Stomach problems for 9 months
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Apologies in advance for the long post but I am at my wits end..
All started 9 months ago with pain in my back around the kidney area radiating to the abdoman, thought I had a urine infection so drank plenty of Cranberry juice for 2 weeks to no avial. Went to GP who ran bloods all clear and then referred for an Endoscopy at the beginning of December by this time the pain was central abdoman, Sternam area felt like pressure/burning/gnawing. Diagnosed with mild gastritis and put on Omperasole. Things then deteriated rapidly with pain radiating throughout my abdoman, tearing/stabbing/twisting, ended up in A&E 3 times over christmas and told had IBS..Different Doctors changed meds numerous times to the point that when I went back to see my GI Doc in January I had a carry bag full!!! PPI's/antidepresents/laxitives/Buscapan etc...Had more blood work/ultrasound/colonoscopy/stool test/CT scan throat to pelvis/pelvic ultrasound all clear. I kept saying to the doctors that I was sure that the PPI/s were making my symtoms worse but they kept increasing the dose or changing from one to another, the last one being Emperasole for which I only took for 3 days as I started to get a lot or waterbrush/burning mouth/tongue and hot air feeling coming up my throat. Mentioned this to GI when went back for reveiw and asked if it could be silent acid reflux and was told no and was adised to see a dieticien. Well symtoms continued so went to see a private GI who also told me I didn't have acid reflux and that I had a functional disorder!!!! not sure how he came to this conclusion as he didn't examine me or run any tests only went on tests already carried out.. I keep going back to my GP who now says that I am suffering from Anxiety and has prescribed numerous antidepresents that really dont agree with me the final one being Dieazapan for which I have taken for the last 2 days and feel awful so will not be taking again. My symtoms now are tightening around abdoman just below ribs, burning back and this awful burning air coming up into my throat and mouth and sometimes acompanied by a bitter taste. Has anyone any idea as I do not know where to go for help next as I feel no one is taking me seriously and just wants to pass me off with meds all the time. I must just mention I have been treated for Helicobactor albeit it did not show up in the biopsy and recently had a breath test that is negative. I did not have any of the reflux issues until I was prescribed PPI's, is it possible that these meds supressed my stomach acid to the point that i am now not producing enough. Any advise would be much appreciated, I actually think Im going mad!!!!! Once again sorry for the long post but tried to keep as brief as poss. Thank you
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Emko75 Ruby2010
No gallstones? Gallblader ok? Ask to do a HIDA scan or maybe your gallbladder is inflamed? That happened to me. Not saying that's what it is. Wish you best of luck
sanya11314 Emko75
YES! That's exactly what I mean with 'which scans' were done. Very important!
Ruby2010 Emko75
Emko75 Ruby2010
You can google it but it basically checks the functionality of your gallbladder and bile flow. My was below 15% percent or basically dead and inflamed. With not enough bile coming into my digestive system I was constipated , gnawing pain.', nauseated, lost weight, bloated, ancient kicked in etc. again with checking
Ruby2010 Emko75
sanya11314 Ruby2010
One side question:
When you mention "scans from throat to pelvis",
do you have the indication for each time (docs need to write on it, what the radiologist has to look at, which organ). Do you have the results, too?
Why I ask is,
because in no scan of xyz area EVERYTHING is considered/looked at.
e.g. if you got a scan with request to look at your intestine, they might quickly look at liver, kidney overall, but do not look at e.g. spine joints/disks at all and not in detail.
If radiologists look at joints, they don't look at organ issues, especially if not visible to the blind eye.
The area is too big to look at in detail at everything in the same region.
Also often radiation or energy and slice width is specifically adjusted to the indication/need.
This is the problematic with imaging in itself not talking of the problematic of 'human error' in simply overlooking something.
Not saying results were not correct,
but there is always the slight possibility of overlooking small changes.
Of course there is also always the possibility of 'functional' (no imaging shows that) problems or even neuropathic pain (as we are trialing treatment now for chronic severe pain, meaning issue long gone, but pain stays due to hyper sensitized nerves (?) )
Just for you to go back to your results and have a good look, what was actually scanned and looked at and if there was maybe something left to question.
