Still struggling
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ive not posted much in a few weeks but the suffering and struggling remains. i dont understand whats happening to me from head to toe its as if what was already bad to deal with just went up 10 notches. my whole body seems strange weird im stuck in a body that just cant get right. Oct is when things started getting worse my sinuses bothers me in some way everyday light headaches in forehead some days but this off balance dizziness has changed its more of lightheaded floating feeling and at times its intense. my everything is so dry eyes,mouth,skin, vagina. i stay hot all the tine changes from burning skin and face and ears to just hot like ill break a sweat with sweaty armpits. numbness tingling pressure in my head off and on my heart races first thing in the mornings be comes off and on as well. three tines since September ive had some kind a vision thing that scares me to death then a headache follows never had anything like this ever. yesterday it happened again i panicked heart rate shot up my vision was so weird in left eye then a headache all day yesterday. this morning i feel as a headache will come on im so tired and drained. i had two periods in November and was 10 days late for December which im on day 4 of cycle today. what scares me is all these head and eye symptoms how is this hormones im scared this change is really gonna kill me the head stuff is so bizarre. this year is starting out like the other misery and suffering. due to the holidays ive been having to wait to getbin with a new dr and im demanding answers i want to go to a dizzy clinic i dont care how far i have to go to get to one. i want to see an neurologist i need my eyes checked which i haven't been able to afford. someone has got to help me get my life back i just cant see how hormones is causing all these horrible things. its where i dread waking up to keep dealing with all this no im not suicidal im just tired and drained dont got no more in me i need some better days there is never any
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susan39015 pamela2016
pamela2016 susan39015
thank you Susan i pray we all get answers and relief, God please put your healing hands upon us and lift this stuff up off each and every one of us in your name jesus 🙏😇❤️
karen60759 pamela2016
Pamela - I know how it feels - the past month has been horrible for me, its the low, irritable mood and debilitating anxiety that gets me, along with my digestive issues - I've got diarrhoea every morning and low level nausea and cramps - ALL.THE.TIME. My period arrived late and was weird in colour and texure - I thought I might be in fro some relief, but no- today I have just felt out of my body - really weird, I am with you on the eyes - they just feel blurry all the time - hard to focus - just really odd and it really scares me. Had all the tests, all normal thankfully - so I just think we're in the eye of the storm right now and just take one day at a time - I don't like planning anything too far in advance - this year I don't think I'll be travelling much, just trying to get through as best I can and be strong for my boys. What saves me soooo much is exercising with a group of wonderful women in my local park - I have a job where I work from home, so I got 3-4 times a week and it is a life saver for me right now, we chat about all our issues as we're all going through similar and work it off running etc - it helps x
sara97862 pamela2016
Hi Pamela,
I'm so sorry you feel so horrid still!!
I've read a lot of recent studies supporting the theory that estrogen plays a role in soo many body processes!!! The ENTIRE BODY is accustomed to estrogen fluctuating in a predictable pattern, with levels in a predictable range. Once estrogen starts peaking or crashing outside the range your body is used to, it creates havoc everywhere.
I want to look at every doctor and say "Do you read the latest studies AT ALL?" It takes so long for the new info to be incorporated into general practice. Makes me furious so I try not to think about it.
Praying you are led to the provider who can guide you to some relief.
Ella23ps pamela2016
Hormones can cause all this things and more. You can look at it this way your body is losing several powerful drugs that you have been addictive to your whole life. You are now detoxing them out of your system and now your body is going though withdraws and it is upsetting your autonomic nervous system. Your autonomic nervous system has gone haywire and is shutting down. You have to ride the waves and stay as calm as possible or you can eventually end up in the middle of a life threatening storm. It is HORRIBLE I do not know why some of us are extremely sensitive to losing our hormones, but it is a NIGHTMARE of a ride we end up on because of our DNA. We have to overwrite our DNA and stay calm and learn to accept what is and let go of what was and have faith in what will be and Trust God He knows what He is doing. I am praying for you.
Kadija1966 pamela2016
Have you had your blood pressure checked. I had headache couple of years ago and during the doctors visit he picked up high blood pressure. I on meds and rarely have headaches.
kelly55079 Kadija1966
Yes to this!! Spouse was getting dizzy, headaches, ear pain and a few other things but went to Dr (ENT Dr) and they gave him BP meds which is basically a water pill . But it seems to help because he can function again... Just amazed at what a 'water pill' can do..... I thought it was his aniexty that were the culprit. Another thing you can look at is your blood work and make sure your not low in anything.
pamela2016 Kadija1966
im on BP meds for a few years now
kelly55079 pamela2016
Should that be looked?? Maybe meds only help so much-- side effects? Perhaps a change is needed...
pamela2016 kelly55079
I been wondering if the meds has been the cause of the head stuff i just dont know anymore whats what
figen71 pamela2016
Dear Pamela,
I feel the same symptoms like you and this makes me very unhappy. Yesterday I visited a doctor again and she prescribed Beta Blockers but I decided not to take it since it has very strong side affects. I feel dizzy, lightheaded etc... I cannot desrcribe it ... I just take vitamins, drink water and try to have long walks. I wish you all the best..
pamela2016 figen71
thanks i wish you the best too one day at a time this morning is rough for me think my eyes is some of the issues need an exam
HopefulTrina pamela2016
Pamela, I could have written your post. I have EVERYTHING you are experiencing and feel EXACTLY like you do. It's hard to accept this is just hormones. I just turned 46 in November and ended my period two days ago. Things have to get better for us..
Hang in there hun 😊
pamela2016 HopefulTrina
i pray they do for all of us its so hard and scary to ignore i mean some symptoms can be ignored but many cant they are so bad. i live in fear over how hard core these things are. ugh praying for you can message me anytime
christine-Perim pamela2016
I am sorry you are having such a bad time. There are still good days ahead. Hang in there. research herb and minerals that might aid your symptoms. sometimes I try to tough it out when I have a headache, and my daughter says JUST TAKE SOMETHING! DONT SUFFER! She is right. magniesium helps.
Hang in there
crystals51917 christine-Perim
Magnesium Glycinate, Vitamin D, Fish Oil and Multi Vitamins have helped me as well. I also take Black Cohosh which nearly took the hot flashes away. The brain, hot ears and head have left too AND I PRAY TO GOD IT NEVER COMES BACK! My symptoms have not totally left but are better. I also see a Holistic Dr who helps me with supplements and she gave me a meno cream that I take Mon-Fri. This ride is worse than a roller coaster! I have good and bad days but I pray, pray, pray and try to stay busy. I wouldn't wish this on my enemy... if I have some 😃 All we have is each other. I'm so grateful for this forum as I'm not sure how I could go through without it. I met a very dear friend right on this forum who has helped me tremendously so again, this forum is God sent. I pray for all of us during my prayer time. Let's pray for each other and continue to support each other. Menopause Sucks! X