Starting Fluoxetine tonight for the 1st time...

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Hi. I've just been to me GP today and he has prescribed me 20mg per day of Fluoxetine. I've just read all the postings previous to this one and have mixed and very nervous thoughts about starting them. He wants to see me next week and see how I'm getting on and in the meanwhile, he's referring me for counselling sessions.

I'm 30 and a mum of 1. I have a wonderful supportive partner who tells me how 'gorgeous' I am daily and how much he loves me. I have a loving family too and some great friends. My trouble is my temper. I'm not violent, I'm just verbally aggressive and cannot show a soft side to my partner.

I'm not like this all the time though which is odd. I react better to friends and strangers, I can be all chirpy and have a laugh and be full of fun to those folk. It's the way I am with the folk who love me most, those I can relax infront of. I'm okay one moment then for no reason, I can go into a foul mood and feel that everyone is against me. I don't know how many times I've 'told' my partner to leave and when he gets upset, I just blank him out and ignore him. he is wonderful and I can't bring myself to just hold him, hug him or kiss him.

I cannot be affectionate with anyone except my son, he gets kisses and cuddles from me yet I do snap at him more often than I should.

I cannot stop thoughts like 'If I drive into a wall really fast' or 'if I fall asleep in the bath', but the only thing that snaps me out of these stupid thoughts, is my son - he needs his mummy and I need him. It's sad to say but not even my mum or partner or sister are a reason for me to go on.

I have a great job, not bad paid, a lot of respect too and no-one, not even my friends have a clue how I feel. I guess I mask it very well. I'm just scared that these pills may make me worse, I feel sick thinking about them.

If you knew me, you'd think I was 'normal', ie, friendly, outgoing, happy, which is one side of me. It's this horrible side where I'm moody, depressed and snappy that is pushing loved ones away and making me loathe myself.

Oh well, sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself, probably being melodramatic. Glad I got this off my chest though, just worried about starting these things. I just want to be happy, friendly, outgoing, a good mum/partner/sister/daughter. :? I hope these pills work :?: Like the song said, 'I'm sick and tired of always being sick and tired'.

Thanks for taking the time to read about me. I need to put my 'happy face' on and get back on with my work. I've become very good at hiding things. :lol: [/quote]

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  • Posted

    Hi Ang

    Aw babe you wont believe what happened to me.

    On Friday I got a call from a woman named Emma, saying she was Pete's girlfriend and she thinks Im seeing her boyfriend. Well I'vebeen seeing Pete for a month, am totally in love with him, and this shocked the hell out of me. I left work in a state, wouldn't give him a chance to explain til the next day. To cut a long story short she's a pyscho - he finished with her before he met me. It's been a nightmare, but we're OK

    She bloody broke in to his MSN account and got my work email on that. It's so scary, she's read all my emails to him. She was so convincing, and I nearly met her. But we're sorted now. I think I've handled this very well. I was gutted but am so much stronger now. I'm sure this is down to the way the pills are starting to work. I've never been so stable in my whole life - and see things from his point of view instead of flying off the handle at him.

    This has brought us closer together, if that was ever possible. I just love him xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Posted

    Hi Suz, [b:06c52fc8c4][color=red:06c52fc8c4][size=24:06c52fc8c4]oh no![/size:06c52fc8c4][/color:06c52fc8c4][/b:06c52fc8c4] That is terrible news! Some folk out there are just horrors and dead set to destroy other peoples happiness.

    I really do hope that Pete has told you the truth and I do know that some folk can't get over the past and can't move on, I hope this is the case with Emma and that she isn't his girlfriend.

    I mean if Pete stays at yours and is with you the majority of the time obviously apart from work, then I'd say no doubt she's telling fibs.

    But good for you being level headed and calm about it. These pills have been put to the test with your state of mind and you've passed with flying colour! Good for you Suz :lol:

    Oh, and don't meet with her! She could be a nutter :twisted: ha ha!!

    We live to battle another day and smile :D

    Keep posting, Ang x

  • Posted

    I'm approaching week 13 on 20mg daily Fluoxetine and I thought I'd post so existing or new takers could compare.

