Stopping AMLODIPINE ......experience explained .

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Hello to everyone ..

I have benefited so much from the posts in the forum .. thanks ... I like to post a simple narration for those who are coming off it and share the experience or nightmare ...

It seems there are those with immediate bad effects with days of taking Am and those whose symtoms develop over months ... as long as 6 mths to even several years ..

I like to think that everyone will have a threshold .. where below always assume is natural aging .. balance issues . Etc etc .... and once the symptoms cross that threshold .. you start to be very miserable and anxious .. so .. it may be that those who like me suffer after 6 mths ... actually have the issues but below the misery threshold.. and start to become bad to worse after 6 mths .....? This also complicated by other medications taken.....?

I think there are 2 groups of side effects .. 1. Primarily due to the drug in the system .. like the mental issues .. brain fog .. memory ... depression .. feelings of doom ...nauseous.. inability to think ... and 2 . Secondary due to the effects of the calcium mechanism altered by the drug itself ..possibly the aches .. pains ... joints.. leg swells.. etc etc etc....more physical stuff..

When Am is stopped ... based on the half like calculations.. it takes approx 12 days to clear the system... mainly most sufferers report an easing of the mental issues ....see a relief of the brain fog etc etc . However .. the physical issues seem to linger on and return on and off for some period of time .. definitely easing off in intensity and frequency .. but tapering off very slowly ...

This is my simple interpretation from the informative inputs and I wonder if there is a general concurence ?

Regards to all....

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  • Posted

    sounds similar to my experiences Amlodipine has left me with lots of problems, not kn it now.

    • Posted

      Evening Jan, just read a reply you had sent me about the Amplodipine effects. My Legs became very unsteady, & it do make you feel at times that our Dr's do not understand how serious the side effects can be. only ourselves that take the tablet experiences these


    • Posted

      For what it 's worth i have two things i think you should understand.

      Number one must be that there are more than a few who also had seriously debilitating side effects, it is NOT just yourself.

      It is down to you only to ensure that your doctor gets your full message, if necessary take a friend.

      If you get nowhere.....see a different doctor quickly.

      I found widely different attitudes to this matter.

      I have no medical qualifications whatsoever, just a little experience though.

  • Posted

    I'm grateful for this forum, hearing from others, and knowing my bad experiences with Amlodipine are (alas) shared by others, so I'm not imagining these terrible effects. I've been on and off it (5-10 mg), for about 2 years. Very slowly the main side effect of numb soles developed over a year. Since I was also on other meds, I wasn't sure which was causing that. When my doc added another BP med, Avapro, I began to experience many unbearable symptoms: the usual feet and ankle swelling that so many report from Am, but also severe tinnitus, agitation, insomnia and a couple of months of what seemed like a pinched nerve in my neck, the pain was so intense; plus of course the long-standing background presence of numb feet. So, the first time I ditched the Am and all of my meds, including a statin, it took about three weeks for most of the bad effects to subside. But man, at that point I began to feel better than I had in years! However, as has been reported here, other effects took longer to resolve. The numb feet did improve, but only very slowly, and I still wasn't sure which med had caused that side effect. But then my pressure spiked; I was between appointments, so went back to the Am only, for 2 weeks till I could visit my doc. My BP dropped , but all the horrendous side effects returned, including a new one, sexual dysfunction (which I've never had), and the feet numbness became much worse. So, now, 5 days after stopping for the second time, my feet are still numb and I'm awake all night. My doc has started me on Ramipril, which I've had before—didn't control my BP—but also didn't bother me at all (no cough that many report), and I know I need to take something, since my hypertension is genetic. Anyhow, I hope I can repeat my previous escape from this misery and gradually recover my old self again. But whatever happens, I've sworn off the Am poison for good. Instead, I plan to keep to my new regimen of moderate daily exercise (cardio + weights); and I've been modifying my diet to become BP-friendly: almost totally plant-based, plus no salt, no sugar, no fat — and I try to include a daily serving of such items as blueberries, celery, steamed beets and Jiaogulan tea with ginger and lemon. Good luck to everyone in finding relief and feeling better.

