Strange head sensations....
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Hello ladies!!
Been wanting to ask about a strange symptom I have at times. As I do have anxiety as well, wasn't sure where to post this lol.
Every once in a while I have this strange head sensation, kind of like vertigo, off balance issue, but different... hard to describe. It's more like a "woosh" feeling like a strong wind pushing my head for a second ,feels like a sort of jerk but not sure if my head is really jerking or it's just a feeling... it's very strange! I have noticed that it happens mid cycle as well as right before my period most of the times ... but it doesn't happen always.
I am on Effexor as well for anxiety and thought maybe it could be the med too. Idk.. it's just a weird strange feeling that makes me sometimes grasp hold of something .
Have any of you ever experienced anything like that?? It sets off my anxiety every time!!!
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ImagineOneDay ginger31734
Hi, I am not on any medication but I certainly have had something very very smilar happenings to left side of my head. It feels very odd. Yes, like a big wind brushing it or some kind of electricity, fuzziness. I haven't had a for a while now. But it does come and goo. Good luck.
ginger31734 ImagineOneDay
Thank you! Maybe another hormonal weirdness ... it comes in waves... I won't have it for a while and then it happens , just so I can relive the weirdness
Helps knowing someone can relate to such a strange thing to describe !
ImagineOneDay ginger31734
Very strange in deed. So difficult to discribe that I didn't even bother to tell anyone. 😃
ginger31734 ImagineOneDay
Exactly!!! I didn't want to tell anyone about it but my anxiety got the best of me
Kris1012 ImagineOneDay
I have been having strange feeling one right sidw of head,tightness, pressure, numbess on that same side of face. symptom last about half hour at times.
Would like to mention had my levels checked blood work says I'm not in menapause. But I tell you I have all wird symptoms memmory,anziety,cry alot, short temper, no ambitiousion, thinning hair,tingling in hands .
Also no periods 6 months then just had one,very speratic.
Thanks for listening
ginger31734 Kris1012
sparrow0 ginger31734
Had to lay on the floor earlier today because of similar! I don't have a cycle (Mirena coil fitted) and mine can happen any time, but sounds like a very similar feeling...
ginger31734 sparrow0
sparrow0 ginger31734
Having a lovely hubby definitely helps 😊
ImagineOneDay sparrow0
Guest ginger31734
How long you been on Effexor and what mg? My husband was on that he took 150mgs in the morning and 150mgs at night. He was actually given it for "pain managment" He had a horrible back! Well he was on it for like 3 to 4 years every time he tried to come off of it the symptoms was so terrible he had to start it back. He got the symptoms simular to yours and much worse. He could never come off of it due to the side affects coming off was horrible. He got ALS and passed away Jan 16, 2015 for him that drug ended up been a nightmare the nuerologist swears up and down before he was finally diagnosed with ALS that it wasn't the medicine however my husband and I knew it was causing the symptoms he was having before he fianlly got ALS. His symptoms of ALS highthen when they cold turkey the Effexor and gave him 40 mg of Clexia sp? He then after been on the Celixa for a month he started falling down and got weakness in his hands he could no longer turn his hands or even open a lid on a jar or feed himself then the next day he woke up and could hardly speak his voice was very very rough could not understand what he was trying to say then rapaidly he became completely paralized he could only move his eyes (locked in his own body) and less than 4 months later he was put on life support. I won't go into how bad and hidioues of a disease ALS is. BUT I would say two drugs I would NEVER take is Effexor or Clexia now maybe the drugs had NOTHING to do with it. There are people that got ALS and never took that drug. Everyone reacts different to different drugs but if any new symptoms that start after taken it I would advise you to consult your doctor. And research Effexor would be a good ideal as well. Now the weird head stuff I have gotten off and on during this prei and meno journey for sure.
ginger31734 Guest
I've been on Effexor 37.5 mg in the mornings. I've been on it for about two years. I can't tolerate more than that as it severely increased my anxiety . I have heard it is HORRID to wean off of, only found that out after I had started it ??? So now I'm afraid to go off !
I've never heard of a med causing ALS ... so sorry your husband went through that , and you too!! Sounds awful 😔
I have asked docs about my symptoms and they all tell me either hormones or silent migraines, denying any connection to Effexor , which I specifically asked about ...
I'll research it more!
Guest ginger31734
unico31026 ginger31734
ginger31734 unico31026
Thank you!! Definitely seems worse when my anxiety is higher although not nearly as bad as the first time I experienced it... after so many symptoms for so long you'd think I'd get used to it but the weirdness gets me every time!!