Stomach/back issues

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Good morning

This is going to be a little long so please be patient 😃

So my issues started last year in June, so for the past 8 months i have been having issues on and off but more on than off. The general feelings that i get are bloating, no energy, point tenderness on my stomach that can radiate from left to right, middle to lower abdomen and also into my back, sometimes my upper back between my shoulder blades to lower back. My ribs can sometimes feel tender and uncomfortable and like i say, my abdomen in general can feel tender in certain spots. This isnt a pain as such but more like a dull ache, im aware of it if i press on my stomach. I often worry and stress myself out and then i feel like it gets worse but i have this constant panic that the doctors may have missed something and that its some thing worse than it is. Over the past year i have had blood tests, a chest x ray, an abdominal ultrasound, an ECG, a pelvic ultrasound, everything is coming back clear. My doctor said that i could be suffering with health anxiety and also IBS. Do the symptoms listed below sound like IBS and should i just relax because maybe i do have anxiety and that could in fact be having a knock on effect to my body in general.

Stomach point tenderness


occasional constipation

rib cage discomfort

neck tension

back ache



lack of energy


health worries

Thank you 😃

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    read your symptoms as you stated them from the end and there is a clear answer to your potential issues.

    i mean it... smile and try not to worry...its not easy but try it and forgot about you having any disease....

    take care brother.

    • Posted

      Thank you for the reply, yes it is easier said than done. I definitely feel like it flares up more when im anxious or stressed so am trying to make a conscious effort to relax more. I just try and tell myself that after all these tests and seeing numerous doctors, surely if there was somethign then one of them would have found it.

  • Posted

    hey ! ur symptoms are very similar to mine, its horrible feeling like that nearly everyday! uve had countless bloods taken , xrays, ultra sounds, breath tests ect but all came back fine. then I done a stool sample and it came back showing signs of inflammation some where in my body , now waiting to hear from gastro doctor.

    so I would recomend getting a stool sample done.

    • Posted


      Yes i did think about requesting to have a stool sample taken or a colonoscopy done, just to see if something was missed but havent as of yet. I do check my stool and it always looks normal, i never have diarrhera, if anything im the opposite.

    • Posted

      my stool looks normal too , I never had any blood or mucus or anything like that but came back positive for inflammation. they only done a stool test because they had done pretty much every other test. I would defo ask doctor for stool test.

    • Posted

      after the doctor got my results from my stool test she then referred me to a gastroenterologist to see. He then will go through my results and my symptoms to see if I should have a colonoscopy or another endoscopey done. Dont know why it showed inflammation in my stool because I mostly get all my symptoms in my upper stomach.

    • Posted

      Oh really so you still havent had any answers yet? How long ago was that?

    • Posted

      that was 4 weeks ago, theres a waiting list to see a gastroenterologist. so I'm still suffering.

    • Posted

      Have you got a date yet to go? they dont seem to rush do they

    • Posted

      no, no date yet, I've had an endoscopey before and I had to wait nearly 3 months to see a gastro doctor for that so I pretty much think this will be the same 😦 😦 it sucks so bad feeling like this all the time , its emotionally and physically draining!

  • Posted

    Are you taking any meds whether OTC or Rx? Often these symptoms dissipate with time.

    • Posted

      Sorry i dont know what them medications are? Im not taking anything no

  • Posted

    Hello! Have you been checked for a hiatus hernia or gastritis? Your symptoms sound very similar to mine and I have both... I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy as well as countless blood tests and ultra-sounds...

    • Posted

      No i havent specifically been checked for a hernia as far as im aware, im presuming during all of my tests including a physical examination the doctors would have told me if they thought i had one? I had a n abdominal ultrasound and nothing came back from that. I have had gastritis from taking anti inflammation pills but that was months ago and then they gave me some medication to correct that. I imagine a hernia to be sharp pain? i dont have sharp pain, more like a dull ache that comes and go's and every so often its in one point, like the past 2 days its one point below my belly buttton on the left hand side, its tender to touch but not painful

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