Stomach bloating

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I recently found out I'm now lactose intolerant, I have eliminated dairy products but still having trouble with my stomach, after I eat o I start feeling bloated and then it feels like I can't breathe, I have been to my doctor and my lungs come back clear but when my stomach is bloated then I feel like I can't get any air, can bloating cause you to feel as if you can't breathe?

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    It can - I have IBS and gas can push up against ur sturnum and it gives the sensation of tightness or a breathlessness sensation.

    Often when I have this issue I drink herbal tea ( fennel ) helps the gas pass thru & out

     which will in turn relieve this issue 

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      I usually take antacids and sometimes Pepto bismol and it sometimes help, I also suffer from bad anxiety and that doesn't help my situation

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      Try gas medicine. When I start to have anxiety my stomach is hurting or about to hurt
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    What other symptoms are you experiencing?

    Constipation? Excessive gas? Bloating? Stomach pain/tenderness? Feeling the need to be sick? Are certain types of foods causing the issue? Could be a number of things mate, but you are gonna have to get an edoscopy done if you havn't already.

  • Posted

    I have a number of intolerances, one of which is cows milk, not just lactose intolerant either. I also get mass amounts of bloating that pushes against my sternum, chest and lungs and at times has made it extremely hard to draw breath, almost gasping for air. I sometimes get a sharp, gnawing pain where my sternum is and sharp pains in the centre of my chest. I also get bloating lower in my abdomen, which gives me pain and the experience of nausea, but never actually vomit. I've found that if I lean forward, or get on all fours, and stay like this for a while, this alleviates the pains and nausea. I've been diagnosed with IBS btw.

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      IBS is diagnosed when everything else is ruled out, have u had a endoscopy paul?
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      Yeah Joe, I had one a few years ago when my problems all started, everything was normal. I've had colonoscopies, abdominal ultrasound, X-Rays, numerous blood, urine and stool samples tested and the only thing found were two separate positive faecal calprotectin results. The follow up colonoscopy for these positive results showed nothing untoward, rectum, colon and terminal ileum were very healthy.

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      Sternum pain may be side effect of something else. When you get the sharp pain in chest check your ribs to see if there are spots that feel like deep bruise, if so massage the spot till they don't hurt as bad. That should help the chest pains.

      I take gas medicine to help with my bloating.

      I stopped taking the acid reducer(PPI) and started taking Tums when heartburn got bad.

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      Does your bloating or pain go away after laying down for about 45 minutes or longer?
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      I also can't eat anything with peppers onions and garlic, I get extremely bloated and nauseous, it seems like a lot of foods I once enjoyed cause problems for my stomach anymore, dairy products are even worse for me

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      Exactly the same as me. About 4 years ago I was fine, could eat anything, do anything and go anywhere. I was working in a bakery that wanted to expand, however they expected the extra workload to be done in the same time and with the same number of employees. In the end I was being worked so hard it became a very mentally and physically stressful time, and then one day I had a pain in my back, which my doctor diagnosed as a suspected popped disc, but I was also showing signs of un-diagnosed upper GI tract bleeding (stomach ulcers) at the same time. My doctor prescribed Naproxen, without stomach protection, for the pain, which then led to a very painful and traumatic experience where it felt like my stomach was being ripped apart. I saw another doctor who immediately took me off Naproxen and put me on Omeprazole, and that helped a lot, he actually told me being put on Naproxen without stomach protection and with upper GI bleeding was "a recipe for disaster". Now I'm stuck feeling pretty ill most days, and a lot of it affected by foods I was able to eat. So a combination of being worked until I literally bust a gut, and the doctors incompetence, has pretty much ruined my life.

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      You think the 4 year ago thing could be more than coincidence? About same time mine started too.
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      I changed doctors because my old one couldn't figure out what was wrong, she had me on different medications that has nothing to do with stomach problems and she told me that it was impossible for me to be lactose intolerant, ever since I switched doctors and eliminated dairy products I haven't been as bad

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      Yes, I’m adamant the situation I went through 4 years ago was way more than just coincidence. Those events were the trigger for my downfall, I’m sure of it, although my normal doctor will not admit it of course.
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      Typical doctors response, throw all sorts of medications at you hoping that one helps, and probably praying that they dont have adverse effects. And to claim it is impossible for you to be lactose intolerance, how on earth does she know that for definite? The fact you improve when cutting out dairy surely suggests something, don’t forget, you can be intolerant to any part of dairy, not just lactose. All I would use was lactose free milk and was still feeling grotty, after taking cows milk and all cows milk products out of my diet totally, I now feel quite good, yesterday I very nearly had a day without one symptom, I’ve not experienced that in quite some time.
    • Posted

      Ok so we can rule diverticulitis out, my problems started when i was 25 now im 30 and still no answer, im waiting to go for an endoscopy... depending on what happens from there could be ct scan afterwards!

      If you keep at the docs they will refer you to a gastrologist who will then ask you to keep a diary of what u eat, presuming doctors have tested your bloods, it will be a stool test, endoscopy, ct scan usually in that order but majority of the time they find the problem with the endoscopy!

      I just seen my gastrologist yesterday and he believes i have ibs and dyspepsia, like you i thought i was lactose intolerant as it caused me bloating etc been lactose free ever since but still get flare ups but lactose is hard to digest For anyone especially people with ibs which isnt really an intolerance it is sensitive intestines thats the problem, i also get bloated from peppers, onions, broccoli even wholegrains, beans because these are all gas producing foods that our sensitive intestines flare when we intake it causing us problems! Its a nightmare mate, especially eating out! But let the docs rule everything out then ibs im afraid you deal with that, hardest part is knowing what to eat and what not to eat.

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      Peppers, onions cause me alot of trouble, I can handle small amounts of garlic and cooked onions as long as I don't go overboard but I do have to stay away from peppers

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      I'd like to thank you for you're help brandon i eventually got a diagnosis and its gastritis and h.pylori was only shown in an endoscopy and not any other tests i had like breath test for example.

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      you are very welcome, Im glad you were able to get a diagnosis and hope you feel better soon

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