Surgical meno hell

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 Me again, I can't even think straight any more - constant headaches, such fatigue, weak and wobbly, anxiety and health anxiety, earache making me think brain tumor, oh God its hell. Can't sleep with heart thumping, ringing ears, face ache, bone ache. Doctors don't care - tried supplements, loads of water, stomach problems panic attacks, weird spaced out all the time - sick of this day in day out same old. Had a gut full of this am I ever ever ever gonna feel any better, so depressing just existing .

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63 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lou, 

    Im so sorry you are dealing with this. Today was not one of my best days either. I can totally realte to the anxiety, heart thumping, panic attacks and weird spaced out feeling. I dont have much to offer but compassion and to reach out and say that you are in the right place to vent and you are not alone in this nightmare. I hope it gets better for all of us soon.  

    • Posted

      Oh snowbell thank you - so sorry for you, I feel your pain. Ive been crying all day feel like I'm dying I really honestly do - surely there must be something so seriously wrong to feel this utterly wretched constantly - how can my body survive this another day and I can't have HRT as migraines, I just cannot put up with this much longer - every day is utter crap and can't walk or think straight, even my teeth ache, gums bleed - i feel like I won't survive this 😰😥😱😩
    • Posted

      I am right here with you. This morning I was a sobbing mess. Woke up out of a dead sleep with a hypoglycemic type attack, shaking so violently, trembling, anxiety and just out of sorts feeling. It's lasted up until about 2 hours ago but now I am physically and mentally worn down from it. I can't seem to get any help with HRT due to a cyst on my ovary that has to be removed soon. I know this is hormones being imbalanced and declining. For sure yours has to be, as you are in surgical menopause. Have you looked into HRT? 
    • Posted

      I really know where you're coming from, im like that in the mornings too also in fact at random times through the day and night, I don't sleep yet so so tired - I had a large cyst too that ended with oophorectomy that started all this, doctor said NO to HRT as I get migraines - I feel like I'm being poisoned by something I feel so bad, something is slowly killing me that's what it feels like, awful just awful , nasty stingy tingly face hands and fingers - what the heck is all this 😰
    • Posted

      Ah, so you get the tingly hands and fingers too? I was wondering the same, my feet get tingly as well. I agree, it feels like we are dying somtimes.

       If you don't mind me asking, how did you feel when they took the one ovary out? Did you have any of these issues before or after that particular surgery? Im very nervous about going in to have it done and any advice would be so appreciated. 

    • Posted

      Oh yes tingly everything, particularly face fingers mainly. No hun I had a hysterectomy over 20years ago leaving one ovary - the final straw was having this ovary removed so I have nothing left now that's why it's so damm hard, I had no issues before this everything was fine , great actually no problems at all. Are you having the one ovary removed ? X
    • Posted

      Oh I see. I can totally understand your frustration. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. 

      My doc is planning for me to have just one ovary out. I have a 4cm cyst that is getting thick so they want it out now. I was worried how I would feel after they take it. I am also a wreck thinking about the upcoming surgery. I've never been put out before so that has my nerves in a bundle right there on top of this peri already. What us women go thru!

    • Posted

      Honestly don't worry the surgery will be Absoloutly fine , they look after you so well and you will be very well monitored and cared for and you won't feel a thing or know anything about it, ive had lots of gyne ops and they've all been fine I promise. When they take one ovary the other usually compensates and you should be just fine. I know it's nerve wracking and scary having surgery but rest assured you will have excellent care and be reassured all along the way. The doctors and nurses are wonderful , very caring so don't worry all will be fine xx
    • Posted

      Thank you Lou, that's very comforting to me, especially right now. I normally wouldn't be a baby about this, but these symtoms and the anxiety just ramp things up. Its unbelieveable how this stuff gets into your head and makes you scared of our own shadow. I hope you start feeling better soon. I can completely sympathize. 
    • Posted

      Try and relax about the surgery as it really will be fine, stay calm if you can but you are bound to feel anxious it's natural, yes our minds are very powerful and our imaginations can run away with us and catastrophise, but you honestly will be ok - I actually felt very relaxed in hospital as you are in a completly safe place please find comfort in that if you possibly can. Nobody wants to go into hospital and we are all scared of the unknown, but you have nothing to be scared of , you will find all the staff so caring and kind you will probably find yourself much calmer than you think. Just think it will soon all be over and you can move on and be well again feeling so much better x
    • Posted

      Lou, you are wonderful. I will try to relax and remember that you did fine and so will I. Thank you again, your kind words help so much. xx
    • Posted

      Ah thank you. Trust me I promise you there is no need to be worried. Take a nice book with you to read or your favourite music to listen to, and if you want to take your iPad or phone you can get free wi fI aswell, they give you the code, so head fones on and listen to your favourite artist to comfort you if it helps you relax. Before you know it you'll be back home and it will all be over. The staff are so so lovely and you will have no pain they take care of that aswell, everything is dealt with. Sleep well and don't worry xx
    • Posted

      I didnt think about taking my tablet. Thanks for the reminder smile
    • Posted

      Don't forget the charger ! Xx let me know how you get on xx

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