    • Posted

      hi there, even though my blood pressure goes up sometimes i have mainly got it under control myself with a good healthy diet and do not smoke. l do not take medication anymore due to severe side effects and i have tried most of them. But still suffering from the after effects even though l stopped taking medication over a year ago.

  • Posted

    I've been off AM for almost 2 years. The first year had rough spots, but after a couple of months I was better off 'off', than I had been 'on'. When I do vigorous activity, my BP still spikes, but then it quickly returns to normal. I attribute that mostly to my 3 stents which I wish I could have removed. Mechanically, the stents restrict blood flow which makes the heart pump harder. To anyone with concerns, get a BP monitor. There are good ones for reasonable cost. Learn how to use it! You will notice that your BP fluctuates with activity. You will also discover how it feels to your body when your BP is high and resting.

    • Posted

      Hello there.

      I too suffered horrendous side effects from Amlodipine. I was switched to Indapamide & Losartan 25mg, which worked well for close to three years with no side effects......untill one night there were. 4 am, wife rang for Ambulance and follows instructions from call handler for CPR till fire brigade arrives with two Paramedics who take over. Then Ambulance to nearest. Hospital where i spent three days semi concious on a drip containing Sodium hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide.

      I did not know what had happened, so. i asked for someone to tell me, and was told dangerously low sodium, dangerously low must NOT use these two again.Now i have no driving licence !!

      Now take Verapamil hydrochloride with no problems so far (two months).

      It's not just the blood pressure that may be dangerous !

      Still, at least i had a brain scan (clear)for free !

      Should something similar happen again, i think i'll try the Vet...

  • Posted

    I don't know if anyone follows this conversation any more. But I am desperate for some support on this matter. I have been on Amlodipine for 12 years. Originally, it took a long time to get used to the heart pounding, but I learned to live with it. Over the years, I have developed severe reflux (as many have mentioned), joint pains so severe that they diagnosed me with lupus even though the blood test is negative, and dizziness frequently. I am saddened but delighted to hear many of you have experienced the same systems. I thought it was all unrelated. But the main side effect I have is weight gain and swollen ankles. Often my feet swell so big, I can't put my shoes on. I have a medium frame (5'7") and weighed 130 all my adult life UNTIL Amlodipine. In the first year, I gained 40 pounds!!! Same diet, same exercise. I consistently work out and run and eat only 1200-1500 calories per day, but have now gained a total of 90 pounds!!!!! It has severely affected me emotionally! Doctors say I must be miscounting my calories or exercise level. But a fitness trainer followed me for 6 months, having me journal every little bite (with sign-off by my husband) and said "You don't deserve to be at this weight!" You have no metabolism. Most of the studies in Holland have been removed from web searches now, but they DID ban it (regardless of the fake news) based on the fact the medication decreases metabolism and increases hunger, especially in women, and because it is so hard to get off of it. It is an EVIL drug!

    I have tried and tried to get doctors to help me wean off and replace it, but they love it (and may get kickbacks). I tried to wean myself off very slowly using a natural blood pressure supplement. But after 6 weeks, I wound up in the ER with BP at 220/110! So, they put me back on Amlodipine. It is like you can't get off this stuff. NO doctor will help me!! And now my liver is hurting. I rarely drink (maybe 5 drinks per year), but the doctors say it is not related to the amlodipine. Heck, maybe its fatty liver due to all the weight I have gained.

    My knees are shot, due to carrying the weight. I have to walk and run or I will gain even more. Seriously, I diet all the time and exercise about 20 hours a weak and can't lose a pound.

    IF you know of any doctor who will help me get off this drug, please tell me. I am at the maximum dose each day and after 12 years, I am not sure any other drug will keep the BP down. If you have long-term use and were able to get off Amlodipine forever, please write me back. You will be my hero forever!

