Still feel unwell after Helicobacter Pylori Treatment

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I had symptoms for about 2 months, nausea and upper abdominal gwaning feeling, plus appetite affected and had waves in the day feeling generally unwell , I think it was brought on due to a stressful situation. I went to the doctors and tested positive for helicobacter pylori. I have completed the 7 day treatment (Triple Therapy.) I was on 400mg Metronidazole 3 times a day, Amoxicillin 500mg 3 times a day and Omeprazole 2 times a day. I've been off the medication for about 11 days. I have waves of extreme tiredness, abit sickly feeling, sick upper abdominal feeling, tounge doesn't look right, been given thrush treatment for this. And also I have waves of soreness and swelling feeling in the upper stomach. I have lost a bit of weight, a few pounds. I have been off work for a month in total and am wondering if I will ever get my health back?

I take probiotic tablets, Manuka honey, peppermint tea, abit of yoga, walking, plain foods. But admittedly at times I do feel a little bit destressed when I have waves of not feeling so good. Everyday is a battle at the moment. Plus when I go to the loo, last week my stools were acidic, this week a slight improvement, but not normal. The doctor just said they can retest in another 3 weeks. But sometimes I feel so ill.

Any advice in a positive way forward?

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    Hi...I guess this community helps us stay positive or at least often. Updates for me, I had some days that is worse, others that is Ok, no perfect yet. As I mentioned I finished my Antibiotics round 1 and will re-test (stool) after around a month because I'm still on the PPI for around 10 days. Natural things I'm using Manuka Honey after the PPI (half an hour later) on an empty stomach with ground black seed, and two tablets of Propolis after breakfast and dinner. A friend in UAE was adviced to stay away from wheat, and I read several articles that says Gluten-free, dairy-free (The most difficult between the two biggrin. Green tea, sometime camomile tea. Broccoli Steamed with carrots everyday, chicken chest every two days grilled without any fats or oils, still didn't stopped Yogurt at dinner though. I feel it is the only rainbow in what I eat smile

    Tired? bored? Yes, but still trying to get everything to normal. I hope I'm off this Bacteria and I hope Antibiotics didn't bring fungus and Candida in.... Yesterday, I added some Mushrooms to my dinner (a bit salty as they weren't fresh). I guess bad idea.

    So curious about your meal plans. Can we share ideas? It might help

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      Some days are okay, some worse of course for everyone. Especially after meals or stress is worse. Wheat did not make problem, but avoid fresh bread is no good. Green tea and camomile tea is also good. Chicken, fish is good also but important how to cook it. Mushroom must avoid, one of the heaviest food for stomach even if does not make acid but very difficult to digest. Eat 4-5 times a day and many things you need to avoid (especially spicy but onion is terrible also).
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      Hi Danny - I have been off H Pyori antibiotics for 4 weeks now and unfortunately I have candida and am also getting cysts so that's more antibiotics.  really wish this could be over as i now cant get tested for another full two weeks.  I am very careful and only eating meat & veg, gluten free everything else, plus no sugar, no mushroom and i was also told no chocolate.  i have porridge at lunchtime as it makes me feel full really quickly as my stomach has shrunk so that i have little or no appetite now.  i have also a new pain after eating and when stomach is empty - a sharp pain directly below my rib cage slightly to the left of sternum.  i never had this pain before and it is troubling me a bit - have you had this?

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      Take Saccharomyces Boulardii for 3-4 months, it will help get rid of candida after triple therapy treatment. It is a life savor.
  • Edited

    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to say to people who have mentioned anxiety as a result of H Pylori and the treatment for it I am also struggling with this issue and I’ve read lots of forums where people complained about it so it’s a common symptom in the aftermath of H Pylori. 

    Anyone who tells you it’s all in your head is wrong. I think there are multiple explanations the first one being that the brain and gut are very connected so a gut that is struggling with a bacteria will have issues in the secretion of neurotransmitters causing anxiety.

    The other thing I found interesting is that PPIs like Omeprazole can cause anxiety too - I found a forum unrelated to H Pylori where LOTS of people said that taking Omeprazole has triggered anxiety even in people who did not have a history of it. It again makes sense as there are scientific articles that prove the cognitive effects of PPIs. Personally I stopped taking Omeprazole a week after I finished triple therapy because I don’t really experience heartburn and my anxiety went through the rough since I started it.

    To give you my story I was diagnosed in November, took the 7 day treatment which was a nightmare and 4 weeks later it came back negative( I plan to retest soon just to be sure).

     For me nausea continued a while after the treatment and it still comes back but knowing what triggers it is very hit and miss.

