Stopped Taking Birth-Control Pills....Now I'm Dizzy....?

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Hi ladies...hope you're all doing well...has anyone else had this experience?

Dizziness/lightheadedness (the feeling like you're walking on a boat or that you're about to fall over even when you're sitting or standing still) has been one of my worst (and scariest) perimenopause symptoms, but it's gotten worse since I stopped taking low-dose birth control pills. I had bloodwork done recently which indicated that my estradiol level was 30 (which I think is pretty low, right?) and my FSH was 42.4. Could the fact that my estrogen levels are likely even lower now that I've stopped the pills be contributing to my dizziness? Am I imagining things, or has this happened to other people as well?

I'm doing my best to not imagine the worst or Google my symptoms...please let me know if you've had a similar response...thanks smile

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18 Replies

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    No I have felt that way too sometimes even when I'm sitting down. It feels like I could just tip over out of my seat. It is a bit disconcerting.
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    I get it a lot. I'll be fine and then WHAM it takes days sometimes to recover.


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    Yes, I get that same exact feeling. Drives me crazy. Mine has gotten worse since I have reduced the amount of HRT I take. I tried weaning off and stopping all together, and that did not work for me at all. I had to go back on a very small dose. Still have a lot of symptoms, however, tolerable compared to being completely off of it. 

    Hope you're feeling better soon. Mine comes and goes. Some days much worse than others.

    Hugs to all.

    • Posted

      It's so maddening...I'll be just fine one minute and then feeling as though I'm going to fall over the next (I was actually reduced to tears in my office a few minutes ago because it's so scary and frustrating)...I'm convinced that it's hormone-related since it's so much worse now that I've stopped the pill...I have an appointment with my ob/gyn on Monday and I'll ask her then about my options....I can't go on feeling like this, so I'm hoping she'll have some suggestions...thanks for the response (and I'm sorry you're suffering the same thing....I wouldn't wish this on anyone)...hugs xx
  • Posted

    Your not on your own with this, I have the same symptoms, the lightheadedness, the dizziness and i feel i'm going to fall forward when i stand for even a short time.  I also feel i'm walking on marshmallows.  I'm not on birth control pill, but i am on a medication for hypoprolactinema but i'v been on that since 2005 and i didnt use to have these symptoms until i started in peri.  I must say kitty my dizziness is not as bad as it was but i'm lightheaded 24/7 but again not as bad as it used to be so kitty it will ease.  I used to be to scared to even walk down the road but i just try to ignore it now.  I'm afarid i dont know what my FSH level is so i cant compare.  I cant believe i'm saying to you not to goole and think the worse cos i've done that so many times and made myself worse with worry which makes are symptoms so much worse so what i'm trying to say is try not to worry. sending you a dizzy hug from me eek 
    • Posted

      aw, thanks, anxiousface....i was just thinking of you earlier today when i was having a bad moment, since i know you struggle with some of the same you, i never felt this way before peri, so it can't be a coincidence, right? stupid hormones! i wish there was a quick fix for all of this...,it's so maddening to be afraid to even go for a walk by myself, and don't even get me started on going shopping alone!! i miss my old life...i'm doing my best to be patient, but week's like this are so discouraging....hang in there....dizzy hugs to you too   xx
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      Yes stupid hormones they cause us so much trouble.  Its taken me a long time to go out on my own and i dont go too far. I too just want the old me back. On good days i will go food shopping on my own cos that just takes one supermarket but i cant do lots of shops or big stores. its horrid your having a bad time and i really feel your discouragement but hopefully tomorrows a new day and it will of eased.  thanks for the dizzy hug back (i nearly feel over) x
  • Posted

    You're not alone on this I had this on and off and I'm not on the pills but it def is peri!  I was told to drink a lot of water but don't know if that would help.  Try not to think about it too much.  
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    I definitely think the dizziness is our peri symptoms at work because I don't take hrt or birth control pills and I experience the teetering and tottering feeling of dizziness too. It was so bad at one point that I was afraid to go outside by myself for fear that I'd fall over in the street. But since I've increased my B vitamins, it has lessened significantly. I still feel off balanced every now and again but not like before.
    • Posted

      Oh dizziness horrid

      Classic peri symptom,eat little and often,

      And at least 100mg B6 helps alot

      Take care 

      Jay xx

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    Very common complaint, yes I suffered from this along with many of my friends and family, it lessened when I was on BCP and HRT.  I would imagine its the flucuation of the hormones?
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    Hey Kitty, I never went off the pill but experienced dreadful spells of dizziness and lightheadedness for years. They came and went and during that time anything that was wrong with me was blamed on perimenopause.

    Those spells are now few and far between (56 now).

    Imagining the worst - unfortunately also a perimenopause symptom - will get you nowhere other than attract it. And even if it was, fearing it will not lighten the load. But in most cases it's all a lot of fretting for nothing.

    Difficult to stop, I know, I wallowed in it for over a decade, and I, who normally liked to portray myself in a strong position, became a wreck. Talk about a wake-up call! But if the sleep lasts that long, it also takes a really long time to wake up properly. I feel that I have only just begun to walk that journey.

    It's because I've consulted professionals that are right for me. Reading all the books in the world never helped me for long. I had ten conversations with a trauma therapist and now I am attending a Mindfulness training course. I can recommend this already for women who are in this rocky boat.

    Good luck!

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    Dizziness is the worst part of peri for me, I was so scared every time I got it. Started to think there was something really wrong with me, I've learned to just live with it now, I'm going to try the b6 +b12 vitamins everyone keeps talking about and see if it will help. I'm determined this peri is not going to ruin my life. 


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    thank you all for your kind always, i am comforted to know that i'm not alone in this mess...i met with my ob/gyn yesterday to talk about a path forward, and she suggested hrt along with a low-dose ssri...i'm not terribly keen on taking either, but i think i need to do something (just need to make a decision and stick with it...easier said than done!)'s so incredibly frustrating to feel well(ish) for a few days and then be right back in the soup the next....the inconsistency is what i find so maddening....that, and feeling as though i'm imagining all of these symptoms....i will NOT give in, though...i'm made of stronger stuff than that (as are all of you!)....hugs to you all xx smile
  • Posted

    I know it's been several years since anyone has posted in this but hopefully someone can reply. Did anyone find relief from this? I'm fine one minute and then the next I feel dizzy / like my head and body does something strange. It mostly happens from ovulation to when I would get my period and then seems to be better for the next two weeks only to happen again. It's causing me a bit of panic now. My on gyn put me on birth control to try to help but that is making me feel jittery and I can't sleep at night. Thanks for anyone that can reply.

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