Success stories of Citalopram please.

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I have now been on 10mg Citalopram for 2 weeks, have to higher the dose to 20mg at the weekend, at the moment I am not feeling too good, hightened anxiety which the GP told me to expect, only sleeping a couple of hours a night and tummy upsets, I would love to hear other people's experiences with this drug as I am not sure whether to pack it in or carry on, thank you.

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    I have gone into a dark hole that I cannot seem to get out of , stomach going round all the time with anxiety

    And can't see light at end of tunnel. Have had 2 major house moves in last 3 years. And total knee replacement 7 weeks ago. My doctor started me on 10 mg for a week then 20 for 3 weeks now uped to 40 . When I wake up in the morning the anxiety hits me straight away and I just want to stay in bed all day. I have lost a lot of weight as not interested in food or anything

    Has anyone else felt Like this and how long before you saw improvement. At moment all I see is gloom and doom .

  • Posted

    Hi Wendy. I can remember feeling like this. I am sorry to hear you're feeling very low, hope your knee recovers very soon, that in itself has probably taken a lot of your reserves to deal with and with unsettling house moves on top must be very hard. Give yourself at least a couple of months before you start to feel differently. It can feel like a lifetime waiting to feel better, but hopefully it will come. You may find your stomach and appetite return to normal once the anxiety starts to ease. Take care and good luck x
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    Thank you so much for your positive comments, I want to come right but husband is, come on get over it and pull yourself together , but I can't as that makes me worse and crying again. I am trying hard but hell it's hard and I feel worthless and some times think better off dead with this suffering
  • Posted

    Hi Wendy I know you are at a very low point but try and hang in there. Your husband is maybe very lucky and has not experienced mental illness and so cannot understand what you are going through. Just try and take one hour, day at a time, there is lots of support available on this site. Is your GP supportive, I hope so, talk to them too - you're not on your own x
  • Posted

    Wow you are right on the button. No he old school and never experienced anything like this . I'm 59 and this hAs hit me so hard as always the bright bubbly person that did all the neighbour hood events and parties , and now I have no wish to party or sing
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    Hi, I'm new on here so I hope I'm doing this right!

    I've been suffering all year with depression and anxiety problems. Been on Citalopram for 8 weeks now and the anxiety is just awful! I wake up shaking and dizzy and find it really hard to get to grips with myself in the mornings. My GP also prescribed Trazodone 100mg at night to help with sleep problems. I've read that these 2 drugs shouldn't be taken together. Has anyone had any experience with these 2 drugs?

    I was hoping that by week 8 on Citalopram I would be feeling better but the anxiety is just unbearable!!!! Would love to hear from anyone who has been through this or is suffering the same.

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    Hi Deb

    What dose are you on. I still wake with terrible anxiety, coming up to week 5 soon but told still to hang in there

    I take half triazolam some nights to help with sleep

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    Hi Wendy

    I'm on 30mg of Citalopram at the moment and 100mg of Trazodone. Really suffering with heaving in the mornings and diarrhea too!

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    Does anyone out there with anxiety or depression feel like hiding away from people and not interested in life in general. I just want to curl up in a ball and hide

    Stomach still in knots

    • Posted

      Hi Wendy.  I really really hope that you are feeling better.  I hid my depression, anxiety and panic attacks from everyone that was close to me for well over a year.  I spent days in bed abusing myself by taking recreational drugs just to make me feel happy for a little bit.  The sadness was so deep and I had a lovely life, fantastic family, good friends and an amazing job. I could not understand the tiredness or pain that I was in.  It got too much and I tried to take my own life. I was just so tired I did not want to wake up anymore. Luckily, some close friends found me when they thought it was odd that I hadn't shown up to work. They banged sown my apartment door and saved my life. I was signed off work for quite a while, wrapped in cotton wool by family and attended lots of doctors appointments basically being told what to do. I was put on citalopram 20mg even though I was seriously scared of anti depressants because of the addiction factor. I was reassured that when I felt strong coming off them would not be a problem. I took the chance - anything was better than that empty sad feeling I though.  The doctor warned me that the first four weeks would be very tough and I would be very low. I actually burst into tears thinking how is it possible to feel lower. Luckily - I didn't suffer the low. The lack of sleep yes - but that regulated. I have been taking them for 8 months now and they have made the world of difference - I feel fuzzy and happy again, I'm positive and it would take an awful lot for me to feel miserable.  Obviously if I have a crazy weekend then that is my own doing and I suffer like the rest of the hungover world. That is normal - they are not magic beans. :-) Also, little changes you can make yourself help.  Crystal healing, rekki, walks in nature and good positive people around you. You will get better - you do need to want to though. It's a disease - not a life sentence. Fight for your happiness.

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    And does every minute feel like an hour because you are feeling such pain, the total reverse of when you feel happy and time flies. You cannot see a time when you will ever feel happiness again.

    But you can and will x

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    Yes days so long , it's just a horrible feeling , looking forward to the day I wake up without that knotted feeling in my stomach
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    TRy to stay positive, I had a big knot in my stomach for about 4 weeks, couldn't eat, felt sick, running to the toilet every hour etc. I have been taking cit 20mg for 25 days, then 30mg for 10 days, altogether 35 days. still, it's not right, might ask for an increase but My stomach somehow relaxed. Be patient and you will get there. It takes about 6-8 weeks to improve and in some cases longer. I'm signed off sick and the days are long but I create extra jobs for myself. Otherwise I would go mad!

    Keep it up and you will recover,


  • Posted

    How is taking 40mg and still having anxiety? Im taking for a mont already....I still have some specially in the morning. om gosh...when is it going to be over?????

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