Stomach problems for 9 months
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Apologies in advance for the long post but I am at my wits end..
All started 9 months ago with pain in my back around the kidney area radiating to the abdoman, thought I had a urine infection so drank plenty of Cranberry juice for 2 weeks to no avial. Went to GP who ran bloods all clear and then referred for an Endoscopy at the beginning of December by this time the pain was central abdoman, Sternam area felt like pressure/burning/gnawing. Diagnosed with mild gastritis and put on Omperasole. Things then deteriated rapidly with pain radiating throughout my abdoman, tearing/stabbing/twisting, ended up in A&E 3 times over christmas and told had IBS..Different Doctors changed meds numerous times to the point that when I went back to see my GI Doc in January I had a carry bag full!!! PPI's/antidepresents/laxitives/Buscapan etc...Had more blood work/ultrasound/colonoscopy/stool test/CT scan throat to pelvis/pelvic ultrasound all clear. I kept saying to the doctors that I was sure that the PPI/s were making my symtoms worse but they kept increasing the dose or changing from one to another, the last one being Emperasole for which I only took for 3 days as I started to get a lot or waterbrush/burning mouth/tongue and hot air feeling coming up my throat. Mentioned this to GI when went back for reveiw and asked if it could be silent acid reflux and was told no and was adised to see a dieticien. Well symtoms continued so went to see a private GI who also told me I didn't have acid reflux and that I had a functional disorder!!!! not sure how he came to this conclusion as he didn't examine me or run any tests only went on tests already carried out.. I keep going back to my GP who now says that I am suffering from Anxiety and has prescribed numerous antidepresents that really dont agree with me the final one being Dieazapan for which I have taken for the last 2 days and feel awful so will not be taking again. My symtoms now are tightening around abdoman just below ribs, burning back and this awful burning air coming up into my throat and mouth and sometimes acompanied by a bitter taste. Has anyone any idea as I do not know where to go for help next as I feel no one is taking me seriously and just wants to pass me off with meds all the time. I must just mention I have been treated for Helicobactor albeit it did not show up in the biopsy and recently had a breath test that is negative. I did not have any of the reflux issues until I was prescribed PPI's, is it possible that these meds supressed my stomach acid to the point that i am now not producing enough. Any advise would be much appreciated, I actually think Im going mad!!!!! Once again sorry for the long post but tried to keep as brief as poss. Thank you
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philippa61759 Ruby2010
Ruby2010 philippa61759
philippa61759 Ruby2010
Ruby2010 philippa61759
philippa61759 Ruby2010
sec2709 Ruby2010
sanya11314 sec2709
Oh wow, unlucky dramtic story with a happy ending.
It is just amazing what can be found and done and how non-direct-gastric related the issue can be. Unfortunately 'abdominal pain' is such a general symptom.
May I kindly ask which same scan found the stomach blood supply issue? CT or MRI? Where they particularly looking at blood supply?
Also this SMA can squeeze the doudenum, but is visible in scan.
sec2709 sanya11314
sanya11314 sec2709
sec2709 sanya11314
sanya11314 sec2709
(We astonish even our doc at times with some humour in the middle of the darkest szenarios, but one has to make the best out of it,
my saying is: to be scared to death is already half dead, hence makes no sense.)
All the best!!!
Harold_finch Ruby2010
Ruby Try half teaspoon Baking Soda, squeeze a fresh lemon juice in water. Twice a day. Do your research on lemons & Baking Soda . I swear by it . Also lost a little weight
A combination of lemon juice and baking soda is known to be an instant remedy for killing the bacteria and regulating the pH balance of the stomach juices as well. The solution starts foaming. Take it immediately to relieve the stomach , restore the pH balance in your body and kill all the bacteria that is causing the distress. Throw those meds away
trisha87499 Harold_finch
I'm going to try this, thanks for the tip.
trisha87499 Harold_finch
sanya11314 trisha87499
Baking soda = sodium bicarbonate = base - levelling out acid of stomach. (Baking powder has baking soda AND other things in it; cornstarch, acidic thing like cream of tartar.
If you use baking powder, it won't help as much as the base of bicarbonate is used up for the added acid in baking powder.)
Ruby2010 Harold_finch
Have heard of this before but been apprehensive of trying due to the science not adding up - acid -acid. but will definatley being giving this a try now heard from someone who has had success.
trisha87499 sanya11314
I was actually wondering,
why there is acid (lemon juice) added to baking soda (base),
why not baking soda on its own since one wants the base in stomach, not the acid. Some of the baking soda is used up for the lemon acid, neutralisis it.
found something else:
baking soda alone will relief the acid symptom, but not long term.
"If you suffer from acid reflux or weak digestion, I suggest you use less sodium bicarbonate and drink your ACV (apple cider vinegar) or lemon juice as acidic as possible.
On the acid reflux ailment page, I explain how acid reflux or heartburn is caused by insufficient stomach acidity. To heal the reflux, you need to increase your stomach's acidity. Baking soda is alkaline, so it is the opposite to what you need. Yes, baking soda will provide temporary relief, but it will not heal the heartburn in the long term."
There is a bit of 'amount' limit per day to consider too according to David Niven Miller. (search internet, will find his page, I cannot put in the quote webpage link since the post will be deleted? But I quoted the author, so should be ok and is amount is way under copyright limit)
I have no experience with that.
He was very clear though to use baking soda, not baking powder! ;-)
philippa61759 sanya11314
sanya11314 philippa61759
Yes, I can believe that.
I am so startled by the 'lemon' or 'vinegar' acid thingy with baking soda.
Yet, I have no reflux problems (unless I really do eat stupidly) and cannot trial myself with baking soda, baking soda + acid mix, how much per mix, how often to take.
To take only lemon juice or vinegar for reflux....I don't quite get it since I probably think chemically and instant symptom relief.
I think everybody has to trial and error for themselves.
We can give suggestions and other people's experiences in order to help them with ideas, but if it was useful....
So when you would drink a glass of water with freshly pressed lemon juice (and or not with half a spoon baking soda), you would have instantly more pain, right? (Just asking out of interest, like to listen)
philippa61759 sanya11314
sanya11314 philippa61759
Need to find a guinea pig, who dares to drink lemon juice water on a daily basis having reflux (like Mr David Niven Miller suggests)..... I think I would not dare either. yet others swear by it.
philippa61759 sanya11314
trisha87499 sanya11314
I'm your Guinea pig I'm trying the baking soda, lemon and sparkling water, just second day in, so far so good.
sanya11314 trisha87499
hahaha, I love this forum!
Where is the 'thumbs up' button! (Can give it a vote)
(Don't forget please to write down how much of each (half a lemon, teaspoon lemon or pure, or with quarter or half teaspoon baking soda, when taken, how often per day for how long till which effect....good luck!)