Sugar detox symptoms

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I'm withdrawing from sugar. Anyone out there feeling HORRIBLE!!! How long did it take you?

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Jamie, have you started with low carb (sugar withdrawal) diet? Asking because in this case you are probably not only cutting out sugar but all / most of the carbs in diet.

    The symptoms usually last from a week to 10 days, but do remember to up your salt and water intake. A warm broth with extra salt does wonders.

    You probably feel feverish, shakiness, brainfog and symptoms of flu. If yes, all that is normal and part of body getting used to not getting sugar for energy, but being forced to use fat / protein.

    Don't give up!

    • Posted

      THANK YOU Pra_Adoni! that's exactly what I'm doing and shocked how AWFUL I feel! I think I'm 5-6 days in and want to die. I have not caved yet, but dying for a drink or glass of wine. Still shocked that sugar is such poison for us.

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      A dry wine is ok...but definitely not so soon. wine has too much sugar, esp when u are starting out. But once you are a few months in, one on special occasion won't do too much harm.

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      Did you do a sugar detox? If so, did you know when sugar was out of your system? I've been eating eggs, fish, green vegetables. Still feel like ______.

      What do you think about the new DRY FARM WINES? No sugar, no sulfates, no carbs.

      THANKS for your comments and help too

    • Posted

      That's amazing!!! I could not last but maybe 3 days.. But yes need to try again to get these 20lbs off! Don't you get 'sick' of eggs and salad?

    • Posted

      Yes, I did and do keto diet that is basically is very low amounts of carb, and preferably from vegetable sources. Except for fats and animal products, almost all food has some source of carb (by the way even eggs have a tiny amount of carb!).

      Coming back to when you knowing sugar is out of system - it is basically when your symptoms are going off and you are on the other side of flu like symptoms. It differs from person to person, but the basic rule of thumb is - the more your body was dependent on quick energy (ie., all sugars and carbs because carbs in the body get converted to sugars), the more transition time you will have.

      I had a really s****y time transitioning because I absolutely LOOOOVEEE sweets and did not realise how much my body was using the chocolates that I ate "only one piece" after each meal for energy! But once you are over the "hill", the way ahead is easy and you no longer will crave sweets.

      Give yourself time, the best way is to tough it out (it sucks!) and eat moderate protein (mistake many do it they do huge amount of protein and moderate fat...), high fat, very low carb and loads of green veggies - raw or cooked, but greens are very impt. And to ease the flu like symptoms, the best solution is atleast 2 cups of broth /bullion with extra salt per day. More salt intake - atleast in the beginning is a life saver and will reduce withdrawal symptoms.

      Finally, reg wines, as much as sugar is the culprit, it is also the alcohol content in wines that interfere with sugar absorption. So if you can, hold off on wines for atleast a few weeks. I did not drink any wine (or any alcohol) for almost 3 months!

      I have been off keto a few times, but every time getting back on becomes easier mainly because you know what to expect, plus your body gets back to using fat quicker.

      Hang in there...

      Don't hesitate to ask any question in the meantime....


    • Posted

      I think MIO water is ok.... That might have a chocolate flavor that you use for your water... Don't think it has carbs or sugar

    • Posted

      This is GREAT information! I am detoxing from sugar cold turkey and still shocked that the symptoms are way toooooo similar to drug detoxing that i watched on tv. It's day 6 or 7 for me & I had a couple hours of normalcy yesterday. I was beyond thrilled! Then I screwed up and had a vodka w/perrier b/c i thought i got threw to the other side. Today I'm bedridden and in reading your post realized i need to stay off of all alcohol. I'm a Top Producing Realtor in Philadelphia who wants a more healthy diet. Healthy seems exciting to me. BUT today its fatigue, depression, mood swings, anxiety thru the roof.

      In the future its no more alcohol for me. I'm physically fit, not overweight and suddenly feel 90 years old.

      GLAD I read your post, you're a ROCKSTAR. 😃

      Not to sound redundant, I still can't believe how toxic sugar is

    • Posted

      we're alike! I ALSO did the one piece of chocolate after dinner and good high end chocolate. Brought the best of the best home from Paris

    • Posted

      Hehe...we just help each other in this ride!

      By the way, my posion of choice is vodka lime, and in the beginning was like, vodka has 0 sugars, of course I can drink, but then after a couple of mishaps, did some reading and got to know that it is not just the sugar in a drink, but its the alcohol that is even worse and will kick the blood sugars off totally. That is why I went cold turkey in the beginning.

      Right now I am slowly off my keto diet coz of 2 upcoming vacations (each a month apart). It may seem easier to come off than to start, but if you want to take a break in the future, its best done slowly so as not to totally be off rocker again.

      I needed to (who am I kidding...I NEED to even now) loose more than a few pounds. But the main target was to feel better and have better health inspite of the weight. That has been a problem for me a long time. So...the struggle continues!

      Onwards and forward as my mom used to say! 😃

    • Posted

      you have 110% convinced me! NO MORE ALCOHOL!

      I could not understand nor figure out what threw me back into those flu-like symptoms when i thought i was slowly moving forward.

      Maybe in 2020, I'll treat myself to a vodka lime ( darn that sounded good! ). Cheers to a better week of feeling better, I owe you. You were way better informed for me then my books and youtube videos!!

      What part of the world do you live? I'm on the East Coast in Pennsylvania. Oh, and my KETO RECIPES FOR BEGINNERS is in route too.

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      Other side of the pond.... Sweden (west coast, or as we say the best coast, don't tell the guys on east coast ie., Stockholm)

      And keto / LCHF is really big here for a few years now. During christmas time its quite normal to read "shortage of butter in the coming weeks, bunker up"!!

      Not that it ever happens 😆😆

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      I had visited Penn. a few yrs back. Its really beautiful! visited Martin guitars among others...

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      how cool! I have a nutrition coach on the other side of the pond.

      Quick question - with no carbs, no booze, no sugar, did you feel normal by a week? Two weeks?

      Hopefully i didn't put my system/body back to day 1 with that one vodka drink?

    • Posted

      Sorry for the late reply Jamie!

      I felt really woozy and had palpitations the first week, so much so that I was scared I was about to die 😄

      But then I upped my salt intake and within a couple of days (this would be like day 12 or so) my symptoms became normal and I was able to get on full sugar detox with no other major issues.

      Hopefully you are feeling better and are now on the other side of the "hill".

      Do let me know how its going.

      Hang in there...!

    • Posted

      No problem! I KNOW how busy we are all, but I

      am happy you're back. You can't let a dying girl down LOL.

      Soooooooooo today i had to leave my quiet detox home to conduct a house sale closing. Lovely clients but sheer hell to walk out woozy, dizzy, limpy.I hated it, I'm usually a fun person. According to my 'guess' calculations, I'm maybe a week or a day or two less into this process. Today i said to myself, "I LOVE my job, I must be nutz to do this to myself and almost caved and ran for cookies, candy, bread!! Well, I puttered thru, came home, fell asleep.

      I'm now ready to try your salt. I drank 2 teaspoons of salt in a shot glass of warm water. It was awful, but maybe it will do something. See how I follow rules and instructions!!

      How do you take your salt? Desperate situations call for desperate measures. I'm gonna follow thru with this because I still can't believe sugar is such poison. It has to be to make you feel this way.

      Forever grateful


      Bacon ( my new name )

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