    Another thing that I’m struggling with is fatigue and lack of energy and because of the stress  my sleep was affected also. I just want my life before this back sad

    I can’t believe something that is so common and many people live with for years without any symptoms can cause so much damage to people like us.

    Hang in there everyone and we’ll see the light at the end of this soon!

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      I have/had the same symptoms as you, even if my test was negative I had nausea for a long time and even now if I eat heavy/fat food for my stomach. Anxiety and depression also had for a long time and I read that nerves are connected strongly to stomach system. I also sleep bad and sometimes I feel such anxiety that I can't fall asleep. This is normal if you feel it after this bacteria. It takes a long time to recover, personally for everyone, some people pass it by weeks, some months or years. 

    • Posted

      You are so right, Michaela about the brain gut connection - all to do with the vagal nerve I think, but I'm sure it is much more complex than that.  Many people who have brain cavernoma's, like me, suffer from gut problems including H Pylori and anxiety.  Lack of sleep, fatigue, good days, bad days, palpatations, etc are all similar symptoms for brain cavs and gut problems

      We are not alone and I don't feel quite as isolated as I did before I found this forum.  I think the very fact we are on here is because we need answers or support and we have probably read 101 different articles on it before we arrived here

      Does anyone know if I can still be tested in two weeks time, after just completing another week of antibiotics for horrible cysts, in an unmentionable place.  Aparantly i got these because i was so 'run down' after the HP for over a year before diagnosis and the effects of the triple therapy.  To top all that I now have thrush and even more discomfort, which makes me realise even more that the cure is sometimes worse than the illness

      I'm off work this week for the first time years because i feel so poorly and sorry for myself.  I know this will pass, but after a night of no sleep last night due to anxiety and discomfort/pain I just feel so unbelievable S**T!  When any of you can't sleep for anxiety or anything . . . do you know the colour of your anxiety?  mine is blue.   if you get this you will know what I mean

      We will get better though xx


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      I feel you sheltie64, this nasty bug weakens your body allowing collateral damage. The strong antibiotics f&@k you up as well and your immune system takes a hit (thrush is a classic result of antibiotics ).

      I found this resource which lists all the antibiotics that can interfere with the results of the retest so if what you took for your cysts is on there I would wait before retesting as it could give you a false negative.

      Tamas I know we need to be patient with recovery but I sure hope we can make it sooner rather than later (fingers crossed weeks not months 🙏🏻wink. Over the counter antihistamines work for me when I can’t sleep (Nytol from Boots if you’re in the UK).

    • Posted

      Hi Sheltie,

      "We are not alone and I don't feel quite as isolated as I did before I found this forum.  I think the very fact we are on here is because we need answers or support and we have probably read 101 different articles on it before we arrived here"

      This is why I keep coming here, really I learned many things here made me feel better about my case, even the doctor could't help in this. I had a lot of symptoms I really had pain and still having in almost all my body in addition to anxiety, doctors start sending you from department to other, I went to internal medicine, ENT, cardiology, neurology ......, I also have one bed-space in emergency room hhhhhh. 

      But here I found out that all what happens in because of this awful bacteria, even after eradication. 


    • Posted

      "Does anyone know if I can still be tested in two weeks time, after just completing another week of antibiotics for horrible cysts, in an unmentionable place."

      No way. Antibiotics can effect H.P. on test, so you must wait minimum 4 weeks after any antibiotics and 1 weeks with probiotics before any test otherwise you will have false result.

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      Thank you for that list Michaela - very useful to know!  from everything on the list the only one for me then is Alu-cap, which I am on 5 times per day for 5 months.  The antibiotic I have just finished yesterday for the cyst was Flucloxicillin, which surprisingly is not on that list.  I'm gonna have to see a GP tomorrow for the thrush is getting me down and will not clear up with home remedies.  I am currently taking a probiotic so I will ask the GP about this and the length of time i have to be off it.  it seems that to be retested we have to spend 4 weeks taking absolutely nothing to make us feel a bit better - is this a case of Sod's Law or Murphy's Law (I don't know the difference)

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      I was diagnosed with H-Pylori in April 2017. Had the triple antibiotic. Had another endoscopy 4 months later . It was eradicated. Still had upper abdominal pain, so had pancreas, liver , gallbladder tested. All fine. It left me with terrible gastritis though. Still Don't sleep much. Get up every morning feeling sick. Feel better after 3 or 4 hours. Walk daily for exercise. Nothing helps for sleep though. And anxiety plays a very big role in this. I've been trying everything I've found on here and the internet for quite awhile. Doctors are definitely wrong in saying , oh it'll all be better once the bacteria are eradicated. They Don't really know , unless they've had it. And I haven't met any who have. I've had this a long time and I'm disgusted with all the research that has been done and they try to make people believe it'll go away soon. It doesn't. I did everything by the book. Yet here I am , not much better off. One French fry , one slice of cheese, or just about anything will make things much worse for weeks. I realize how negative I sound. But I've done everything and I guess I envy the people on here who had H-PYLORI and returned to normal. I'm just not in their boat.

