Stomach swelling, lower back pain, numb and lumps.. Drs wont help..

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Hi, This is my first post here, and i have no expereince with this site, so i hope posting this as a new thread is okay! 

Female, aged 26. 

I had a child Oct 3rd 2013, during pregnancy i had gallstones which where removed this January by keyhole surgery - recovery was fine. 

For the past 4 months my stomach has been extrememly swollen.. (Constantly. Food, passing wind, and poop doesnt change this) it is alsovery tender. Its not just my lower stomach, its ALL over, and it starts at my bottom rib.  

Alongside with this Ive been suffering with pain in my lower back (coccyx), a pressure feeling quite simular to when i was pregnant. 

With these symptoms, I have also been suffering from EXTREME fatgue.. I cant get out of bed. My husband has to force me, and even after 12 hours sleep i am exhausted and can hardelly find any enegery to make it down the stairs. 

Another symptom which has been since around 4 months is i have no feeling during sex.. nothing at all. Its completely numb. Other areas are fine, just inside. 

I have been going to the doctors with this, but every time its a different diagnosis which doesnt treat anyting at all. The most recently drs visit said It was Pelvic inflammatory diseas, and prescribed me antibiotics. though he did not feel my stomach, nor did he do any other tests - he made me do a vaginal swab to be sent off but no results yet. 

As you can imagine, I'm not feeling too well at all. I have a 1 year old son who needs his mummy, and i just have no strength, in constant pain. My depression and anxiety has come back ten fold from this. 

Does anyone have ANY ideas?? I am absolutely so fed up with all this back and forthing with my drs and not getting anything done, while the whole time my symptoms are getting worse - my stomach is so swollen now that i cant wear buttons trousers, and i feel so uncomfortable its unreal. (100% not pregnant btw!)

thank you for reading.. .x

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    I forgot to mention the lump!! When i feel my stomach its raised on one side, visably. At first i thought it was a hernia its so bad!!! 
  • Posted

    Pelvic inflamatory disease would have you in a lot of pain, a smelly discharge from the vagina , are you having these symptoms..pain down by your tubes and very sensitive..seems like they are not sure and guessing. They need to run your blood to see your white blood cell count and you hemoglobin along with your b12 levels. Stress would make things worse so try not to.
    • Posted

      hmmm no.. I do have alot of discharge, but its not overly smelly or discoloured, which is why Im convinced its not PID. 

      Last time i had a blood test done was around 4 months ago where they saw a slight elevated infection level, though they said to ignore that as its common in the months after surgery. I do suffer from anemia, though the blood was fine during the last check. 

      Thank you for your reply, from this i think i need to strongly request a blood test and thorough check up! x

  • Posted

    Dear Emma

    I can't offer any ideas but you have my sympathy, please go back to the doctor - I wish you had my GP she is so kind and always does investigations - could you take your husband? I know from experience pain is worse when depression and anxiety are there too (I am bi-polar)     but you're obviously in pain and you want help. I do hope you get it - you're too young to suffer like this. Good luck.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your sympathy, I have a health advisor who helps me with my mental illnesses and stresses of life - she took me into the doctors surgery again and DEMANDED that i get a second appointment to which she is going to come along!! 

      I wish i had your GP too.. since we moved house, this new gp is absolutely terrible. They only do open surgery for an hour 4 days a week, and wont accept any appointment slots unless its been referred by a medical proffesional. Its really silly- last time i attended open surgery i was waiting the full hour and didnt even get to see the dr at the end of it! 

      I'm sorry to hear of your bipolar disorder.. I have been suffering from mental illness since my very early teens. 

      Thank you again, you are very kind. x

  • Posted

    Go yo a different dr and insist on some tests you poor thing x x
    • Posted

      I think i have to.. the first dr i saw about this was around 4 months ago and he didnt understand me, and to be honest.. he sent me out the door with nothing. 

      I since asked to see another dr and i got this guy. He was SO kind, a very nice dr, very convincing too that i have this PID, but once i left the surgery I became concerned that actually no tests where done, it was just guesswork... and to be honest, the symptoms done add up. 

      Thank you for your comment, i will seek another dr to speak too, there HAS to be more than two at that place!! x

  • Posted

    Hi Emma,

    Under the Patients Charter you are entitled to a second opinion. Ask for an ultra sound scan to see if anything shows up on screen around your reproductive area and digestive system. It a vicious circle pain is very depressing and you are suffering with depression anyway. Have you had your iron and ferratin checked along with B12 if these a low you will feel thoroughly exhausted! Do you think you may be suffering with PND (Post Natal Depression) it can last a long time without treatment. I think you need a thorough overhaul with blood work to be checked for everything you can check with blood tests. Dont be afraid to ask for what you want it is your right....Best wishes...

    • Posted

      Thank you for the comment here!!! I will go back armed with this information and demand another opinion with the scan and blood test ! 

      I do think its a posibilty honestly.. i love my son more than anything, but it does make sense. I have suffered from mental illness since i a young age, and it has been bad again since the birth, once i came down from the high of it i fell deep into depression. 

      Thank you again for the comment, I will go back deffinately xx

    • Posted

      Thank you for the comment here!!! I will go back armed with this information and demand another opinion with the scan and blood test ! 

      I do think its a posibilty honestly.. i love my son more than anything, but it does make sense. I have suffered from mental illness since i a young age, and it has been bad again since the birth, once i came down from the high of it i fell deep into depression. 

      Thank you again for the comment, I will go back deffinately xx

    • Posted

      Thank you for the comment here!!! I will go back armed with this information and demand another opinion with the scan and blood test ! 

      I do think its a posibilty honestly.. i love my son more than anything, but it does make sense. I have suffered from mental illness since i a young age, and it has been bad again since the birth, once i came down from the high of it i fell deep into depression. 

      Thank you again for the comment, I will go back deffinately xx

  • Posted

    Emma,  I am so sorry you are suffering and to make it worse is getting no answers sad  That is the hardest thing for me is trying to explain the symptoms to Dr.   I'm sure my endometrisosis is back, but am just going to live with it.  I know the emergency room isn't fun, but with your symptoms that is where I think you should go.  There they would do more thorough testing, or    immediately get a second opinion.  It sounds too serious, plz get more testing, 
    • Posted

      Oh dear.. im really sorry to hear of your illness - can fully understand how you feel. When i had undiagnosed gallstones i was going to the drs non stop and being sent away with the diagnosis of Acid reflux, indigestion, gas! it was after about 5 tries that the finally listened and checked for gallstones. Which they found, and i had to wait over a year to get my surgery.... It can be a true test to get anywhere nowdays. But we have to keep pushing for it! 

      I managed to grab an appt to my drs for 28th oct (hes away on holiday this week! joy!) If this pain and swelling in my stomach gets any worse, i think i may just have to pop into the emergancy. It was slow at first (the swelling and tenderness in my tummy) but over the past week its just ballooned! Its so hard, i feel like im full term pregnant again. 

      Thank you for your comment xxxx

  • Posted

    I agree dont sit there if it becomes unbearable and dont try to tokerate it go to the emergency room
    • Posted

      Will do. Its been getting worse over a matter of months.. 


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