Surgical meno hell

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I know ive been here a lot but I'm really struggling so much I can't cope much more. Is there anyone here going through 'surgical menopause'? My life is crap and has been for the last two years im trying to be positive and hoping one day I will feel better but I can't see an end to this hell. Severe fatigue, nausea, severe health anxiety, horrid achy joints especially knees, wobbly a lot like can't walk in a straight line, can't sleep, digestive issues, thumping heart, spaced out, backache, crying all the time it's just s . .'s too much for me and there's no end to it, I take cod liver oil, vit c, e, b, Feroglobin etc nothing works and every day it's the same old same old. GP said NO to HRT because of migraines, I don't know if I should make an appointment to see my consultant and ask for oestrogen - after my surgery he did say he would be happy for me to go on it but I'm scared because of risks, I'm so depressed. Try to sleep up and down all night pacing around, hubby says he's sick of it well how the hell does he think I feel, well I feel castrated and in torture. Anyone else like me ? x

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes me everyday and to be quite frank had enough it's a chore to get out of bed in the morning feel seriously ill every single day been like this now for 18 months and on top of all my symptoms I'm now getting sinusitis went on HRT patches made me feel like my head was swelling and like I was going to have seizure coming off my amiltriptyline 100mg for anxiety disorder as they make me like a zombie even more than I did already now doc is putting me on paroxetine and going to try Angus castus as its supposed to balance hormones naturally this is not living it's hell wish I knew the answer to give you but your not alone take care xxx
    • Posted

      I symapthise so much and I'm right there with you and you're right it's a living waking nightmare, like you I feel seriously ill all the time I do try to be positive but it's beats me into negativity day in day out - im sure there must be something else going on to feel this ill all the time and it's not getting better it's getting worse - I find no pleasure in anything and can't be bothered with anything or anyone, what's the point - don't want to see anyone or go anywhere , what's the point when I don't enjoy anything - it's crap and my doctor just said basically be grateful im here ! well I am grateful and my surgery was necessary I do know that but didn't realise I would wish sometimes I could just dissappear so tempted to ring the hospital and get an appointment but I know that's gonna freak me out too as it will blood tests and everything else it's all too much xx
  • Posted

    Hi lou86 i was put in surgical menapause 2 years ago in june can relate to some of what your going threw chick its awfull in suffering with aches my eyes hurt at the minuit like there full of grit x
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      Hi bev, so sorry for you friend - are you taking oestrogen ? I'm so tempted but the fear makes me physically sick, I'm panicky and totally on edge with dread and think my heart will just pack up soon with all this stress on my body - it's all such a mess x
    • Posted

      Hi lou no i take red clover and sage leaf just gone on vit d as my bloods showed i was low now my liver test is slightly elsvated i had no choice in having hysterectomy had a 6lb tumour on my ovary im fed up with the symptoms daily i go from shivering to boiling hot feels like my hands and feet are bursting and my headache well sometimes i could bang it against a wall all i seem to do is moan xx
    • Posted

      Oh no that's awful for you, like you I had an ovarian 20cm tumor - immediate meno with no meds, damm tough on the body. Did anyone advise you on the red clover and sage leaf or did you discover it yourself ? Like you with the moaning ! We can't help it though we didn't ask for this to happen to us x
  • Posted

    Hi lou86 i was put in surgical menapause 2 years ago in june can relate to some of what your going threw chick its awfull in suffering with aches my eyes hurt at the minuit like there full of grit x
  • Posted

    lou..............i was on Sertraline anti depressant, but they also use this antidepressant as a migraine reliever as  it causes vessles to retract in the head, and with migraines as you know. our blood vessles swell which is what causes the pain,  and thats how sertraline eases migraines, doesnt take all the pain away but does keep the pressure feelings away once its been taken, could you not ask for this, along with the HRT, wouldnt it counteract the affect on the migraines the HRT may have? its a anti depressant which is meant tobe good for pms depression, so good one for during menpause, only took the edge off mine though which, is all i wanted,  took a low dose of it to avoid side affects and only one a day, maybe you could suggest this to another dr, there has to be an alternative for you, sorry your husband isnt more supportive for you, sure that wont help you feel better, go and see your dr as soon as you can, feel better lou, take care..............Elaine 
    • Posted

      Thanks ELaine been on Sertraline and had to come off them as they made me a million times worse ! I take sumatriptan for migraines . Might ring he hospital and see if I can get an appointment with u consultant x
    • Posted

      Oh no what a shame, if your on migraine meds, wont that do the same though whilst on HRT, try another dr lou, he could be using the migraine thing to keep you off HRT, research it yourself, and go in armed with a med that will help you whilst you take HRT, dont give up on that lou! 
    • Posted

      Thanks ELaine - it's all so much and I am trying  - you could be right about the migraine thing or they just can't be bothered because it's all too much hassle for them, I'm bombarding GP with all these awful symptoms and I could see he was bored and it's hard anyway because of anxiety......might be better just writing to the hospital and seeing consultant, not sure how long it would take, waiting lists and all that !
    • Posted

