Strange feelings
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Hi, iv been going through perimenopause for about 4-5 years I think. When I look at symptoms iv been getting.
Started having sleep problems, which I never suffered with before. Periods have become shorter, 2-3days. Two years ago I had a gap where I missed several periods, then they came regular again. Went through a patch of hot flushes, still get them but not as bad. And now suffering really bad with anxiety and started getting panic attacks, having really weird feelings, sensations, emotions, feeling dizzy, disoriented, almost feel disconnected sometimes like things don't feel real. It's really scaring me, feels like my brain runs away with me, scary thoughts, then feel like I'm loosing my mind or terrified I'm going to loose it. Also last few months iv had severe irritability, mood swings, feel low, severe pain in hips and joints and now spots again. Feel like I'm a teenager again. And I'm 46 next month.
Can anyone help me with advice..? does anyone else relate to these symptoms...? do you think it is perimenopause?
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Forgot to ask also if anyone knows or can give advice on when you know perimenopause is coming to an end.
As can't seem to find any proper information on it..
nanc00951 RACHAEL2411
I am 55 and have had every possible symptom. I thought I was period free and had some spotting a few months back, so I had to start counting again.
I have had, in the past, and recently wobbly leg feeling and light headed. My anxiety is off the charts.
Just today, I was out food shopping, and I had a weak arm and started feeling bizarre that I had to leave the store. ( I chalk this up to an anxiety/panic attack) I couldnt get out fast enough.
I have been to cardiologist, had a stress test and echocardiogram done. All was said to be fine.
I sometimes wonder myself if these horrible feelings really can be perimenopause. Is it possible it can be this bad?
RACHAEL2411 nanc00951
Thank you for your reply...
Yes it's so horrible isn't it, I think alot of it is down to the hormones, even though I question it to, as there are so many severe and strange symptoms. But from all Iv read so many women get wiered and horribly wonderful symptoms 😕
juanita93228 nanc00951
Yes it can. How else would you explain women going to the doctor, positive they're dying and are given every test imaginable, yet all the tests come back normal. Menopause is the craziest roller coaster ever!
jamie53221 juanita93228
julie7525 RACHAEL2411
hi Rachael,
Yes I'm sorry to say this is what happened to me during peri. All of the above, anxiety off the scale. i had these symptoms for at least 2 yrs before periods stopped aged 47. im 3 years menopausal now at 50, much better tho still on low dose betablockers and prozac for anxiety. 1/3 of the dose of when i was really bad 2 years ago. anxiety still lurks in stressful situations. it changed my life, i didnt work for a year (after working for 25 years!) back working part time and trying to get more hours but finding it challenging at times, i should probably up my dose a bit! so yes, it can be horrendous and turn you from a normal functioning,working, well balanced person to an anxiety ridden wreck! i guess they don't call it the Change for nothing! Once you've not had a period for a year you're considered menopausal. my doc said 2 yrs to be safe from pregnancy risk. like im interested in sex any more lol. the joys!
RACHAEL2411 julie7525
Thanks for the reply 😊 it's reassuring to know its not just me having these wiered feelings then... As you do sometimes feel like your going to be carted away with men in white jackets lol 😂😂
I laugh now but it really can make you feel unhinged...
So thank you for replying, glad I'm not alone. Only pray it eases soon.
Take care
pam90720 RACHAEL2411
hi !!! you have described everything ive been going through the last 3 years. its as if i wrote that post. please know that you are not alone. i had no one to talk to and really thought ( and still do) think im going crazy... its scary but i am so so thankful i found this forum.... ive had anxiety in the past and panick attacks but got over them. but they came back really bad. blood work fine. ive been in menopause for 2 years.... my fsh is peri was 107. its now 92..... mornings sre the worst for me and my anxiety my heart pounds and hands tremble soooooo annoying!!!!please know you ARE NOT alone!!!!! hugs to you!!!!!!!
RACHAEL2411 pam90720
Thank you for your reply... Can't believe I have got replies already.
But making me feel less alone and a little more normal knowing you also have said you have the same symptoms. It really is scary, but this site is helping already, so grateful I found it and for the rapid responses from you lovely lady warriors out there.
We need a blumming medal going through this!!!
Thank you again, hugs back to you.
pam90720 RACHAEL2411
you are very welcome!! i loved your statement about being carried away i away in a straight jacket!! boy, how many times have i thought that!! mine was usually saying i need to be in a corner of a room in a white straight jacket rocking back and forth while saying "i know im not going crazy, i know im not going crazy"!!lol in fact, i said it to my mom and sister just today!!! ugh !!!!! i feel like i cant think straight sometimes ! very tiring!! hugs to you!!!
mrs_susan74280 pam90720
HI are you on any medication at all
CarolKelso RACHAEL2411
see this list posted at this site...
millions of us going through the same ..go easy girl. .CK
juanita93228 pam90720
A lot of women say mornings are the worst. I had no idea about that wonderful part of it until earlier this this year. About February of this year I just woke up one morning and anxiety was ridiculous! I can't really describe the feeling other than being anxious and depressed all at the same time. Twice I woke up and was literally AFRAID to get out of bed, like if I got out of bed the world was going to end or some crazy sh*t. I was also a little shaky too, and my stomach would be queasy, it was all doom and gloom. I has gotten better, but it's taking it's sweet time.
Finny2018 RACHAEL2411
Rachel - you have put into words so much of what I still feel off and on each month!!
I am so much better than I was when this all hit and I'm hoping it's because of the over the counter progesterone and estriol cream I started. Do I consider stopping it because I'm concerned about "messing with my natural drop in hormones"....yes, I think about stopping it weekly. But - then I remember how awful all of the symptoms were and I'm scared at the thought of going through that again. Some women have a sharp and sudden drop of hormones and I think that's why the change is so rough for some of us- that's my theory.
I'm so sorry totally sounds like Peri. The comfort I find on this forum has helped me so much. I missed my first period this summer and the cycles are all different.
It's hard isn't it? That feeling of being disconnected; today that's the one that I've been thinking about the most.
It's like I'm having this feeling of withdrawing from my friends and loved ones and the way I used to be.
Right now I don't like it. I want to go back to who I was.
It reminds me of when I went from elementary to middle school and everything I knew about life and being a kid seemed to change so rapidly and I hated seeing how quickly the loss of innocence happened. That's how this feels to me. It seemed to happen so fast and overnight. Rapid aging. Rapid symptoms. There was no gradual, tapering off.
The thing is - I'm not depressed. I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling; but your title - strange feelings - I could so relate.
This forum is amazing and you will find such great support and wisdom. Take care!
mrs_susan74280 Finny2018
HI can you tell me the names of the cream please
RACHAEL2411 Finny2018
Thank you for message. Sorry to here of you feeling withdrawn, and disconnected... It is such a horrible feeling, but its best I think to keep mixing with friends and family to help stay connected. Glad to here the cream is helping.
I might try it if things carry on.
Big hugs, keep your chin up. 😊