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Two weeks after haemorrhoid surgery and there are two huge lumps covering my hole like two massive haemorrhoids. Is this normal? Will it ever go away? Is it swelling?
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justice659876 louise49399
What was your initial underlying problem?
louise49399 justice659876
Prolapsed haemorrhoids
Darling1010 louise49399
Oh my gosh, I was about to post a topic about this very thing! I'm almost 2 weeks post-op and have the same problem. I went into surgery for a colonoscopy and hemorrhoidectomy for one large and hardened external hemorrhoid as well as a skin tag. After waking up from surgery, the surgeon said she also removed another internal hemorrhoid but thankfully it wasnt attached to the sphincter. I honestly didnt experience much pain from the surgery at all compared to what she prepared me for. I still have the masses but it looks even WORSE. And the hard lump that was there is even harder. I have a follow up scheduled with her in a week and I feel like I'm going to ask her if she even tried removing them. I called her last week about it and told her I had been taking long soaks in the tub but still so much swelling. She assured me it was swelling and should heal up after 2 weeks post-op but it still looks like a nightmare down there. Hopefully I'm just slow to heal swelling. Please let me know how your journey progresses! I will try to update as well and let you know how my follow-up goes.
louise49399 Darling1010
Hi, I am two weeks since the operation now and the swelling is still huge. Please let me know what she says
Darling1010 louise49399
Okay, so the doctor agreed they look much worse than before. She shared that she believes it is actually scar tissue from the procedure. ( I'm honestly not sure why my body would react this way. ) She wants me to come in for another follow up in a month which we have scheduled but she stated it is likely we will do surgery again in 2 months if the tissue doesn't go down enough by next follow up. I asked her why I may have scarred this way and she wasnt exactly sure but it may be a response to the stitches. So if/when I go back in for another hemorrhoidectomy, this time she will leave the cuts open and not use dissolvable stitches and inject steroid into that tissue as well to hopefully reduce the scarring response. Apparently, not using stitches is common...not sure why this would be better but all I can do is trust her. I really don't want to have another surgery for fear it won't get resolved again and risk the horrendous pain I managed to avoid this time somehow. I may be thinking too far ahead, but if I need a third procedure, I may inquire with a plastic surgeon since skin and scar tissue is more of their wheel house. Not sure if insurance would cover that though.
Are you scheduled for a follow up any time soon? I'll be interested if you are also going through the same type of thing. I hate to have a rotten attitude but it makes me wonder if doctors ever do things to make more money with added procedures because they know our insurance will pay for more. Uggg. I hope you're not in too much pain at least.
louise49399 Darling1010
hi thank you for the update!
Why will you need more surgery do they think there is more haemorrhoids?
I am waiting for a surgeon to call me back. I am not worried it is now a skin tag because it is still huge
kelly2345 Darling1010
i had a similar reaction to the stitches. it left me with lumps and bumps. I'm 7 weeks post op now and heading back in a day to get another procedure. i developed stenosis from the internal stapling so my doctor needs to break up scar tissue. while I'm under he's going to remove the lumps i have externally from the stitching. I'll have to mention not putting in addition stitches. i do not want to have to go back again.
louise49399 kelly2345
so can they go away on their own or do you need surgery to remove? I would say mine is a huge lump from the stitches.
kelly2345 louise49399
my doctor told me to massage the area to try to break up the tissue. however, after two weeks of this and other problems we decided its best to go for removal. i am actually recovering from that procedure now.
Darling1010 louise49399
She mentioned scar tissue rather than hemorrhoid. I beleive it because when I feel them, they are quite hard and lumpy. I do think the swelling has reduced somewhat but they are still definitely problematic. I'm not spending much time stressing about it now just to stay emotionally sane. I'll just have to pick back up at my next follow-up (mid june) and deal with it then.
Darling1010 kelly2345
Gosh, thanks so much for sharing! I hope your second surgery has gone well and you're not in too much pain! I'll be looking forward to hearing how it all is going when you feel like responding here post-op! Hopefully it will give me something to look forward to by having hope this will finally get resolved for me too!!!
kelly2345 Darling1010
Hi there! im about 7 days post op from the second procedure. I had an anal dilation and two tags removed. I'm not going to lie it is still a painful one to go through. I didn't wake up in as much pain but it was still painful as hell. i think they gave me 3 or four hits of fentanyl in the recovery room to get the pain under control. BM didn't hurt as much as the first surgery. But the open wounds make them burn like hell. So i go and then run to the tub.
day 2 i developed a fever. the antibiotics mess with my stomach so i go to the bathroom 10 times a day which of course rips and tears and hurts those open wounds like hell. I'm trying to keep everything clean but I'm really wondering when these wounds are going to close up.
hopefully this info helpfull
Darling1010 kelly2345
Hey!!! I'm so sorry you got sickly after! How are you feeling now?? And how is everything going...Down there? I just had my second removal procedure. As you might recall, my first procedure (likely bc of stitches) left me with flappy skin and hardened lump. So far I'm not feeling any pain - She chose not to use stitches this time, gave me a steroid at the location. I also received a shot of local anesthetic called Exparel which is supposed to last 4 whole days! Really hoping my anal area looks good after all this. How is yours? LOL!
kelly2345 Darling1010
My external is nice and healed. It looks pretty good now. Internally, I'm still struggling. I have good days where its easy to go, comfortable and i feel successful and completely done. but i also have days where its painful to go, i bleed a lot and wind up running to the bathroom a ton for a bunch of little poops.
i will say i definitely go more now than i did before. before the surgery i was a once a day person. Now, I'm 2-3 times on a good day and 5+ on a bad. swelling is my enemy so i still take anti inflammatories and stool softeners.
on a good day i feel almost normal. bad days the internal scar tissue is just uncomfortable. its s total mixed bag. I've heard it takes 6 months to a year to heal from this then now sitting at 4 months I can definitely see it. It's not as bad as those first two months but I still miss feeling normal all the time.
i hope you're doing better. 😃