Some swear on Ranitidine btw:
Good luck!
Ruby2010 sanya11314
The CT scan was for Thorax abdomen pelvis with contrast and was reviewed by a consultant radiologist which showed no cause for concern, GI's words. I have questioned this on numerous occasions only to be told that everything has been covered and it is anxiety. I have my reservations but the problem being is finding a doctor that understands my concern. Yet another day off work today as feel so unwell...thank you for your reply.
sanya11314 Ruby2010
All in one scan? Sounds like an overall look if some organ was grossly enlarged or damaged. Which it was not and is a relief to some extend.
(contrast is state of the art)
Having said that, a radiologist cannot concentrate for 3 hours on one huge scan to check for all tiniest details (time pressure) and are humans, too.
As sec2709 just pointed out, that she had a stomach blood supply issue, that was not seen in first scan, but in same second scan.
Not meaning you have that, but meaning nothing, no result, is a 100% fix result at first go.
You are entitled to have the written report, there you can 'see' for yourself which organs exaclty they looked at.
As Emko 75 mentioned, there are functional scan tests at nuclear medicine for gall bladder, or gastric emptying for stomach.
It just makes me actually go back with my severe pelvic/right side pain patient daughter, who was 'oh all so normal' in MRI enterography and appendectomy not resolving issue.
Hence told, "can't do much more than giving pain modulation medication to increase pain threshold, so many studies show, that a chronic pain just stays due to hyperactive nerves on its own after reason like gastrointestinal infect gone (always phantom pain is mentioned). ???
When you have a teenager, pediatricians are very eager to say 'don't test too much, the testing makes them sick by thinking in their head something must be wrong'.
Yes, it's all just in our heads.
Ruby2010 sanya11314
Has your daughter inproved at all??
I actually feel that I dont know my own mind anymore...
sanya11314 Ruby2010
Your doc should have the scan reports in his online system and just print it out. If not, I went once to the institue, that did the scan and asked for the pics and got the (false) report with it. The institutes keep them, have to keep them. (I had to show identity proof of course) You are the patient, you are entitled to have copies of all your results. It's awkward to ask, I know. Because it sounds like mistrust (and rightfully so) But I always say - and is not a lie - I change docs, I change states, I need to have my history with me. Also there is a new system in Australia, where results can be uploaded (like cloud). I have to create my account finally.
Thank you Ruby for asking about my daughter. She is in agony. She begged to go to the hospital yesterday and cried while belly cramping. But I know they will not do a thing since it seems not life threatening (were turned away 3 times at ER, only 4th time laparoscopy was done after pressure of gastroenterologist) and oh so much had been tested. She is in the 'functional' 'phantom pain' draw and I have a problem with the 'neuropathic pain' explanation since some imaging is simply missing.
We go Monday to GP, I am so sure he will not issue any more imaging, but I will ask again, if a pelvic blood supply MRI could be done together with the ovary cyst check up, that will be done anyway. Contrast in vein is no fun for a teenager, but she prefers that to any ultrasound, since it hurts her so much, when they press around physically. MRI at least involves no physical manipulation of the abdomen. Holding still is a problem, she has to get narcotics to be able to....
Yes, being in awful chronic pain makes you loosing your mind and life quality. My daughter is at the point where she says she doesn't want to live anymore if this is what her life will be like, since it is daily continuous pain, sleep interrupted, taking 10 tablets and nothing's really hard.
I hope we all get better asap!!!
sanjeevbhatt Ruby2010
Ruby2010 sanjeevbhatt
I took PPI's for 4 months which only made my symtoms worse, my GI said that I was best off of them as they were poisening my systom and told me he would refer me to a dietician, still await appointment.
sanya11314 Ruby2010
PS: might to want to read through this just to get ideas:
trisha87499 Ruby2010
Your story will be so like many others on here, mine included, I've been having all these different symptoms some worse than others, when my doctor fobs me off, I not surprisingly end up in a&e and admitted, I only go to doctor now if it's really bad, then there's the diaharroah and then constipation which makes you exhausted and down, and that's you not even dealt with the pain yet. I get sent from pillar to post with no conclusions. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ruby2010 trisha87499