Strange sensation

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Having a strange sensation at the moment, I get a feeling that appears to come from my stomach and travels up to my head it feels like I’m going to pass out and my heart beats faster. It only happens for a couple of seconds then I feel really cold afterwards, it’s really frightening. x

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I have the same feeling my doctor says that's a very common feeling but yes it is frightening hope things get easier as time goes on good luck.

    • Posted

      It helps to know I’m not alone with this feeling, thank you x
  • Posted

    Hi! Don’t panic. It happens that me, and I’m sure other ladies on this link. 

    You’re not could be an anxiety attack, low blood sugar or exhaustion if you’re not sleeping well. It happens to me at random times of day/night.  I’m even get so cold I put on a coat indoors! I sometimes see black floaters in my peripheral vision black speckles floating around in front of me. 

    All Drs say hormonal imbalances😬🤔🙄.  If you ever actually fainted or have other issues please see your Dr!!! Better to be medically sure??  

    • Posted

      I also get the black floaters, I’ve had so many checks at the doctors and seen numerous specialists but they can’t find anything wrong with me but I just keep getting stranger and stranger symptoms it’s hard to accept it’s horomones x
  • Posted

    If you get hot during the process, it's a hot flash. I've had several. You're ok smile

    • Posted

      I wondered if it was a hot flash but I don’t sweat just a warm sensation x
    • Posted

      I don't recall sweating either when they happen, but they happen EXACTLY how you describe. You're not alone 😊

    • Posted

      Yeah, girl....that's a hot flash without the heat. But that malarkey is coming soon so expect it. The black floaters really do a number on me...makes me think I'm gonna pass out...which ratchets up the anxiety....which starts the racing heart....


      You're fine...hugs

  • Posted

    I get it in spring, or when it is hot outside. I have to lay down right away and massage my stomach to get rid of gas that suddenly appears there.
  • Posted

    I get this too Hun its anxiety causing mine didn't know what the hell was happening to me at first, been to a and e twice, had all blood tests that were normal, then had FSH which showed peri, I'm now on antidepressant for my anxiety cos it got really bad, I'm starting to feel calmer now x

  • Posted

    I have been having these symptoms last 15 years .. get a sicky feeling, white noise and feel want 2 rin 2 the toilet .. .. I actually do pass out .. but I learnt how 2 deal with it .. now I lie down before hand.. I didn't pass out last time seems 2 happen abt every 2 years .. investigations all normal.. it's all stress related with me ..

  • Posted

    Hi Caroline 

    Stress and high cortiso have been linked to anxiety and depression. Conversely, low cortisol has been linked to brain fog, depression and impaired memory. ... the adrenal glands are in the stomach so this maybe why you are feeling this sensation . It can be very worrying and this sets the anxiety ball rolling .just another awful symptom of menopause, I have had this sensation many times . 


  • Posted

    Speaking of strange feelings...

    I have a CRAZY TUMMY!!! It feels full of butterflies, I belch and burp whether my tummy is empty or with food! Not painful, but oddly rolling and gurgling and than I’m so gassy it’s crazy! I get dramatically hungry at times, my tummy is noisy & starving feeling...than other times I’m so nauseous I can’t think about eating!!! I’ve lost 15 lbs!!! Cant get tummy straight!!! Is anyone else gassy or tummy like this. Dr says it’s hormones....again😬😳😖. 

    • Posted

      Hi there yes I have these symptoms too, and when I'm bloated I feel breathless like it's pushing up on my belly, I've lost 10 lbs now but I've been put on antidepressants so my appetite is slowly picking up thank God I can start to enjoy food again x

    • Posted

      Hi t74985..everytime i read a tummy issue i feel so much better because this has been my biggest issue. Yes to all your questions. I have been really nausea going on two months has just started to subside. The stomach rolling, gurgling, churning, palpitating, you name it. I want to just eat what i want but i cant. You hear of women eating and gaining weight but since peri ive been losing, a total of 30lbs. I managed to gain 6lbs back but since the stomach issue again, i dont know where im at with my weight now.

      When my stomach gets under control, i try to gain the weight back but it can be difficult because the symptoms usually return out the blue. So i start all over again. My dr. thinks its the adrenal glands/hormones thats causing it, i think someone else mentioned it also in their post. Hes going to do a 4 part cortisol test. No weight gaining only in my stomach it seems. Do you bloat also? Because i have really bad bloating also. Did you have any tummy issues before perimenopause?

    • Posted

      Haley me too..i am breathless from the bloating. Ive tried everything but its only temporary. But i do noticed that its not all month long, only around ovulation and close to period time. I had to go on antidepressant to help me gain my weight back. I managed to gain 6lbs back from a 30lbs weigh loss. Now it seem like im starting all over again. What antidepressant are you on? I trued taking the antidepressant again this round but it seem to make my anxiety worse this time.
    • Posted

      Oh Mary27278

      I’m on my sofa in tears. I’ve woke with the worst tummy & panic. 

      I’ve gas, loud gurgling, horrid nausea, burping, feel as if I’m starving but can’t fathom eating. 

      I’ve school activities for my kids today for Easter Holiday & I can’t move off my sofa. Panic has griped my mind badly this morn. 

      I was so hungry last night I ate the dinner I made for my family... seems every time I eat I pay this big price!!! I’m sorry you’re suffering this tummy problem also... it’s horrid and like you I just need to feel better. 

      You asked if I had this before menopause...NO!!!! Ate well and anything I wanted!!! It’s hormones!!! This is too much to bare at times....I feel out of body...again and again. Nothing helps..not antacids, anti gas,,,ugh!!!! 

      I’m seriously considering HRT, my quality of life is so diminished. 

    • Posted

      Hi Mary wow u have lost a lot of weight, I lost about 10lbs but theses antidepressants are starting to kick in so my appetite is coming back, I'm on sertraline 50mg been on them 10 days so far, initially my anxiety got worse first few days but my body is adjusting to them now so feeling much brighter x

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