    Things getting much better now, I haven't had a suicidal thought since the first week of taking these. I am much calmer and do not snap as much. My appetite has returned also.

    I do feel constantly tired though and lately been having terrible headaches and a lot of gas (both ends :oops: ) which is a bit embarrassing at times.

    I'm back at the docs this Friday to get next months dosage but in my head, I feel that I could manage without these even though I know that I need to be a minimum course of 6 months. My sex drive is still low but at least it's there a bit as at the start, I wished for a chastity belt and a single bed :cry:

    I've made a lot of progress in the last 13 weeks. I still do snap and shout and go into moods for no reason, but no-where near the level I used to be at. I guess you could call it an acceptable level now.

    The first few weeks were terrible and I was trying to convince myself that I wasn't depressed and I didn't need pills but slowly, I've accepted them, suffered the side effects and pulled through. I'm stronger, happier, not perfect but a better person than I was 13 weeks ago.

    Anyone just starting these; it may seem daunting but stick with it. The side effects do subside and there is a light at then end of the tunnel.

    Take care


  • Posted

    Hi Ang, your posts have been very helpful. I am a 24 yr old male, not long finished uni and have been so low to the point of even going to the shop was an effort. I have taken my first 20mg fluoxetine today and iv been asleep most of the afternoon! I am worried about this as I wanted tablets which made me feel more awake, as Iv felt very lethargic all the time, but being asleep all afternoon has made me a little worried about them as to whether they are right? I want to feel more awake!!!
  • Posted

    Hi all and hi Ashley - how are you getting on?

    Just thought I'd update from the very first time of taking these on Feb 4th. I stopped cold turkey on 25th April after 12 weeks on 20mg of Flu. This was as I was prescribed Citrolapram and after reading the side effects, I scared myself witless about taking them, so decided not to take anything at all.

    After stopping the Flu completely, I felt great. No more headaches, slept great and even managed a bottle of Corona! then day 10 kicked in and I just felt the way I used too; moody, snappy, irritated. After a huge row for the 3rd day in a row with my partner, I took myself off to bed and removed myself from the presence of my partner and my son and laid in bed with ear plugs in, reading. As I still had 8 Flu tablets left, I popped one and decided that I needed to go back on them as the last 3 days had proven that I wasn't ready to come off them.

    Going back to the docs, I explained why I didn't take the Citralopram and she was great about it, obviously advised what I had done wasn't correct and re-prescribed my 20mg Fluoxetine.

    I've been okay since and the tiredness is creeping back in, as is the sex-drive lack. I've done a naughty though the last 3 nights; I've taken 40mg as I feel the 20mg is still leaving me feeling snappy. I know I'm a fool, I do and the odd thing is, I'm quite a level headed person! However, on the 40mg I feel much calmer and 'normal', if that makes sense. I will make a GP appointment and tell my doctor too.

    I'm not a doctor and I know I shouldn't be messing with these pills but I can't help myself, I just hate it when I'm horrid and shout and snap, and this way taking 40mg, I don't.

    On a positive note, I hope the weight loss thingy kicks in again like it did first time round! I lost 9-10lbs in 2 weeks and gradually, put 8lbs back on ARRGHHH! Which is not adding to my confidence at all. I am exercising loads and eating healthily, it's just getting this lethargic feeling that is crippling me. I do know weight isn't the be all and end all but it really plays a major part in my life and if I am heavier, I feel unattractive, unconfident and sad. Being slightly slimmer fills me with confidence and gives me a better frame of mind. Call me fickle but I'm being honest.

    So, overall, doing ok and must say, the meds have worked for me and I just lost my way a bit after week 12 but now back on track. I don't expect to be on these forever, or for the next year to mention but I do know I need them for now so I'll keep popping 'em :lol: until I don't need to anymore.

    Anyone starting their journey - persevere, read previous posts on this site, dont be afraid to speak out, ask questions, vent off, seek advice. That is what this site is here for. You are normal, you just need a little help and guidance, as we all do once in a while. Don't give up when you [b:e496bd4921]think[/b:e496bd4921] it's okay to do so like I did, only do it when you [b:e496bd4921]know[/b:e496bd4921] it's right.

