Success stories of Citalopram please.
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I have now been on 10mg Citalopram for 2 weeks, have to higher the dose to 20mg at the weekend, at the moment I am not feeling too good, hightened anxiety which the GP told me to expect, only sleeping a couple of hours a night and tummy upsets, I would love to hear other people's experiences with this drug as I am not sure whether to pack it in or carry on, thank you.
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I just found this forum and I'm glad I did. I've been on Celexa for several weeks now but my doctor just upped my dosage 4 weeks ago to 40 mg. I hope that I will notice some change in the next two-four weeks. I guess itdoes take a while before the medication kicks in, right?
In the meantime, I am finding the support of those who are in this forum. Being depressed is scary enough
but knowing that I am not alone in dealing with it makes it at least tolerable.
Yes it helps to talk with people with same experience I have found this is my support. Everyone will help like they have for me so never ever feel alone , just pour your heart out like I did . Xxx
it's so nice to get up in the morning and find some comments on the forum. So ,there is more than me in the world suffering. Just made an app with the doc, checked y blood pressure and it's 87 by54, is it low? Maybe that's why I feel so dizzy and have a horrible headache. Will see the doc in the afternoon and find out. Keep it up, speak to you soon,
Yes I get headaches some days but not dizzy so yes it maybe blood pressure . This site is so good for pouring out the heart when other people don't understand. It's damn hard when people say , come on pull yourself together when you are trying with all you might , but your mind won't do it.
Please keep up the chats , I think we are other sides of the world looking at the times on the replays but so
Nice to chat
Thanks for sharing your experiences. My depression came about after breaking up with my ex, and it's been 3 months now. Worse times are mornings when I can't get up from bed and feel motivated enough to do anything but sleep! But once I get out of bed and start doing things then I forget about my depression and am all right throughout the day, though of course I feel sad and lonely sometimes thinking about the break-up. Nothinng I can do to bring back the old days but hoping to see what tomorrow brings.
I just want to ask. How do people deal with those morning (and evening for some?) blues? Does it go away when the medication starts to take effect?
Somehow it seemed to help me break the cycle of manipulation I was in - anyone in a controlling relationship I would recommend reading The Gaslight Effect. Because I was less emotional I was able to step back and see that my reactions to things that were happening to me were not helping my problems.
I think sleep is good too as it can be healing and nurturing.
Take care x
Yes the anxiety and horrible stomach you wake up with first thing in the morning will slowly pass , I'm coming up to week 6 and only just started to subside a wee bit in the last 3 days. I'm not to bad through the day but
Not go out the house much and still feel happy to stay in bed. By about 7 00 at night I take my 30mg again. I am taking a sleeping tablet at night so getting good sleep now . I'm taking one day at a time. A friend who has been through this came and visited yesterday and we had a couple of wines and sat in the sun and I felt
Good . ( probably the wine but for a couple of hours I actually felt like me again )
Keep up the chats as it so good to have help and to be able to ask for it .
Yes I think sleep is important , my late mother said your body will tell you when you need to slow down and
rest so I have always decided that. While I am feeling and trying to work my way through this I rest , sleep when I think I need it. My husband is not really understanding how I am but he is getting better accepting it. I
Looked outside yesterday and watered the garden and sat in sun and had a couple of wines with a friend and thought I will get through this even if it takes me 6 months, but at least now I don't feel suicidel
anymore and crying has stopped as was crying all day at the least thing . I still have moment of what if I don't get a job next year or what if I don't make new friends where we have moved to but sure that also will pass in time
Always here to chat and stay strong you are not alone
Thanks for your replies. I feel much better just knowing you and other people are out there who care and who can provide support. Living as an immigrant in the U.S. has been stressful, but I'll move to a city next year and hope that I will find again the joy, courage, and strength to do what I used to enjoy doing, esp. my job. Good luck on you both and to everyone here. Keep the faith!
You are right, living as an immigrant in another country is very stressful. I knew English before I moved to the UK but stupidly I didn't understand the cultural/ social/ difference. I assumed I would be easily assimilated because there is no language barrier. How naïve I was. After 10 years I still feel an outsider, it's more difficult to make friends for me (I moved here when I was 41), they are polite but somehow think that I'm different. have made a few friends over the years but it's not the same. My husband doesn't understand ,he is British and thinks that I didn't try hard enough to get used to UK life. But I cannot stand in the street and ask people questions or ask if they want to be my friends!
So I understand very well what you think
Take care,
Yes, I moved from California to take a job in Massachusetts and the climate, the culture, the people are so different from I've been accustomed to in CA and in the Philippines, where I am from. After 9 years, I still feel an outsider! My ex-partner who's white loves it here but could not also understand (although rationally) how I could not feel rooted. And this has caused me part of my depression, as after breaking up with him, I feel even more isolated. Hopefully, with Celexa and therapy, I am able to move to Boston and live in a better place than Western Massachusetts.
I had a baby 11 months ago and was due to go on holiday recently like we do every year but last year we were in a hit and run so when it came to going this year although I hadn't thought about it the Thursday before we were due to go I had a massive panic attack and ended up in a very unhelpful a and e as I thought I was going to die truly terrifying and ever since then I have had constant aches all over my body and a feeling that I cant get my breath, I have dark thoughts about hurting myself even though I wouldn't and I was convinced I was going mad and needed to be sectioned all out of the blue. iam taking beta blockers and diazepam but I tried citalopram 20mg I only took one and they made me feel like I was climbing the walls tingly all over, sick headache and very anxious and agitated I was so scared I couldn't take any more ive tried to get back to normal and sort myself out back at work went away for the weekend but its always there, started to feel like I was controlling it then I went and saw a locum who quizzed me to do with the beta blockers which I take 3 times a day he said my heart was slow and I needed to reduce them well that was it back to square one
cant sleep felt like my heart was going to stop really feel like im going mental xx