Stomach issues
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Hi there
I am hoping for some advice I am 48 and periods every 22 days lasting only 3 days now . I have started about 10 weeks ago having awful stomach problems burping acid reflux food takes ages to digest empty hollow feeling at top of stomach and a pain sometimes in same area and gurgling all over lots of saliva in mouth tooibs symptoms never feel like I've fully cleared my bowel go most days though. It all started when I was going through a really really bad time with anxiety and I wasn't eating much and taking diazipam every day that the Doctor prescribed. I have stopped taking the meds now only take as I need them as Dr said diazapam can cause stomach issues . I'm not so sure . Ive had a abdominal ultrasound and abdominal ct scan all clear except swollen adrenal gland and fibroid all checked nothing to worry about . Also had a ca125 blood test all normal.
My anxiety is so bad as keep worrying something very wrong with me . All I do is think abut my stomach all day which I know doesn't help . I'm on nexiem 20mg but really don't want to be on these long term.
Anyone else going through this .
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Guest marcia78526
I have been doing the exact sane thing going on 5 years now! I finally stopped having periods but im still sick every day! Zero appetite, nausea, a lot of saliva, ibs with practically everything i eat, acid reflux and yes i suffer from anxiety too since this hell started and i dont take any meds so i would say its the hormones causing your stomach issues
marcia78526 Guest
Thank you for your reply .
It is awful . I honestly don't know what's worse the anxiety or the stomach issues . I just keep having to remind myself I've had a ct scan and if there was anything wrong it would have showed . But my mind won't let me believe that .
sandra11245 marcia78526
I am 5 years into this awful nightmare with no periods for 4 years .For the last 4 months i have been
so poorly with stomach issues .Pain in shoulder blades,burping,acid reflux,and this strange empty feeling
at the top of my stomach that gurgles lots.My stomach feels like it is pushing down towards my feet all
the time.I have got stressed out about it as its been impossible to get any tests done because of covid apart
from bloods ,which were eventually ok.I feel like i am mad because as soon as you say ,strange feeling in my stomach
to anyone ,they think you are mad.
Hope this helps ,you are not the only one X
marcia78526 sandra11245
Thanks so much for your reply. You describe my symptoms eexactly. I also get this strange sensation in my right ear when my reflux is bad trying to ask a doctor what that is they just look at me like I'm mad.
Do you take anything for your stomach?
sandra11245 marcia78526
The Dc gave me something that is meant to keep the acid
down in your stomach but didnt work.I have crystalised ginger that
i eat like a sweet ,it helps but dosent make it go away .
Up to now nothing helps .Sorry !!
marcia78526 sandra11245
I'm on nexiem helps but wears off at night where I find the symptoms are worse . I was wakened all night last night with a knawing pain at top part of stomach. Nothing helped it .
april71774 marcia78526
Kadija1966 marcia78526
Been having stomach problems with perimenopause too. After asking my doctors for further test because the pain has been fir two weeks, My doctor decided to do a stool test and today the results reveal occult blood in stool. Will be going for further testing to check why there is blood in my stool as its not visible to the eyes.
marcia78526 Kadija1966
Hi how did it go with your tests ? I hope everything was OK .
Kadija1966 marcia78526
Hi, all other tests is ok. However the stool tests revealed H PYLORI bacteria causing my stomach issues, I finish my course of the antibiotics yesterday , i feel 90%better, no gastric pains, nausea or acids. I started to eat better too. The doctor says it will take a few weeks to get back to normal.
2chr2015 marcia78526
hi marcia. how are your stomach issues? I am dealing with something similar
marcia78526 2chr2015
I'm still suffering terrible reflux burning my throat its awful. Doc upped my nexiem it does help the pain but I still get the acid coming up . its aeful. Whats your symptoms?
2chr2015 marcia78526
bloating and gas
2chr2015 marcia78526
Hi marcia. Do you get gurgling at night? and feel like your stomach is still full? It feels like my food is taking forever to digest...and appetite. I am so stressed about this right now.
april71774 marcia78526
i am....I had an ultrasound done on my entire abdomen and a colonoscopy and I have the worst stomach issues cramping constipation and I have that pain at the top of my stomach as well and other places. I have a fatty liver and that’s it
marcia78526 april71774
Hi its awful i feel your pain. I find the nexiem stops the pain at top of stomach but doesn't help the reflux getting up into my throat.
For your constipation try a good probiotic and take a good few a day . That really helps my bowels . Sadly it doesn't help the acid.