    Be strong, be focused and address any issues, don't just look over them as they'll still be there.

    Take care and I'll post next when something semi-exciting happens ha ha!!! Like winning the lottery or the Diet Coke man pops in to see me :oops:


  • Posted

    Great to hear from you Ang and glad to hear you went back to see your doctor and that she was understanding. Obviously you will have to go back again to discuss having taken 40mg or you'll run out too soon! I'm on 40mg at the moment and I think they are now starting to help a little, though I am still having some pretty bleak days. When I saw the psychiatrist she immediately raised the amount to 40mg so that it was a \"therapeutic\" dose. I've been on 40mg for the last 2 1/2 weeks and it has taken most of that time for me to start seeing an improvement.

    I hope I won't offend you but I also think I am a fairly level-headed person and yet I have been self-harming - which I know intellectually is a rubbish way of coping with the effects of depression, and yet it does help me cope - clears my head and enables me to carry on. Maybe taking more pills than prescribed is your way of coping at the moment? Please ignore this if you wish, but it's maybe something to think about.

    Take care of yourself.

    Gretchel :cuddle:

  • Posted

    Hi Gretchel and no, you haven't offended me at all :lol:

    I understand what you say and perhaps you are right. It's certainly given me something to think about.

    Yep, I'll need to get the appointment in soon and get next months supply or I'll have none left ARRGHHHH :wink:

    I've never been successful with self-harm apart from the paracetamol instance, I've often wanted to just hurt myself and didn't know why but I think about it anymore. I had often held a kitchen knife to my arm and started rubbing, I've banged a crook-lock over my head (don't ask!) and one drunken episode, thought I could jump off the 3rd floor of where I lived thinking I was Mary Poppins :oops: that was more of being drunk though than wanting to hurt myself, It was my 18th birthday though! Just thought I'd throw that instance in to give you a chuckle :lol:

    I have my first CBT appointment on June 20th so we'll see how that goes.

    Great to hear from you again though


  • Posted

    Glad I didn't offend you and let me know how you get on. I wouldn't say I was that successful with self-harm either but that's probably a good thing! - but I think the received wisdom is that the level of injury doesn't necessarily reflect the level of despair experienced by the person. Anyway, I am back at the psychiatrist tomorrow so no doubt I will learn more about it - really looking forward to that (not) - makes me feel like a complete idiot tbh, that I am considered to need that level of intervention. Oh well - I saw my GP again yesterday and he was lovely to me so that did help, so hopefully tomorrow will be equally positive. Thanks for your lovely message.


  • Posted

    Hi all,

    Haven't posted for such a long time so I thought I'd update how things have been since Feb 4th.

    I've gone 'cold turkey' again from last week. I'm feeling okay at the moment but it may be the same as last time; the arsehole-ness in me kicked in on the second week. I haven't told anyone though this time, that I have come off these, not even my partner. Last time I did, I felt as if he was using the excuse that I'd come off these pills, as the reason I was being snappy, when I deep down thought that this was an excuse he was using at the time. Hope that makes sense. Perhaps I'm wrong and being paranoid but I figure by not telling him, I'll see how the few weeks pan out and he cannot use the 'not being on pills' an excuse if he doesn't know.

    I have my first CBT this Friday, 20th June. I hope that in itself will be a sort-of replacement for these pills.

    Another reason why I've come off them, as I'm being truly honest here, is the fact that I cannot shift the weight I've put back on, after initially losing about 9lbs. I'm now 10lbs heavier and I'm not eating more, I'm exercising more and it's getting to me big style. I'm away to Mexico in 6 weeks so I don't need or want the added pressure of looking like a beached whale.

    The pills have helped me and so has my positive state of mind. I think that it does need the 2 combined to make a success out of the journey.

    Who knows? I may need to go back to the Fluoxetine but I'm going to be stronger than ever now and see how I go. I'm certainly sleeping better which is good and it's my birthday on Thursday so I'm looking forward to that in a strange kind of way. I'm just a big kid at heart!

