourself to something you realy want!! Best of luck and keep going. Robin
    • Posted

      Hi Robin

      I've always enjoyed gardening but never had the time when I was working or the inclination when drunk.

      It is lovely to wake up and not be sick and search the house for any remaining alchohol before I can function.

      I think my neighbours must be wondering what on earth is going on as the garden has never looked so tidy! Today I hope to buy some vegetable plants that I can grow in pots.

      I am saving the money I would have spent on alcohol and will hopefully that us to something nice in the summer.

      Thank you for your lovely post. Have a good weekend x

    • Posted

      great reply and how busy you are..mounted 10ft Trampoline for my small twins and they went nuts. Painted the garden fence ..only took me 4 yrs to do that....cut the grass, bought 4 cheap Argos plastic chairs and a nice garden table from Lidl...we all had lunch in the garden inclyding syster in life has changed for the better when you do not drink and have more sense, more physical strenght and want to achieve something and not look for that hidden bottle....Robin
    • Posted

      Great response Robin. Lovely encouraging posts, as always. Bless x
  • Posted

    How are you doing today, Vic? 
    • Posted

      Hi ADE.

      Not the best today to be honest. I had a really bad night last, not much sleep and terrible dreams and anxiety. It's had a bit of a knock on effect today and I've spent the whole day talking myself out of having a glass of wine.. Can't see to think of anything else at the moment.

      But so far I've stopped myself, just haven't got the energy to do anything to distract myself.

      I think I'm just goin to go to bed early with my kindle.

      I'm hope you are well & thank you x

    • Posted

      Stick with us Vic, let us know how it's going for you. Good job on resisting the temptation! Maybe look into getting some L-Theanine if your doc doesn't object. Works well for some, not for all. Might be worth a shot.

      Have you run across SMARTRecovery? They've got online forums too, some face-to-face meetings here and there. 

      Keep at it, Vic! You'll come out on top!

    • Posted

      Hi again, ADEfree.  Would you please enlighten further on the value of L-Theanine.

      I think that I must be deficient in certain things "drinking" !

      I have never had that 'problem' addressed by medical peops.

      Alonangel 🎇

    • Posted

      Hi Angel!

      L-Theanine is an Amino Acid that is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. It can be converted into GABA (a calming neurotransmitter) in the brain. The GABA receptors are also stimulated when you drink alcohol, that's part of what lends to the relaxing feeling that alcohol can impart. You'll find that L-Theanine is an ingredent in some OTC sleep aids, like Somnapure. Some people find it curtails anxiety too.

    • Posted

      Thank you for the great info.  I will get some L-Theanine and B vits.

      Angel 🤒

    • Posted

      I'm really hoping you did not cave to the craving and that you went to bed early with the kindle.

      I know from experience if you were able to accomplish doing will feel stronger and better today for doing so.

      Its so hard - especially at the 2wk point...when we start to feel better physically and start convincing ourselves that just a few drinks won't hurt us....UM NO.

    • Posted

      Hence the reason I feel that Campral should be given at the same time as a detox, so that there is no gap.
    • Posted

      Yea, I was confused when I was in hospital.  They would NOT give it to me...part of my purpose of them keeping me in the hospital was to help me feel SAFE taking all the new medication that has been prescribed to me for various problems....some medications for physical and some for mental ...many prescribed over 6 months ago...that I would not take cause I was scared.

      So...they got me stable for a week on many of them...and I now take them at home...BUT..I kept saying...where is the Campral my Dr prescribed?  I want to take that here too...and they just never gave me a straight answer.

      I don't know much about Campral...since I was not interested in taking many I got home and read a little about it..and I guess they TYPICALLLY wait until detox is over.

      Wonder if it is because it could make you sick if you are not detoxed?

    • Posted

      'Wonder if it is because it could make you sick if you are not detoxed?'

      No, they just don't understand it. There's plenty of info regarding tests on the internet that says there is no issue in taking it as the same time as a detox, and even some that say it would be beneficial.

      As I said, they don't understand, they concern themselves with only the clinical aspect, not the physical/psychological aspect.

      I wonder how many people here had heard about Campral until I started going on about it, or have ever had it suggested by a GP or alcohol recovery centre? Not many I'll bet. They're too busy worrying about what they shouldn't give you, to actually sit down and educate themselves on what could work for patients.

      It's not for everyone, but it doesn't seem to be offered to anyone, without them demanding it.

    • Posted

      Your only talk about what they SHOULDNT give us.

      My GP is the one who mentioned it to me when I was there on a drunken visit....I don't know if I shared this here...but I was drunk on the day of my appointment and I called there and said I couldn't come because I was drunk.  They asked to speak with my b/f and asked him to drive me there.

      During that visit...I was given a script for the Campral by my Dr.  I certainly didn't ask for it..she wanted me to take it the NEXT day and to come back on the following day.....

      Yes, I do believe YOU started the Campral discussion here....and I didn't pay much attention to it..because I didn't believe there was any drug that could stop me from wanting to drink.

      I do believe it now.

