Supplements and Menopause

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Does anyone take supplements to help with Menopause? Which ones do you take and how has it helped?

i take Magnesium which has really helped with my sleep. I also take ubiquinol zinc and Vitamin B. I've tried Black Cohosh and Ginseng not sure if they have had any effect at all.

i do an hour of workout everyday but of late finding myself tired. I'm taking a multi vitamin with extra iron but still get out of breath sooner. I just completed a half marathon in November but I just can't seem to get the energy to train for another.

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61 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi mee

    I take evening primrose, menopace, probiotic, kalms night for sleeping, rescue remedy, and more recently I've been trying cbd oil for anxiety. I also use a range of teas like camomile, peppermint and hemp. I take hrt but still need to top it up with supplements I find. I did a heck of a lot of running last year but had a few months off and am starting again. It was really good for me, but it does wipe you out when you're feeling a bit ropey. If you are feeling puffed out generally, maybe you need a blood test for your iron levels. When mine were low I had that breathless feeling a lot. Good luck and congrats with your marathon, you're a legend! Xx

    • Posted

      Does that rescue remedy help? I have the liquid that goes under the tongue and lozenges but not sure it helps.. Please let me know about the cbd oil for aniexty--- It would be wonderful if it helps...

    • Posted

      Not sure why my answer is being moderated as I didn't say anything bad-- don't think i did!!! Just wanted to ask if you see a difference with the oil for anxiety? And also I noticed that you are taking spirulina-- do you notice a difference with anything? About a year ago I commented on a friends hair. For 56 I thought it looked good and it was long and healthy too. She mentioned to me that she thought it was spirulina that helped. I looked it up and being something that helps with many things-- I started taking them. I thought I felt more at peace or calm while taking them but not sure. I can never tell what is exactly helping, I just research it and see what others think about it.

    • Posted

      Hi, i think you may want me, not Sassyr. I take the sea buckthorn oil for vaginal atrophy because studies have shown that it as good as hormones for improving the condition and thickness of the vaginal wall (but it won't improve lubrication). As you say Spirulina has many good things in it - it is a superfood.

  • Posted

    Hi Mee

    I take VitB complex, Evening Primrose Oil, a menopause supplement and occasionally VitD, I become worried about using too many, probably need some reassurance on that! I find that if I come off the evening primrose I become more anxious. I heard that folic acid is good but not sure what for, I need to look it up. I tried magnesium but it gave me side effects.

    I'm lucky in that I don't suffer from lack of energy and enthusiasm but I do feel tired quite often and feel as if my eyes are heavy and tired.

  • Posted

    Wow, a half marathon! Well done you. And working out! If you can do that then you are doing well. I struggle to get out of bed every morning. I keep vowing to at least go for a brisk walk every day but sometimes, after the kids have gone off to school, I go back to bed for a 'little nap' but sometimes I sleep until 2pm! Whatever the body needs at this time, I guess. Any advice you have for keeping energy levels up would be gratefully received. I take calcium, magnesium, zinc, B vits, selenium, vit e, spirulina, pre and pro biotics, tumeric, iron and sea buckthorn oil. Not sure if it has made any difference ... perhaps without it I'd be in bed all day!

    • Posted

      Hey suki

      I was feeling just like you last year, but started walking every day and felt better, and then started running every other day and what a difference it made. Put it this way, exercising didn't make me feel as tired as resting. I think the more you do, the more the energy levels kick in. I have a son, hubby, job etc so I usually walk first thing or at lunchtime, and then the running early evening. Tbh sometimes you have to put yourself first xx

    • Posted

      Yes, I must start the walking! I was working out a few years ago but that stopped because I had a shoulder operation and I found it hard to start again. I did start on the rowing machine at home but now I have got a rare condition called Kinebock's disease where one of the small bones in my wrist has died, so my wrist is unstable and I have to wear a permanent wrist brace or I will be in a lot of pain. I can't put any weight on the wrist. But, hey, at least it is my left wrist (I am right handed) and it is not life threatening. Plus its got a cool name! So basically, I think walking and running are the best options for me. Oh, and things like planks on the elbow.

    • Posted

      Hi suki

      It really does have a cool name! Sounds painful though. Walking would be a great place to start again, the fresh air makes me feel so much better.... Doubt I'd be any good at the plank, even with 2 good wrists 😂 xx

    • Posted

      The Kienbock's isn't painful as long as I keep the wrist brace on. As I have to wear it all the time, I've bought some funky patterned covers to make it more of a fashion accessory!

      I used to be able to do a 4 min plank 😦

      I do love the outdoors and I am lucky enough to live in a lovely village in beautiful countryside. I also mainly work from home, so there is no excuse! I know researchers have shown that a 10-minute brisk walk three times is more effective than a single 30-minute workout at keeping blood pressure in a healthy range. And every day I say, right, starting tomorrow, I'm going to walk 10 mins after the kids leave for school, 10 mins at lunch and 10 mins in the evening. But then I get up the next day and feel bleh, and I just don't get round to it. I need to get a dog! But my hubby doesn't want one.

    • Posted

      I work from home too, so I know you can get up and at it tomorrow suki. Maybe do a week of walking, and get yourself a dog as a reward lol 😂 xx

    • Posted

      I was thinking more of the dog as a motivation to walk!

    • Posted

      Well yes, you could do that too, 😂 my sister got a labrador once in the hope she'd be motivated to walk regularly. Just ended up with both of them on the couch watching the real housewives xx

    • Posted

      I did it! Went for a brisk walk round my village, despite the kitchen being a complete mess and various animals to feed (including 2 kids! LOL), including an elderly rabbit who has to be syringe fed (now cuddling her on my lap .... but I must get to that kitchen!)

    • Posted

      Yay!!! 😊 Well done you, what a fab achievement. How do you feel? (better than the rabbit I assume)!? So glad you got out today suki xx

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