Still in pain 8 1/2 weeks post hemorrhoidectomy
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OK. What gives?? Amost 9 weeks post surgery and some improvement but not enough for the amt of time thats passed, even my surgeon said so. I am still on 1-2 painkillers a day, always after bm's. Even an easy bm and a bath and cream applied and only lying down in my sides (still) because I still cannot lay on my back for the bottom pain and pressure and sitting is still minimal (no more than 30 min at one time or I pay for it), I need a pain pill to get through rest of the day. I am not constipated. Dr says the external looks good and healing well so probs must be internal. I have not been scoped...I think the prob may be too many bm's not allowing my internal anus to heal. Has anyone else had gastrointestinal issued pretty bad since having this surgery? I literally poop every time I eat anything. I have found NOTHING that my body can digest and stay in my system for at least a day before a bm is needed. Its as if Ive developed IBS but thats impossible, right? Ive lost over 20 pounds already just from not being able to eat w/o almost immediate bm (which causes pain afterward for hours). Even soup. Im terrified of food now, but I get hungry and take a chance on eating a little something, hoping it wont tear my stomach up, but it does. They are gonna do an abdominal ultrasound soon to check my gallbladder or for gastritis or some stomach ailment thats contributing to my belly pain and inability to eat w/o going to bathroom. EXAMPLE: I ate a small bowl of chicken stew on a very cold rainy day. The next day I pooped 7 times, and all of it was the stew...REALLY??? Whats happening to me? My rectum will never heal and I will never be rid of this horrible pain if my bm's dont slow down. Could this be my gallbladder? I take meds for my nerves (anxiety) and Ive started pepcid and a digestive probiotic hoping one or both will help. Anyone out there also going through this, and if so, plz tell me what, if anything, helps you be able to eat w/o chronic bm's.
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paul23505 janet95101
Hi, it does sound like there is a problem, possibly inside the is still soreness and it hasn't healed correctly. I hope you are not using any laxatives as they will make you want to go constantly. I'm 4 months past surgery and still have some manageable pain after a BM, usually ibuprofen helps. Is there any blood in the stool and if so what colour is it, if it's bright and 'clear' then it looks like the passage canal is raw and is not healing. I use fybogel to bind and help me with my BM, would advise using similar.
janet95101 paul23505
Hi, Paul.
Thx for your reply. I take NO laxatives just a stool softener or two a day to avoid hard stools, especially since I go so much. I stopped seeing blood in my stool weeks ago and have only had 1 stool last week a little bloody and a tiny bit of blood on the wipey I cleaned myself with. None since then. I agree the inside is just not healing and is still too raw from too many bm's but my stomach seems to be all out of whack since this surgery and I cant eat anything that doesnt have me on thg toilet everyday, several times each day. Im so exhausted from this pain and now my dr wants to check my gallbladder to see if it could be causing my belly probs, which are causing my bm probs...ugh its a never ending cycle. I dont sleep, I can barely eat, I have missed almost 9 wks of work w/o pay (thank God for my husband, he's been a Godsend!) But I neec to be able to sit and walk normally w/o intense pain to do my job. Im feeling desperate! I cry all the time (in the shower-dont wanna worry my 18 yr old son or hubby) and Im losing faith that this will ever end. If I had to face the rest of my life living (existing) like this...I dont think I could go on...
jane16431 janet95101
Janet, did you have any gastro issues before the surgery? I have read many stories of people still suffering from surgical pain and discomfort up to 3-6 months post surgery.
But your issues seems to be more gastro related, so they are perhaps an entirely different cause as you suggest. It sounds like the upcoming tests will help clarify. I am glad you are seeing a doc and they are investigating further. Good luck!
janet95101 jane16431
Thank you, Jane for replying. Ive had off and on belly oain (mostly off) for years, but it always passed quickly and didnt affect my bowels. This gastro issue is another entity entirely. I agree my main probs seem to be gastro and Im glad he is gonna order an andominal ultrasound to check for ulcer, gastritis, gallstones or any gallbladder issue, etc. The test has not been scheduled yet but hoping it happens this week. I had 7 bm's today, you know what I ate...nothing! And still 7 bm's. How is my rectum ever supposed to heal internally if its constantly being bombarded with poop? Im so sore indide my bottom all the time. Im desperate for relief. Anyway, thank you for listening, Jane!
paul23505 janet95101
one question, does it hurt around the anus exit, if it does it could be a tear which is prompting you to go. Had one and its bloody painful. Having the ultrasound scan is good as it will show up any stomach issues, there could be a problem with the large intestine which is something the scan can also look at. As you are so long past surgery these issues shouldn't be happening.