    • Posted

      hi, l was on Amlodipine for for a year four months, that was enough for me with the severe side effects, pounding heart, fast pulse, heart block, severe infection in my mouth, insomnia, swelling, Raynauds symptoms, all sorts, even though l have been off it for three years l am still getting some symptoms, awful drug, mind you the others are not great either, from Jan

    • Posted

      hi SDPatti - i feel your pain - i am not sure how old you are, but i am 63, & i weaned myself off of Amlodipine 3 years ago after being on it for 5 years - i am currently on Irbesartan which i seem to tolerate - My 5 years on Amlodipine were horrific & i could never figure out if it was menopause or the Amlodipine, but i am fairly convinced that that drug has completely destroyed my metabolism - i know that during menopause everything comes to a screeching halt, but this is ridiculous - Also, out of the blue (no injury) i developed achilles tendonopathy - i read an article that said Calcium Channel Blockers can cause this - now my tendons, muscles, ligaments are so sore on a daily basis, i can barely walk - i know being overweight doesnt help with the knee joints, but this came on overnight after stopping that toxic drug - i also had the swelling of the feet, especially when my RX was at 10 ml - i just cant help but believe that this drug has permanently damaged my body - i suppose others can tolerate it, but i am just very sensitive to drugs in general -

  • Posted

    hello all. i am relieved to know that I am not going crazy. i started Amlodipine 5 mg in January 2020 after suddenly having elevated numbers. i cannot say when my problems started because i was not paying attention. i have all the problems that everyone is describing, weakness, fatigue, worsening of Gerd, anxiety attack, fast heart rate and once heart rate went into 40's. i am 54 years old so off course I thought it was menopause. i have had multiple er visits, ekg, blood works and even seen by cardiologist. Did Echocardiogram and wore Holter monitor. all results okay. changed amlodopine to candasartan now about 2 months ago. i am now seeing ENT. thought i was going crazy or it was menopause, even though Gyn said not menopause. i am beginning to believe that it was the med. i am so fatigued that it is a chore to even move around. i have feelings of imbalance and dizziness. i did not have any of these problems before except for Gerd. i am now hoping that these will go away. i believe the problems started or worsened after amlodipine was increased to 10 mg. i have seen eye doctor trying to rule out what could be causing these problems. my next visit will be with neurology. i did not even think it could have been the med. can anyone say how long these feelings last after stopping the med? thank you.