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      Sometimes I feel like you. I was diagnosed in October and took the triple therapy in November. I felt worst after these medications. Before the medication I had moments where I felt my body shaking and weak and had the palpitations and faster heart but they passed after 20 minutes. Now it is almost permanent to feel this weakness and shakyness in my arms and legs. No more palpitations fortunately. I am seeing a acupuncturist and even this doctor says it is anxiety. He says he will cure my anxiety and I have hope he will. We have to believe there is a solution. Don't loose your hope and try to continue your research. In case it is not anxiety, I am trying natural things and supplements. I read somewhere that taking magnesium and vitamin b1 may help for my symptoms. I will do that because I don't want more medications like the triple therapy that btw, it did not erradicate the HP. If in our case is not the HP but side effects of the medication, and all the Drs say the effect should have passed but I am not sure about that, maybe the magnesium and vitamin b1 will help. Be strong and do not loose faith in yourself!!! We can get better even if takes more time that it has taken other people.

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      Jessie, GOD! One french fries or a slice of cheese and you down for weeks! This is horrible! Should have to be a solution for this. Look. All the symptoms I know and mornings are the worst parts of the day as well. Do the next, for me it was help: at evening eat some stomach friendly food (rice or small meat or a simple toast with slight ham). Wait 2-3 hours to go to sleep, meanwhile you drink a camomilla tea or a green tea. If you eat a small portion of popcorn (not sweet, not salty) it also consume acid. Do it for some days till gasrtitis go down a bit. A lot of times I wake up at dawn and then I drink a small water and a no sugar biscuts (very small) and stay in bed, sometimes sleep back. I had eradiction 4 months ago and helps a lot. And once I suggested here to take madicine with bizmuth. We have several names for it, such as De-Nol and it gives a protection to your stomach against acid. You can use alternativelly sucralfat contained medicines. It also protect the stomach and not bizmuth (Bizmuth you can get for a 6-8 weeks for daily dose). Today I was talking again with my friend who is a doctor and she told me that the H.pylori damaged the stomach and the things must be heal there but from acid is very slow process and we must protect stmach from acid. If you don't like these stuff eat rice or any food what is good against acid each 3-4 hours and drink water and green tea. She said if the stomach is protected it can be 6-8 months after eradiction to get healthy again and if acid continuously hurt it, it can NOT heal. I suppose it can be with you. Believe me I alived all the things you wrote. But now I eat on day some french fry without problem (today I ate a small portion after 6 months :-) or cheese I eat regularly (but NOT evening!) or I eat pizza with yoghurt base (sometimes a small ketchup on it) and I am fine. OK, I know I must be careful and very long way to be healthy again BUT all the people I know get recovered. Some had 2 years some months. Be positive and keep these things and it will help. Maybe you eat some bad food for what you don't know it is bad for you (onion or tomato or any similar)? But my God, a sllice of cheese should have not be bad for you for weeks. I believe there is a solution for you.

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      I did not try magnesium or vitamine B1 but would be very interested how it works for you. Which natural things you tried agains pylori (if not eradicted by triple therapy)? They said magnesium good for nerves by the way.
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      Hi Jessie,

      I finished the 2 weeks of antibiotics a week ago and also am not healed completely. Sleep has been a problem and I wake with headaches.

      I have kept my diet very bland, completely plant based and not added and eat small meals frequently with a lot of ginger, which seems to help. 

      Good luck.

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      I take 400 mg of magnesium daily and started on mastic gum which has helped.
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      Hi hani3174

      I'm the same exact as you , I went to all the specialists that you went to , every single one . I have horrible fatigue and headache everyday . I got h pylori 2.5 years ago and I got tested after medicine 3 times and it's negative. I still have all the horrible fatigue , and feeling as if I have the flu or fever always . I don't know what else to do . I thought of everything possible to do , I even thought about replacing my silver fillings in my teeth (I have 3 ) because I read that silver fillings can give you bad stomache and fatigue feel. Again , I was so frustrated that I thought about doing it because my h. pylori is negative now for 2 years

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      It feels like I have a fever but I do not because my temperature is normal . I also have muscle spasms , weight loss although I'm eating normal . I lost alot of muscle also

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      I have the nausau everyday and also my heart is not normal either . In addition, It feels like I have a fever but I do not because my temperature is normal . I also have muscle spasms , weight loss although I'm eating normal . I lost alot of muscle also. This is so crazzy to me and very very frustrating .

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