    • Posted

      Wouldn't it be nice, if one day we got to the following scenario. Obvously this is a UK scenario, but the format would be similar.

      Person goes to the GP, I have a drink problem. I'm sorry to hear that, you've come to the right place, we can help you. Tell me a little bit more about your drinking, being honest with me on how much and when, what you makes you feel the need to drink and whatever methods you have tried.

      Okay, we'll do an LFT test just to make sure you're okay with the medications that may be prescribed, go to the nurse now, she'll take a blood sample, then book an appointment for tomorrow when we will have the results back.

      The following day.

      Okay, no problems with the bloods. We can look at a couple of options with you and tell me which one you feel might be best for you.

      Nalmefene or naltrexone, both very similar, although some people seem to cope with one better than the other, so we could try you with one, and then swap to the other if there are side effects. It'll allow you to drink, but should bring it back to a manageable level.

      If you feel it better to avoid alcohol completely, we can offer Campral an anti-craving medication, and we would detox you at the same time, so you didn't have any withdrawal symptoms.

      Both measures should be supported by counselling, which the alcohol services would provide, because people need support, at least to begin with, when making these lifestyle changes. The funding is goverened by the local GPs, so they will take advice from us on how to deal with patients.

      Yep, it's a quick and dirty scenario, but the bare bones are right and it wouldn't take a lot of tweaking to get it right. I reckon a lot more people would come forward, a lot sooner if they knew they would be helped and not shunned, And to be honest, there is no reason for it to be the way it is now. Just stupidity.


    • Posted

      Wow...RHGB...I hate to tell you guys...but this is exactly how I HAVE been handled in the US....

      My primary care first meeting...asked for blood work....gave me medication for low Vitamin D...talked to me compassionately about my drinking.

      Same GP (prescribing Campral without any discussion, just seeing me drunk and I guess me saying I didn't want to drink).

      The hospital...set me up with all my follow up appointments as to not stress me out to make these appts when I got home (reducing my cravings to escape and drink).  They also ensured I did not have more that 2-3 apts in a week.  Also, while in hospital kept me extra days to ensure I was feeling "safe" on medication.

      The couseling center I go to...assigned a clinnician to me with phone #  to call in times of distress.  This clinician picked up on the fact that I was having a nervous breakdown last week and suggested I take this week off from treatment and do things I enjoy...and relax.

      The only "system" that kind of punishes alcoholics in the US is the federal funding aspect.  If you drink they try to relate all your other symptoms to the drink and refuse benefits based on that.

      But, the hospitals, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors...are VERY compassionate and helpful when it comes to understanding that alcohol is a real problem and really hard to stop, especially if I have alot of stress going on.

      They (at my GPs office) call me weekly to see how I am feeling, to see if I want to chat about anything.  I feel so CARED for.....truly.

      I wish the UK was the same way....I truly feel sorry for anyone that is an alcoholic or dry substance user in the UK.


    • Posted

      But if you f*ck up they come down harder on you than in the uk
    • Posted

      I am always sad and flabbergasted when I read how you all are treated. Years ago it was like that in the US...Big change in the last 10 years,
    • Posted

      Let us know how it goes, Angel! 

      I just started Tabex today, trying to get rid of the ciggies. Supposed to work like Champix but it's herbal.

    • Posted

      That's really awesome support, Misssy! I've heard that Kaiser Permanente docs are prescribing Naltrexone to be taken an hour before drinking, which is TSM in all but by name. Maybe attitudes are beginning to change...
    • Posted

      I have started on some B vits. that I had at home, I have ordered the L-Theanine...with Lemon Balm and also, some Thiamin.

      They should arrive in a couple of days.  I'll be "bouncing with health"... vision of an ageing moonwalker !

      I am trying an Alcohol-Free Day, today..... so, fingers crossed etc.

      Angel 👼

    • Posted

      ADE...this support is really helping with my sobriety.  It is so important when those closest have deserted you for reasons related to alcohol or dry substances...and no one is HAVE this type of support.

      And the kicker is....all the Doctors I see are from low income facilities because my medical has changed since I am no longer working...I was thinking I was going to get treated like crap because I have Obama care now and pay for co-pays....etc.  I thought I would get LESSER care.

      I am getting better care than I ever did when I made 100 grand a year.  Really amazing people...I'm blessed in that area.

    • Posted

      Wow! That's fantastic news, Misssy! And that kind of care is badly needed too! Thanks for letting me know.
    • Posted

      I hope the L-Theanine gives you some extra loft, Angel! Best luck on the AF day, I'll be waiting to hear about how it goes!
    • Posted

      Oh well..... tomorrow is another day... I lasted until 9.15 p.m.

      I would like to add several swear words now... but the Mods. would ban it,  'nuff said.

      I have had the Devil Wine... AND ... the Devil Chocolate.

      I hope you are exercising more of a modicum of control than I am.

      Angel (as if) 😩

    • Posted

      OMG...So sorry that I and RHGB accidently hijacked your post!   How are YOU DOING?


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