    Anyway, apologies for waffling; just wanted to off-load today and start the week fresh and clear headed.

    Also Suz - where are you hun? How's things?

    Take care all and thanx for reading.

    Ang :lol:

  • Posted

    Good to hear from you Ang, and hope that it continues to go well for you without the fluoxetine. I can understand why you haven't told anyone that you've stopped taking them - I don't like thinking it's the pills rather than me either.

    Hope the CBT goes well - you sound like a positive person anyway so hopefully you will be able to put the techniques into practice, and it will give you some tools to face the future.

    I am still a bit up and down - I've been on fluoxetine since end of March, and 40mg since beginning of May. Some better days, some really terrible ones, but I am seeing a mental health nurse regularly who is lovely, and my GP fairly often, and will see the psychiatrist again at the end of July. And I am still on the waiting list for CBT but hopefully by the time that comes through I will be more up than down, and able to cope with it. I have been told I will be on them for a while yet, probably at least another 6 months.

    It would be good to hear how you get through this week and the CBT session so I hope you will look in on this forum again!

    Take care of yourself.


  • Posted

    God have missed you all (ANG!!!! esp)

    I couldnt get on here so many times - it just crashed my computer every time, and was so slow - and on my work comp - so it was the site I am sure - and I got an email message apologising for the site having problems

    I missed it all so much, I missed you all

    Iv only been in about half an hour after taking Mum out - I dont know how to bare this now - but good news - stayed off the fluoxetine since that day I just decided (i think was May 15th) and have not suffered any side effects at all

    I am sad, struggling, stressed to f***!!!!exhausted, but amazingly enough - holding it all together! My son is causing me so much stress beyond my patience, but I am trying to move on from that too - Iv been too soft - and I have put my own life 2nd always - all my life - maybe I dont know how to be there for just me - I always think of the ones I truly love first. So the rest you always promise yourself or the vegging out in front of the TV never actually happens!

    Ang - how the hell are you?

    Are you still off them?

    How proud are u of me? I needed them at the worst time in my life - but iv not looked back since Iv been off them

    I think Im just exhausted - Ang - maybe that's what's wrong with u?

    Pls come on here again n talk to me

    Did you have a good birthday? How are you doing?

    Get ya ass on here - u off fluo still? xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Posted

    Hey Suz!!

    Just caught up with posts.

    Yip, still off them and I'm okay. Monster headaches and feel like I want to scream and shout at times but hey ho, don't we all!!

    Can't blether much at mo as have to leave now but if you PM me, I can get back to you. I'm just not sure how to PM!!

    Also, could you have a look at the post someone has put on about weight loss. Poor sole, I can't beleive the pills have been prescribed as appetite supresants! I'm having a little tizzy fizz about it!!! :roll:

    Any way, must dash for mo,

    Ang :lol:

  • Posted

    Ang, r u OK?

    Mate im sh**, I dont know if im living or dead, I only hope you're doing better than me xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Posted


    I do wish u would come back on here. Would so love to know u r OK?

    Im a fine one to talk - after work, I always visit Mum, and dont get on here til late, and even then, hardly ever have a chance to fire up the comp after I do everything I have to

    Just wanna know u r OK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Posted

    Hey all, hey Suz!

    I'm here. APologies for being away so long. I've been concentrating on being positive and avoided the site thinking not reading it would make me stronger. Doh!

    I caved and went back on the pills 3 weeks ago. I felt I was okay, well, okay with everyone but still ratty at my bloke. So, for the sake of the relationship, I went back to the docs and without questions, he put me back on them!

    I'm feeling okay, no side effects like before apart from yawning all the time. I seem to be a bit calmer to be honest, possibly physcological that I'm being calmer as I'm on them? Who knows?

    My closest friend insists I don't need them, as does my mum and thinks my partner is the route cause of me taking these pills. I really don't know to be honest.

    Anyway, on the upside, I am feeling fine, generally happy, getting on with things...I think!!! :lol:

    Reading your post Suz, you don't sound happy at all. Are you not back with your man yet? Is your mum showing any signs of improvement?

    Sorry I've been away so long, I'll keep checking back regularly.

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