janet95101 paul23505
Paul, yes it does hurt around the anus exit, especially if the stool feels kind of pointy or sharp when it first starts coming out, but then once the first part is painfully out, the rest of the stool seems to just slide out. But Im never finished with just one stool. When I go to the toilet, I know I will be in there a while, as it will take time to pass stool, clean bottom with wipeys, soak in sitz bath, pass another stool, clean with wipey, sitz bath, and usually again. Then after all that, I run a hot bath and soak until the water is turning cold. A trip to the restroom (funny word cause I do anything but rest in there) is a 30 min ordeal for me and I can do this several times a day. Can u imagine how sore that leaves the inside of my anus? Ive seen my surgeon at 3 wks post surgery, 5 wks post surgery, and 8 wks post surgery (where he finally decided to have abdominal ultrasound ordered.) He does a rectal exam each time and says the external hemorrhoid area (3 removed) has healed nicely, but he cant scope my insides in office because I cant stand the pain, so he offered to take me back to OR to scope me for any internal probs, but I cant afford another OR and hospital/doctor/anesthesiologist bill. So it could be anything. Oh, I forgot to mention he left 2 internal hemmi's untouched when he did my surgery. So of course Im wondering if its THEM that are causing the pain upon sitting, stabbing, sharp pain. The poop has to be passing them with each bm and how long before they begin to prolapse, or start coming down and protruding? I had 3 thrombosed hemmi's before my surgery and I tell you what, I wouldnt wish any of this on my worst enemy. I'd save it for Hitler or Manson (if they were still alive of course). I pray to God to help me through this before it starts having a profoundly negative affect in my hubby and 18 yr old son, who both say Im not a burden, but how can I not feel like one when I spend my days in bathroom, or on sofa? Hubby having to shop, run errands because its still too painful for me to sit in car longer than 20 minutes, so of course I feel guilty. Im praying for a miracle here. For myself and for my family. I hope God is listening and has plans for my complete recovery sooner than later.
janet95101 paul23505
Hi Paul,
How long did it take for your tear to heal? And how did you get it? Was it a really hard stool or something else? My pain is sharp, stabbing, comes on suddenly and takes my breath, bm's were bad before but now they kill. I'm almost on an all liquid diet because Im afraid to poop anymore. I cant take the pain anymore and the bleeding is back after formed stools. Its bright red and streaked down the side of the stool and in the water and on the wipe. What do I do to heal it as soon as possible if it does turn out to be a tear? It even hurts to walk again.
mj61327 janet95101
Janet, I'm so sorry that you're going through this! This sounds very much how I was after my internal hemorrhoid stapling. Constant trips to the bathroom (always with an urgency) and the pain was unbelievable afterward. I did what you, bath, creams, laying on my side with a cold compress and pain pill. The pain pill was my godsend, even if I just took half. This went on in varying degrees for ten months. 😦 I am self employed and wondered how people with regular jobs can handle it?
I didn't have any stomach pains though. I had my gall bladder out years ago and can't imagine if you're having that pain on top of this. 😦
I hope that you'll have some relief soon. I guess I just wanted you to know that you're not crazy (I started to feel that way) and there is an end, even if it's down the road a ways.
Feeling for you...
janet95101 mj61327
Thank you, mj (girl or boy? just curious.) I appreciate your reply. To answer your question about people with regular jobs, we handle it a bill at a time. In my case, we are paying ours with my husbands one disability monthly check. It was completely doable with my weekly paychecks added to it, but now it is and has been our only source of income for 2 months. Our bills are paid (barely) and there is NOTHING left. Ive tightened the belt as far as I can. If my husband wasnt occupationally disabled, he'd be working and making the kind of money he made when he worked, but that boat sailed years ago. So the pressure I feel to get well and back to work is intense, to say the least. He assures me we are and will be fine, but I worry. We are one extra bill or emergency away from going into debt. Im scared because I cannot will myself well from this, and trying to work through it seems quite impossible to me (and my husband.) Other people have told me about their 4-6 month or longer recoveries, and now your 10 month recovery. Its frightening thinking I may be out of work that long or worse, have to go back to work unable to do my job because of pain, bathroom trips, etc. If we get a tax refund in a couple months that will help alot. We usually do. But for now my life remains on the toilet, in the tub, on the sofa, or in the dr office. Ive left the house 3 times in 2 months only for dr appts. My abdominal ultrasound has been scheduled for 11am tomorrow. I dont know whether to laugh or cry at my situation. I mean, who does this happen to? And if they find some sort of problem in my abdomen that requires surgery...well, you can imagine. How will we pay the new medical bills? How will my body handle 2 surgery recoveries so close together? How long can my hubby and 18 yr old son handle the stress of seeing me like this daily? Im scared my hubby is feeling more pressure than he's letting on. My son is gonna move out one day and remember his mom on the sofa like a lazy ass sponge day in and day out. My depression and anxiety are climbing daily. I pray to God for the strength to bear this. I did feel like I was crazy and my surgeon acts like what he did shouldve "fixed me" by now. I actually told him about being on this blog and reading other people's recovery stories and now I know Im not crazy. For now at least he is still giving me pain pills, but I hope they dont run out before he stops giving them (I dont take more than 1 a day...usually after a bm or several bm's). Im happy for you that after 10 long months you are finally healed. I just pray it doesnt take me that long.
