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In light of the news that Kate Spade was found hanging in her Park Avenue apartment this morning, at 55 years old, I just want to encourage anyone who is feeling suicidal to get help, and get it quick. Saw a quote about suicide that said something like "a permanent solution to a temporary problem". Kate leaves behind a 13 year old daughter. Please, please, please if you are feeling this way, know that it's hormones, find someone who will help you, if they don't, find someone else who will.
Love you all my meno sisters! XOXO
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ImagineOneDay Guest
Extremely SAD!
Thank you Suzanne. We are here to help&support each other. TAKE GOOD CARE ladies.
gilly_64426 Guest
Kazjo Guest
Hi Suzanne!
Believe it or not, my first thought was, "Is she going through menopause?" Because I have bad thoughts and deep depression along with severe hot flashes, night sweats and dryness that is terribly uncomfortable.
Very sad to hear about Ms. Spade. I hate to think she felt so bad and in so much pain that this was her only way out. Very, very sad. Thank you for posting.
Edell7329 Kazjo
Menopause was the first thing I thought also. What a tragedy! I don't have suicidal thoughts but I am depressed and have never felt like this in my life. It can be so isolating, that's why I appreciate all you ladies in here! Hugs to all! RIP Kate💕
Guest Kazjo
Guest Kazjo
Guest Kazjo
kim35797 Guest
Guest Guest
I am so saddened to hear about this. You know the first thing I thought was if she was struggling hormonally as we all are. Seeing her age, I am sure she was in the throes of it as well.
I think it is a wake up call for all us women to not feel like what we ARE feeling 'isn't real' or 'it's just your hormones'. It is very real and very painful - physically and emotionally. And to add insult to injury, I truly feel it is somewhat taboo to talk about openly. I think that is why these forums are so popular. It is a safe and accepting place to go to share. I know I feel a sense of shame to a degree that I am suffering so badly at this phase of my life
because of 'just hormones'.
My heart breaks for her and her family and I wish them all (and us) peace.
Guest Guest
I understand what you are saying, but I think if women knew it was “just hormones” making them feel this way, they may take a different approach to the depression. I think we here on this forum are fortunate enough to realize that our hormones are making us feel all sorts of physical and psychological things. And I think there are many women out there that haven’t made that connection. For me personally, I used to think people were very selfish for threatening or committing suicide, and it wasn’t until I had my own experience with ill health and depression that I was shown how people can get to that point. I know longer have that cavalier attitude towards it all. I get it. But I think if people can hang on there will be a better day coming. My favorite quote I have hanging in my house is have faith, tides change.
Guest Guest
Well said, Kim... there is no such thing as "just hormones"... it is sad that we are made to feel shameful about it.
ImagineOneDay Guest
Knowing it us hormons doesn't always guide you in the right approach. It is more complex then that. I cannot take HRT and have been offered AD many times. But I refused to take it since I don't beleive that the correct answer. But then it may make me look selfish since I suffer people/my family around me suffer too. I am trying to manage without AD but who knows perhaps one day I will totally loose it and end up who knows what... it is complex... Take good care ladies physically & mentally
notsure47790 Guest
I believe that society is in a very bad place- selfish, self absorbed, egocentric....and very digital!
It is very very hard to find good friends that actually care. We live with everyday judgment, labels, fear of litigation, and what not but not careing if someone might be feeling isolated, sad, or have tough time in life. How does a person share private and innermost fears and hardship, with all that judgment around?! It also really hurts when people ignore and hardly remember a conversation you had! Some of us will manage and others will not!
With the freedom and self sufficiency we strive for and are proud of, we forget to be human, to be nice!
I am very sorry Kate Spade felt such a pain that it lead to this. Hormones can be cruel. And the worst part is that a daughter is left behind to suffer. Hope the kid finds strenght.
I would also say- search for help if your thoughts go in a dark place, but I believe help is hard to find! Even the one searching it, is too wrapped up in the self. Try not to stay in your own head by yourself. Search to talk with no expectations of outside reaction. Be your own healer by not being trapped in your own brain, and fight until you find help, solution, hope! There are truly good, careing, selfless prople out there. It takes time to find them
Everyone..... I wish luck and strenght.
CarolKelso notsure47790
kelly55079 Guest
Yes, so sad to hear this especially for her 13yr old daughter at home. I had heard that she was very fascinated with Robin Williams suicide as well. Again very heartbreaking. Her sister had tried to get her help and into rehab but she wouldn't due to the stigma it had on her 'brand'. This is troubling because I don't see it that way at all. As long as they get the help they need is the most important thing.