Stomach troubles
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Hi it's me again. I suffer really bad at the moment with health anxiety, I also suffer with stomach reflux but this week it as been ten times worst. Mentioned this to my dr the other day and she said it's worst cause of my anxiety. Feel as through I could pull the middle of my stomach out. Can anybody reassure me please........
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brendababy karen77710
Hi Karen health anxiety and stomach problems are all symptoms of hormonal imbalance, your adrenal glands are working harder sending chemicals like adrenaline through your system. Everything is exaggerated during this time so if your prone to worry and suffer from anxiety it will feel worse
You've probably got tension in your stomach as well this causes pain and does make you feel like ripping it out as you say
Try and just go with the anxiety just carry on doing what your doing, it won't harm you, if you keep doing this the feeling will subside, if things get really bad ask your gp for a low dose diazepam 2mg and half the tablet, this would help in the short term
I hope you feel better soon, I'm sure you will
Love B xx
karen77710 brendababy
Thank you for your advice. I am trying to ignore it and go with the flow lol. It's worse when I get up on a morning, first 2-3 hours then wears off abit x
Sochima822 karen77710
Karen, have you tried eating cabbage? Cabbage juice, or salad helps reduce acid reflux. I juiced cabbage and ate cabbage salad for about 3 weeks, during my perimenopause phase and this got rid of my acid reflux. Cabbage has healing properties that helps heal the stomach. It worked for me then I gave it to my dad who suffered horrible pains & hospitalization from acid reflux and now he's completely cured. Please try it hopefully you won't suffer so miserably from something that can be remedied with natural food. It was discovered by and promoted by a doctor who cures cancer patients. Hope this helps, good luck.
karen77710 Sochima822
Sochima822 karen77710
Definitely, raw is how I ate it. I buy it already shredded but don't put vinegar on it I put a tiny bit of poppyseed dressing to make it taste like Cole slaw or you can juice it with celery and one green apple. xx
karen77710 Sochima822
Lovely I am gonna defo try this, cause I'm at the stage we're I carnt even eat. It is really really uncomfortable at the moment x
natallia04776 karen77710
Yes, you can. I like white cabbage. Chop it very fine with carrots some olive oil, lemon juice if you like salt. Fresh and very good for you.
Also I like green cabbage I usually cook (boild ) it as a side for liver + potatoes.
I drink water from the cabbage when it's cool enough.
karen77710 natallia04776
Sochima822 karen77710
karen77710 Sochima822
Thank you just been and got some cabbage. Will try anything cause anti acids aren't doing much good at moment. I know it's my anxiety that's making it worse xx
Lotti1966 Sochima822
karen77710 Lotti1966
maria_03422 karen77710
Hi Karen
Last year I had to drive in the middle of the night to the ER with the same symptoms!!! After testing the dr said the same thing anxiety made it worst! She told me to see my doctor and get on antidepressants!!! I never did
it will go away I stop the coffee drink a lots of water and watch what you will be fine!!! It's horrible I use to stay up and cry thinking I had stomach or on reatic cancer!!! I had tests done to both and everything was fine!
With me as soon the dr says im ok, some other symptom will come on and then I will start worrying again..just doesn't stop!!!
You will be ok
karen77710 maria_03422
Thank you darl for your advice it is so scary at times. I feel so light headed with it today cause I'm not eating that much xx