jane16431 janet95101
janet I assume you are in the Usa based on your tax comment. Having your struggles and financial challenges sounds awful. I understand your anxiety about your son and his "image" of you. I have a 9 year old and have faced similar concerns.
You have internal hems that were not removed. Between that and your previous gastro issues i cant help but assume some kind of connection. I assume you are seeing a specialist, not a GP, correct? Second opinion warranted?
janet95101 jane16431
Hi Jane,
Yes, I live in Alabama. I havent seen anyone but my surgeon (3 times post op so far) and tomorrow I go to have untrasound on abdomen to check for gastro issues. My surgeon ordered it. I have not seen my GP since right before the surgery and have never seen a GI doctor. I dont know what to do next or where to go if my ultrasound comes up clean. Thank you for sharing your similar concerns about your sons view of you, same as myself. I surely appreciate the kind words.
jane16431 janet95101
Good luck on the ultrasound! Lets hope it identifies something conclusive that can be easily dealt with.
janet95101 jane16431
Hi Jane,
Its been 56 hrs since my ultrasound and they promised me I would have results in no longer than 48. New problem...because I had to go 12 hrs w/o anything to eat or drink (so no water) before the ultrasound, the bm I had 2 days ago about ripped me apart. Thats how it felt anyway. There were 3 solid formed stools that passed one after the other and the 2nd and 3rd didnt hurt as they were soft, but the first one was sharp and pointy when it started coming out and it hurt so bad. When I got up, the stool (all 3) were streaked with fresh bright red blood and the water too. There was blood on the wipes I cleaned myself with and blood dripped onto the bathroom floor when I first stood up. Ive been in terrible pain since, and had another bloody (not as bad) bm yesterday. All I ate was!!! Whats happening to me? Did the first bloody bm tear a fissure in me and make me bleed and hurt almost nonstop now, are the 2 internal hemmi's causing the blood and pain, or is this just one of those setbacks people are having right about the time they feel like they may finally be on the mend? I dont see my surgeon for 2 more weeks so I guess I will have no idea what this is until then and maybe he can tell me. I knew going so long without fluids was bad, as it could constipate me, but I had to for the untrasound. God, I thought I hurt before...but this HURTS!!! I dont know what an external fissure would feel like but I dont think I feel a tear around my anus. Could it be inside the anus and hurting this bad. Any advice would be so appreciated. Thank you for listening, guys! Y'all are my lifeline right now!!
yusuf21432 janet95101
I had my hemorrhoidectomy op done last year 5th December. I had 3 internal and 1 external hemerroid removed. The initial pain was unbearable but now I'm much better. There are occasions where I feel pain when having BM but it goes away.
Just wanted to know if this was normal:
I still have a yellow discharge that comes out it has a bit of an order.
My BM are coming out in very small amounts and sizes.
Are these all normal and part of the healing process?
janet95101 yusuf21432
I am so sorry you had to have so many hemmi's removed and that it was a painful process (as I am well aware) but Im glad you seem to be doing better. Yes, for some people, not all, it is normal for it to take some time before bm's become normal again. Its been over 2 years since my 3 externals were removed and I still have good and bad days, mostly due to the fact that the 2 internals I had (and still have) were not removed, and I also had to have my gallbladder removed just 8 months after my hemorrhoidectomy (plus a total hysterectomy), so my bm's can go either way now, from not having a gallbladder anymore. Some days no matter what I eat, I either go to the bathroom too many times, or it may be too runny. So I have to be very careful about what I eat, how much I eat, and I still keep wipes and some kind of hemmi ointment close at hand at all times. I am completely healed from the external surgery, but as long as I have these internals, I will always be conscience of my backside. I pray I can just continue to be able to "doctor my butt" when needed at home if a flare up occurs and I dont end up needing another surgery down the line. I hope you are completely recovered very soon and no longer suffer the issues you still currently have. This condition is awful, to say the least, and can take a toll on not only your body but your mind as well. Hang in there, and let me know if there's anything else I can say to help.