      I know waiting lists can take a long time in uk now, and even if you write it may still take time, however, if you can afford it lou could you go private, get in much quicker, ive done it got in after two weeks, what you need to do, is get hold of a Endocrinologist who works in a NHS hospital near you, you will find that on the web from your local hopsital, but you can pick any hospital you want,  then your specialists also needs to have a private clinic of his own, then get his name and address of his private clinic, take it to you gp, and say, you would like to see him privately, as your gp will need to refer you still, because of maybe getting treatment from him later on in his NHS clinic, tell gp you can affored tests etc, but, cant afford treatment, so you will need to transfer over to him and see him in his NHS clinic for treatment,  so, you see him in his private clinic, or, one of his registrars, have tests done, which, you pay for including his fee for however many consultations you have with him,  then refers you back to his NHS hospital just for treatment as you have already had tests,  you then get treatment in the normal way youwould from the hospital.  Where do you live in UK Lou? ive done it this way myself, turns out, i didnt need treatment, i live in Cheshire, originally from Manchester, so i picked a hopsital in manchester i found a endocrinologist, his clinic was at Christies Cancer Hospital odd place for him to have his clinic, but, the hopsital rented out space for money, had my tests recieved great treatment and care whilst there, very impressed with his clinic, seen by his team 3 times, he also practiced at another much bigger NHS hospital in another part of manchester, but in the end didnt need to see him for treatment,  but i tell you what impressed me the most about going private, they do better testing because your paying for it, and told me that several things that were going on with me, were not normal, and yet my gp said it was completely normal which is what i suspected, and you have to question that, and it was him then that spurred me on to push more, and as a result of seeing him, and then pushing with my gp, i found out after 36 years what was actually wrong with me, answered a lot of questions for me. so going private worked for me, so it can be done, gps will prefer you doing it, as it takes the strain off them money wise, what do you think lou?? the other alternative would be, a well woman clinic, but with it being NHS you may not get the honest answer you need about your migraine/HRT problem, you may if you go private, downside is, i saw a cardiologist years ago privately, and wasnt as impressed, so doesnt always follow going private works, alternative would be wellbeing clinic in the meantime, its something to consider.
    • Posted

      Thanks for all the very helpful info and I will look into things . I'm glad you found someone to listen to you I think that's a lot of the problem, we are not taken seriously enough it's lucky if we find someone in the medical profession who truly understands. Private will probably be out of my reach but am trying to find my nearest well woman / menopause clinic, I'm in Dorset by the way so quite a way from Manchester but I kind of know the Warrington area. Your information has been helpful and I take on board all you say. Thanks very much and take care of yourself 😉
    • Posted

      yes im not far from the warrington area lou, no dorset a little nice place, hope you get some understanding and support when you  go the clinic let us know how you get on....................take care Elaine x


    • Posted

      Yes I will let you know thank you very much. I know Stockton Heath area more actually, over the bridge ! Do you know it ? X
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      Hi Lou, sorry to hear you're feeling so bad x. My aunt who's in her early sixties has been on HRT for twelve plus years now and we couldn't understand why, Several months ago, I asked her about this and she told me she was on it to help with her migraines. I was really surprised when she said this as that is a long time to be taking it.

      I couldn't tell you which one she's on, and as you can imagine, she dreads not having it because the menopause symptoms may strike, but that is what she said. I hope you start to feel better soon x.

    • Posted

      Hi, it's great that your aunt is doing so well I wish I could have it ! Today another bad day in fact every day is. Have rung surgery anyway so will see what happens at appointment, not a lot I expect they're useless ! X
    • Posted

      It is but I think she should have a break from the HRT as that is a lot of years to be on something like that. I'm surprised the doctor is allowing it to be honest. I really hope you get some answers at the doctors Lou, it doesn't help when they don't seem to know what we're talking about though does it. Fingers crossed for you at your appointment x.
    • Posted

      know stockton heath very well, all that jazz shop love it, nice place.
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      my friend has been on patches for over 20 years, im also very suprised, she went on it in her 30s after a hysterectomy, makes you think doesnt it.  
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      Yes it's very lively particularly at night I remember, quite expensive place to live, daughter lived there for a while too expensive and too noisy for her - she lives down here near me now hooray as I hated the drive. It's great for nightlife etc if that's your thing !.........Hope you're doing ok today ELaine , ive had a horrible day yet again, God I sound like a right old misery there's always something wrong with me that's the trouble so blooming depressing just want to be happy and normal like everyone else wants here too x
    • Posted

      yes agree expensive, noisy, and my daughters go sometimes for the bars etc, very popular for that, but tight for parking spaces, feel for the houses close by, very tight squeeze for them, nice that you have your daughter close by you now.  No what you mean about the depression, makes you cry doesnt it, and you dont know what for, but yes to be like we use to be, hope how we use to be comes back permanently one day, it does scare me sometimes that it being called the change, does it mean this is how we change..............god i hope not x
    • Posted

      Our daughters may have passed each other on a night out there !......

      yes elaine it's so depressing and like you I want to cry all the time, ive just been led on the bed for an hour crying feeling so rubbish, everything aches and hurts, knees - wrists - back - head - neck - dizziness - fatigue - spaced out need I say more. I know they say we will come out the other side well I bloody Hope so because I can't see a future like this xx

    • Posted

      It certainly does make you think. I got the impression that even my aunt thinks she's lucky to still be on them. It also shows that while some doctors are willing to do this, others aren't. Makes you wonder what is best sometimes.
    • Posted

      yes weird would that be if they had, and not even known one another, my elder daughter is 32, and younger one 24, and its the elder one that goes into Stockton Heath.

      Yes dont feel so good myself today, pretty down, fatigued planned getting up early got up 9.30 which is late for me, womb feels very weak and hot for some reason.   No I no it is scary about how long its all going to last isnt it, you feel like crawling into bed and never getting up dont you!!

      I tried, progesterone cream, chaste berry, and several vitamins, didnt help me to be honest, on the otherhand iron tablets did, and the usual life style changes, its just riding it out until it gets better. 

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