Surgery scheduled for Oct17th, Hope I'm doing the right thing.
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Gleason score I believe is 3+6+6 Mri indicates 3 definate spots and all 12 core samples had cancerous material but so far indications are it's all contained within the Prostate. I've chosen Davinci.
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gale10132 dan40981
I had proton radiation and it is much, much less invasive than surgury. I am now over 2 years from the treatment and have full use of all bodily functions including sex. Never had a problem from day one.
Take some time and do some research and reading. Do yourself a favor not to jump at the first alternative. You are early with this disease at this point and time to learn about other options.
dan40981 gale10132
I did all the other alternative studies and side effects are harsh. I know it's rare to have them but it is bothersome to know you have Cancer inside of you.. my inclination is to have it removed but I'll take your advice into consideration. My uroligist left it up to me but stated that what ever form of Treatment I chose, that field will say they do the job as well as any.. Mine presently is encapsulated in the prostate, he says I'm a great candidate for nerves being spaired! Incontenance is an issue, I've been doing and will continue theropy right now with Kacal muscles, theropyst has been impressed. I know there are alternatives but to me it seems that the best chance for long term success,15 to 20 years, would be to remove before this possibly spreads??
dan40981 gale10132
gale10132 dan40981
You should listen to you doctor but I had no side effects and still don't. Is your urologist a surgeon? I really take issue with his comments about horendouos side effects and my statement is not just based on my experience but many others in the program with me in the program.
I should have clearified that, I read about the horrendous side effects of each of the different treatments especially as time goes on.. Of course that is not the case with everyone and there can be complications from Davinci. I simply weighed the options of each, not quickley but over a month and a half and decided about all I didn't like Cancer in my body and to have the ability to catch it before it spreads seems like a logical choice.. My uroligist is and will be the surgeon. he's done 200 of these and is quite confident in his abilities, but as he said, there are options and I need to weigh them.. He also stated I have some time.. It's been three months since I was Biopsied... It's a tough choice but one I don't think I'm rushing into.. Sorry didn't want to leave you thinking the Dr. uses such terminology, that's just me, not him.
Tybeeman dan40981
One other big think to think about. With removal they can put you on a testosterone therapy to keep your sex drive. can do that with treatment. Plus, the treatment slowly of the years will deteriorate the nerves so that you will have the same problem you are trying to avoid. Anyone that would leave a cancer in their body when they can take it out is absolutely crazy. If that cancer ever gets out of the prostrate you cannot have it removed with all that radiation treat that was done. In some cases, you can have what is called a savage removal which is very dangerous. I on the other hand can have radiation if it was to come back very safely proyou doing the right thing.
Tybeeman dan40981
dan40981 Tybeeman
Tybeeman dan40981
dan40981 Tybeeman
Do to my testing, MRI, Biopsy, My urologst says I've an excellent chance of full function, I hope his experiance is enough, he's done over two hundred and mounting. He works in a group and lots of training and advice. I will look into Dr. Patel, I did talk to my urologst about bigger and more specialize places.. His response to me was logical, "you can go to some other place, but you live here and I will have to try to deal with whatever it is they leave you with". Good answer I thought.. Later and thanks.
Tybeeman dan40981
dan40981 Tybeeman
Ah, I doubt they are into Medicare patients, Cancer Centers of America wouldn't even talk to me.. Going to Florida is really out of the question, That is clear accross the Country, my finances wouldn't allow the cost. I'm pretty confident here now, talking to all of you helps.
aksns61 dan40981
charles61038 dan40981
Hello Dan, Sorry to hear you have joined the group. But the good news is that your prostate cancer seems to be contained. If there are no other options for you, the surgery is good. But I would investigate the possibility of other treatment options first. There are many. I had the gleason score similar to yours, but only 2 of the 12 core samples indicated cancer cells. I looked at many treament options and chose low dose radiation seed implants (Brahytherapy).which is a one time treatment. Side effects are minimal. There is also the high dose radiation Brachythereapy that requires 2 visits. That is used for higher risk prostate cancer. There is a good website that shows various treatment options and what is involved and the success rates. My urologist pointed to that website. It is - some good information here.
lungs70111 dan40981