  • Edited

    Hello Everyone,

    I just like to share my experience with Amlodipine and side effects. I am 44years old, i was prescribed in 2018 to Amlodipine 10mg and Ramipril 10mg, due to HBP at that time it was 190/110. I was under lot of stress and that time i was overweight. From 2018 to January 2021 everything works well and my BP was under control around 130/80, during this time i had usual side effects swollen ankles, stomach problems, hair loss and tiredness, sexual dysfunction, headaches and many many more. I did get new medication to fix one of Amlodipine side effect i received diuretic medication for oedema for my ankles Burimex 1mg which makes me dehydrated constipated with frequent urination as a another side effect from another medication. Then suddenly from January 2021 i have developed new side effects, during the evenings i started having tremors with cold hands i was shaking daily every evening from 30minutes to 2hours this of course spikes my bp sometimes to 170/100, usually slow breathing under heavy duvet helps me to calm down shaking and lower my bp. Then month later anxiety attacks have added to my tremors and shaking with tinnitus and wake up daily at 3am sweaty. My bp was normal at 3am no signs of heart attack or stroke. Then little after that another addition to this were horrible panic attacks where i was crying on the floor being scared and in fear from health anxiety issues which has developed during that time as a part of these new side effects. My blood tests came negative, echo, stress test, cardio tests all negative. Thyroid negative. From January 2021 i was so scared that i started cardio exercises and very strict diet which caused me huge calories deficit that i was unable stand up and i have to slowly adding back my calories and lower exercise to just brisk walking only and by the end of April 2021 i lost over 40lb in 4months. Still feeling consequences of this quick weight loss today... I need to loose another 10lb to be in perfect BMI but i am not in hurry anymore. This weight loss lowered my bp to 90/60-120/80. But during the anxiety and panic attacks my bp still gets to 150/100 in the evenings. I am taking Amlodipine in the morning and Ramipril in the evening and i stopped taking diuretics Burimex due to issues with constipation which of course causing high blood pressure as well. In April i had another blood tests everything was negative, my cholesterol 3.9mmol/l which is fine. So i explained everything and ask my GP for a help, she lowered my dose of Amlodipine from 10mg to 5mg and it slightly lowered tremors and shaking,bp doesnt changed at all and still stayed low, no oedema on ankles, i was slightly less tired, but it doesnt change my anxiety and panic attacks, my mind was all over the place i was unable to concetrate on anything, it was like my brain is going 100mph horrible... adrenaline in the brain... Then i decided to lower Amlodipine myself to 2.5mg (half of 5mg pill) and for week it i felt much better, more energetic, positive, but once again those anxieties and panic attacks started creeping in, i talk to my GP once again and she decided to stop Amlodipine completely and prescribed anti anxiety medication which i intend to use only in real emergency situations. This is my second day i am off amlodipine, my tremors and shakes getting better even more, anxiety and panic attacks are still there, but i would say they lessen by 30% now, i didn't use anti anxiety meds yet, but i decided to take supplements of magnesium glycinate 300-400mg daily, b-complex, c, d3 and ubiquinol 100mg and beetroot juice daily, i don't eat red meat, only cooked chicken, i reduced salt, reduced bread, no sweet no sugar, no fat, no alcohol and no smoking. I am still on Ramipril 10mg. My sleeping is now much much better didn't wake up at 3am any more i do not sweat that much any more, my stomach problems are fine now, oedema is completely gone, headaches too, i am hoping that those anxieties and panic attacks disappear soon too, because that is not way to live, i do strongly believe that Amlodipine causing some brain change after two years and i do believe it is responsible for these anxiety and panic attack issues. I read here the stories from all of you in here, which helped me a lot with my anxiety, because my GP didn't believe me at all that this could be happening from Amlodipine. I do believe some people are more sensitive or develop sensitivity later on from this medication. I still sleep next to my bp monitor and keep measuring myself all the time and sometimes i forget in the night to take off my bp machine which is a sign that i have developed a health anxiety, ocd, i keep controlling myself for every change every symptom in my body or head i feel like crazy, it feels horrible, it disturning and damaging my daily life, i was normal person with three kids and wife before 2018, never checked/controlled myself for anything or have fear or any type of anxiety before bp medication and before Amlodipine... Now i am trying slowly fix myself back to normal, i am scared that because of all that panic attacks and anxieties that i even loose my family... keep wondering when those anxieties dissolve if ever... How long it will take? Or am I alone with this type of anxieties? Am I crazy? Keep questioning myself all the time...Thank You everyone in here for your stories and i am sorry for such a long story you have to read, but it helps me lot.

  • Posted


    I have stopped Amlo 8days ago, under my gp advice after almost 3years. I was prescribed with new meds Propranolol/Inderal for anxiety and use it only when needed. I am still using Ramipril 10mg in the evening. So far anxiety gets slightly better and is not that intense as it was when i use Amlo.

    My bp is 110/70 from 8pm till' 4pm, but from 4pm to 7pm my bp spikes from 130/85 upto max 145/94. Then when i am calm and breath slowly during these spikes it lovers down to 127/80 in matter of minutes. I am not sure why this is happening. I started to having anxiety and panic attacks from January, it started with cold hands and shaking and developed to full anxiety attacks. My Blood tests are fine.

    Can anyone please tell me that they experience anxiety and panic attacks, cold feeling, sadness, tearful feeling after using Amlodipine? These symptoms developed after 2.5years of use of Amlo. Thanks.

  • Posted

    Just got back from CVS pharmacy with a 2.5mg bottle of Amlodipine. Not sure I'm going to even try and ruin my day. All other BP meds I've tried were horrible. This one seems to be going in the same direction.

  • Posted

    After experiencing severe abdominal pain for the last couple of months, I just stopped Amlodipine 4 days ago, before I stumbled on this forum. I haven't really noticed any side effects of stopping, just a tapering off of the symptoms I was already experiencing from taking Amlodipine. I didn't realize it takes so long for the drug to dissipate. My doctor prescribed this for me some years ago, can't remember when. Didn't start having severe abdominal pain until a couple of months ago, but then it was pretty constant. That's when I started researching side effects of my meds. At first, I thought it might have been Metformin, but I saw no improvement when my doctor switched me to Actos. Amlodipine was the last one I checked, because I had been on it so long without any problem (or so I thought). The first thing I saw was that it could cause acute abdominal pain. Bingo! Now I'm seeing improvement. Not 100%, but moving in that direction. Hope it keeps up like this.

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