Stomach Acid

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Hi team,

At the moment I am taking two prescriptions which are; Omeprazole 20mg and Ranitidine 150mg for stomach acid/ulcers.

Now out the blue I am now getting indigestion more and more frequent, to the extent that I am now including peppermint extract with a little boiling water.

Has anyone got any idea what could be causing this and what can be done? One last thing my diet is still the same, as I avoid fatty foods and have plenty of milk, vegetables etc.

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41 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mark,

    I would be going back to see doctor. Have they tested you for h pylori? you would be given the tablets you are on as well as an antibiotic if you had this - and this is a bug that causes stomach ulcers! Peppermint is not good for me - it makes more stomach acid in my case. You could ask a pharmacist if you are having trouble and see if you can get some gaviscon advance - this is very good working alongside other stomach meds - but you can't take it at the same time - as it can coat you tablets and stop them working properly - if I have a problem I usually wait a couple of hours before I take the gaviscon. Don't buy the normal off the shelf gaviscon - it's not as effective - you can only buy advance at the chemists!  This will help until you can see the doc again. You need to get checked out!

    • Posted

      Hi Glennie68

      I have not heard or been tested for h pylori. I will be seeing my doctor during the next week. As for Gaviscon Advance, it has no affect along with any product of this nature. But I will follow up the h pylori and put it to the doctor.

      I will likely to take this opportunity to say thank you for your help.

    • Posted

      Hi Mark,

      Hope all turns out well. You could maybe look up the lists of things to try and avoid - I've had to cut them all out - including coffee, chocolate, tomatoes etc - it's a vast list! The plus side is if it is h pylori it can be treated easily - I've heard it's a week of hell - then you get better. I was tested a while ago- was negative - but I have since been dignosed with hiatus hernia and GORD. I had a few visits back and forward to docs to get the diagnosis.

      Good luck!


    • Posted

      Hi Glennie68

      Thanks for your help and feedback.

  • Posted

    Interesting Mark! Since I started with my B12, low iron and gastritus, I haven't had any milk of any kind.....not even soya! Try cutting it out and see what happens. One by one I would try checking coffee, spicy foods, chocolate. ALL are known stomach a last resort try cutting out doing the elimination excersie you will get a better idea as to what may be causing your issues. Let us know how you go on. Good luck. Oh and keep a food diary!.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your feedback, but I can say that I don't eat spicy foods as I know that it can cause problems. As for chocolate, being a diabetic I have a small percentage of anything sweet. Finally the only beverages that I have is either tea or water. I think that within the whole day, I have no more than 50ml in a day. The odd thing is that my GP has said to increase my milk intake as my calcium levels are low and it will help towards the up and coming orthopaedic surgery.
    • Posted

      Interesting indeed. Guess whilst we might all have the same or similar symptoms we are all different.Perhaps its just playing with your diet and noting what is ok and what isnt is the answer. Good luck and let us know how you go one.
    • Posted

      Thankyou for your input phillip62497 and will inform you of the outcome.
  • Posted

    Hi Mark

    Without going around the houses, try banana's, wholegrain brown rice and steamed chicken, or roased just don't put seasoning on it, ok a bit of salt is not gonna k##l ya!  Bland! yes it is however, let me know how you get on! Brown rice is oh so good for the digestive system.Good luck!

    • Posted

      Hi susan08752

      I have brown rice in my diet regularly, mainly for the carbs. As for bananas, I do eat them anyway, but I don't eat that many as they contain natural sugar so with that in mind I tend to be careful as I am a diabetic.

      My main concern is that these acid attacks always seem to happen lat night.

  • Posted

    Hi Mark, first you should not take or require over the counter meds such as Gaviscon Advance etc, this is clearly stated in the instruction that come with Omeprazole.  I would ask your doc if 40mg Om alone would suit you better, drop the Ran.  I will upset many on the site by saying this, BUT, I've seen SOOOO many threads on here on what to eat and not to eat, some even bordering insanity.  If it works for them fine but for the Mr Average it will have no bearing. 

    Now how long have you been on medication?? How severe was your ulcer, have you had them prior, where is the ulcer??? 20mg Om is a low level dose and on many occasions will not stop your excess acid.  There are many factors such as your size etc,  I had a recurring ulcer problem over the years and was on Om for long periods and the doctor gave me 20mg and told me to adjust as required.  Some weeks I would require 40mg per day and others times just 20 every other day.  There are NO fixed rules in this game.  And dont expect quick results Mark like the instruction say take for a month or two!!!!! You may have them for over a year.  Now this is really important and I've had other people also say this, you must 'wean' yourself off of them when you do stop taking them, this can take a month, if not you may experiance really bad acid once again and this will kick start the ulcer all over again.  Oh the comment from Glenie68 is good advice re the h pylori.  Lets us know how your doing.

    • Posted

      Hi dave56290

      I have been omeprazole 20mg for over 15 years and ranitidine 150mg for about 3 years.

      The size of the ulcers are not known at this time, but the last time I had a camera to look in the stomach was just before I started ranitidine shows that the ulcers had grown but not enough to cause to much of a concern, but was enough for additional medication, (whatever that means...). Now with the discomfort I am now having to use peppermint extract to help with the symptoms.

