Sweating like a pig but shaking
Posted , 8 users are following.
Woke up feeling sick . I have had a really bad migraine , but can't stop sweating and shaking . What is this ? Any advice ? Hate all this . Lots of love Jane
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Woke up feeling sick . I have had a really bad migraine , but can't stop sweating and shaking . What is this ? Any advice ? Hate all this . Lots of love Jane
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We want the community to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the community are not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in respect of any healthcare matters. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek appropriate medical assistance immediately. Use of the community is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified as being in breach of those terms.
Think I'm having a full blown panic attack as well . Just finishing heavy period also . When will this all end ?
TropicalVon69 jane63977
Periods tailing off for me...make sure you eat x
jane63977 TropicalVon69
Can't stop shaking now . Haven't slept . Is something seriously wrong with me ? Getting over the worst migraine and I usually get these before a period not at the end . Please help
I feel so alone when I'm like this . Also today would have been my mum and dads wedding anniversary . My mum died last year and my dad 9 years ago .
Sochima822 jane63977
Sochima822 jane63977
Sorry you're feeling alone. Just feel comfort in knowing we're here for you while you go through this trying time. Hugs xx
TropicalVon69 jane63977
Sochima822 jane63977
Fairy28 jane63977
Poor you, I get these all the time and often wake up really really nauseus and it's awful. Triptans used to work for me but I think you get immune to them and they stop working. Wish I had the answers.
bobbysgirl jane63977
Fairy28 bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl Fairy28
TropicalVon69 jane63977
bobbysgirl TropicalVon69
This is getting ridiculous!
OK I'll try something.
My Brother-in Law gets terrible migraines. He told me of a product that, unfortunately didn't work for him,but he had heard good things about. It is over the counter and contains Codeine, Paracetamol and,the 'magic' ingredient, Buclizine. Let's just say it reLEVEs MIGRAines and it is pink - not yellow!
As for the shaking and sweating. I used to get cold sweats before my period. A wise colleague (a man!) told me I needed salt. A packet of crisps later and I felt fine. Weird, but true, crisps as a nutrient - who knew?