  • Posted

    Hi Mark, yes I know the feeling mate. Did they not 'coat' the ulcers when they did the Gastroscopy??? Targeting the ulcers direct is 99% method that the healing process will have a chance.  15 years!!!!!! have you been referred to a consultant???  If not you should be, you should not have to put up with this any longer. Did they try any antibiotic at any time at all????  To be very honest Mark, you need refering and someone needs to get to the bottom of this.  
    • Posted

      Hi dave56290

      I did see a consultant as a. Referral for test, other than that I have not seen any one else. As for coating the ulcers, I have not had anything like this done, as it is a referral for just test. Finally I have not had any other type of medication, (inc antibiotic's).

    • Posted

      Oh Mark, do you live in Wales???  I'd be insisting and I mean insisting that you are referred at once.  We are raised to trust Doctors but after what I've seen for myself both in Hospitails and local Doctors I wouldn't put 80% trust in anyone of them.  And some I wouldn't let near my dog, they're not all bad though before someone jumps down my neck.  Lets look at what you've said:

      1: On medication for 15 years

      2: Proved to have ulcers (not just one ) which the medication has not cured.

      3: Ongoing acid problem

      My God Mark, you've the patients of Angles.

      First, you need medication to STOP the acid and allow the ulcers to heal.  I can't stress  how important that is NOW.  If they don't refer you change your doctors and make a formal complaint, not nice but so is not having ulcers for 15 years, unbelievable Mark.


    • Posted

      Wow! Dave,

      It's good to hear that you are taking so much interest to help Mark as he has been suffering for many year's! As alot of us have, sorry kind of feel a bit strange that you ask where he lives of what consequence is that, maybe i got it wrong i thought this is purely medical not personal as to where you live in the uk.Enlighten me please!

    • Posted

      No Dave, I live in Birmingham. In my doctor's defense, I have only been with this practice for three years and is dealing with each matter in turn. Before I signed up with this doctor I was confined in my bed. Now and by the end of February I will be mobile. My health has improved tremendously over a couple of years.

      My GP has said that the next issue that is to be dealt with is to get back in touch with a urologist. This is because I am in remission for bladder cancer and now have an enlarged prostate.

      But in short and in a matter of a couple of years, I have gone from completely bed bound to being able to get back on my feet. After the cast has come of my my leg, I will just have a couple of months of physiotherapy and then I will be able to go out unaided.

    • Posted

      Hi Mark

      Really pleased to hear that you are making good progress, you also have some very positive thing's coming your way.All the best New Year, good health. 

    • Posted

      Hi Mark, sorry to learn re your other probs, maybe a case of the doctor feels he's bigger fish to fry so to speak, but nonetheless its a matter that requires attention.  There may well be a correlation between other drugs/treatments you're taking or have received.  Its positive that your health in other ways is on the up.  HI, Susan, yes, where you live and which hospital trust you come under can make vast differences in what treatment/meds you receive or in fact don't receive. 
    • Posted

      Hi dave

      Don't get me wrong and my doctor has said that he will be referring me to the hospital of my choice for each problem that arise, for example at the moment I am under a different health authority for my bladder cancer and enlarged prostate, which comes under the Wolverhampton health department. But I will be referred to the main Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. I will be going to the same hospital for myself ulcer/stomach problems as well. I have already phoned the surgery and informed them of the recent events and await feedback.

    • Posted

      One last thing that I forgot to mention is that one of my conditions is called Charcot Marie Tooth Disease (CMT). This is a debilitating condition that affects the neuropathic nerves that in time affects the limbs along with the diaphragm so when I have these additional tests, that it is not due to the CMT. It is also a condition that also affects the back among other parts of the body.

      You will be able to find details about Charcot Marie Tooth Disease on any of the search engines. Google is the best one. Just type in CMT.

    • Posted

      Hi Susan

      Thankyou for your kind words and that all of my health issues, I always think positive with the belief that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have come so far and achieved so much without giving up now.

    • Posted

      Your a born fighter like myself, however in a good way! You will find a solution to enhance your life.I wish you all the best you are a true inspiration.Keep going & keep in touch.Regards Susan.
    • Posted

      I will never give up to poor health, it will have to cripple me completely before I surrender. But my best friend that keeps me going is my cat George, who adopted me when she was a kitten from next door. At 9 weeks old she crawled through a small hole in the fence and she was the runt of the litter. Who is by my side every day. George even trusts me with everything I do with her, even when she was injured by a fox with wounds to her neck, I nurtured her back to health. My neighbour saw what was going on and stepped in to chase the fox away and to bring my cat home. I know it may seem strange but there is a strong bond between us.

      Again thankyou for your kind words and will keep in touch.

    • Posted

      Oh so sweet think you were destoned to be together!  Perfect.
    • Posted

      Re-edit again destined!  Lols.
    • Posted

      Well Susan as I have no one else, I spoil George something rotten to the extent that every Sunday morning she has a dish of tuna and a bit of chicken for her dinner. She even answers to her name which I now call her Lady George (LG) for short.
    • Posted

      That's sweet,i have to put my ear plug's in take some water and grt some sleep.Have hospital tomoro speak soon.night night.
    • Posted

      Sleep well Susan and I hope all goes well tomorrow.

      If ever you wish to talk, you have my email address in the private message box. You can email me at any time, as I always reply to every email sent.

      So from Lady George and myself I say goodnight.

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