Swelling post distal radius fracture
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I had plate and screws inserted after distal radius fracture and hairline ulna fracture which displaced after manipulation in A+E just over 6 weeks ago. Cast removed at 4 weeks to start early mobilisation. Intensive physio started on Friday. I have been asked to ice prior to each physio session at home, for example, every 3 hours. My question is I have had wrist, hand and fingers swelling which does not and has not receded even after hanging it up in the air 24/7. On multiple pillows at night. And have tried cold water for 3 mins then warm water for 3 mins alternate.
Anyone else have this and if so any techniques not tried to help this or how long can I expect to have this swelling. My fingers are like sausages especially my thumb and baby finger.
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Sally4Edgar vicky87059
Hi Vicky,
I've had the same thing as you - a badly displaced distal radius and ulnar styloid fracture repaired with a plate and 9 screws back at the end of August last year. It was a good 3 or 4 months before I could do much with my wrist at all. I had numbness in my palm and base of thumb, I never thought I would be able to turn my hand palm upwards again let alone do a downward facing dog! I didn't drive until December and that was difficult with the gear change. I had sessions with a hand physio which helped things along. I still have some weakness because my radius wasn't set quite right but I don't think I would now choose to go through the trauma of having it broken and reset again.
You are still at the early stages of healing and really In my experience it was six months before I could use my wrist more normally. It's nearly a year since the fracture and I now have reasonable movement - not 100% on the flexion which is where the most restriction occurs, but the rest is pretty good now. It all takes time and I was told that with this type of fracture you're looking at the best part of a year for full improvement. It's frustrating but I'm sure you will get there. Best wishes.
vicky87059 Sally4Edgar
Thank you Sally. That's so reassuring to hear. I feel I'm never going to get anywhere and as much as I do the physio I don't seem to be improving but I probably am just not quick enough. The physio seems to be causing other pains too. In my shoulder and elbow. And I'm finding it difficult to raise my arm now. Do you still have the numbness in your thumb and Palm? I just hope I go the way others on this forum have gone and improve enough to drive again and get back to work which is dependent on driving and good mobility. Luckily I get sick pay.
Sally4Edgar vicky87059
Thankfully the numbness eventually disappeared after about 12 weeks. I was really concerned about it thinking I had permanent nerve damage, but it's caused by the swelling and when that improved full sensation returned. The only thing that the fracture has left me with apart from occasional discomfort on certain movements is post-traumatic Dupuytrens - lumps in the palm which can cause the fingers to pull in towards the palm. Try to keep your arm moving as much as possible I was told by my GP. She said if I was too protective of it I might develop CRPS. I'm sure in a few months you'll be over the worst and able to get back behind the wheel.
vicky87059 Sally4Edgar
Sally - how are you now? I'm still
Much the same 9 months down the line. The CRPS I've developed hasn't helped my situation and I now have to go back into have my hardware removed as I probably have a screw that's too long hindering my movement. No change in movement at all but have started to drive again. Local only but at least I have some independence. Still of sick from work and probably unlikely to be able to go back. Hope things are good for you now x
Sally4Edgar vicky87059
Hi Vicky, good to hear from you! Sorry it's not better news on your wrist situation after all this time, but it's good that you're driving again. You don't have the gear change problem with a right wrist fracture, but that's probably the only positive I can think of. I'm sorry to hear you have to have another surgery to remove hardware and hope it resolves some of the pain and lack of movement that you're still having to cope with.
I'm doing okay with my wrist generally, but certain positions are always going to be an issue because the end of the radius bone is slightly downward-tilted now, so my hand isn't in it's original position and the tendons/ligaments are having to cope with it which makes certain things painful. One of the worst is carrying heavy things level, like a saucepan of soup. It's okay carrying shopping bags (up to a point). I do yoga and Pilates and any positions where there's a lot of weight on the hands and wrists are to be avoided for me - the downward dog is really uncomfortable. I think I'll just have to live with these shortcomings as the thought of having hardware taken out and the radius broken and reset into the correct position with yet another plate fills me with dread. And having osteopenia I'm sure another 8 screws into the bone in different positions isn't the best idea! I really couldn't face another year of rehabilitation and there are of course more risks with additional surgery so I'm leaving well alone.
Good of luck with your hardware removal and I do hope things get better for you once that's out of the way x
Canuckviewer vicky87059
vicky87059 Canuckviewer
Unfortunately I still have swelling around the fracture site, around my thumb and variable swelling at times in my fingers. I developed CRPS which doesn't help and can cause swelling. I am still off sick from work nearly 9 months down the line and was told on Thursday I now need another operation to remove the hardware as it seems a screw maybe hindering my mobility which is still rubbish. I cannot supinate at all. Pronation not much better with limited flex/extension. I have begun to drive again though but local only and not too many stop starts if I can help it. Handbrake for me is the most difficult.
The nightmare that is a distal radius fracture continues ...
pauldh vicky87059
Hi Vicki
I had a serious fall 8 weeks ago and fractured my radius and ulnar (plus bones in my hand). Had an operation to fix the bones - had a plate fitted under general anaesthetic to the radius but the ulnar was left to heal naturally. The cast was removed after just under 5 weeks.
Just over 2 weeks ago I was signed off from the fracture clinic and told I needed physio. Friday week ago I have a physio session and was given a few exercises including putting my hands together (prayer position) and pushing downwards, and also bending my wrists upwards and downwards. A short time into these exercises (which I told the physio were really painful), and to which he replied I should not worry as my bones were perfectly strong enough, I felt a very severe pain in my ulnar. 2 days later I presented to A&E (8 days ago), they took an X-ray and told me that the Ulnar had re-fractured but that they could not reduce the bone because I had a plate fitted.
I saw the fracture clinic last Tuesday and was scheduled to have an operation to plate the ulnar last Friday BUT I insisted on seeing the consultant orthopaedic surgeon prior and met on Thursday last week where he examined my hand/wrist (my right hand - dominant) and saw how swollen my fingers, palm and wrist are, and said he didn't want to operate as he thinks I have RDS and an operation might make things worse. He referred me to the pain clinic which will take up to 3 weeks, and said I should continue with physio, and he's see me in 4 weeks time.
I have today cancelled my physio scheduled for tomorrow as my right arm is so painful - it's insane (10/10). My hand/wrist is seriously swollen and there's no way I feel that any physio is sensible with a fractured bone - and the pain is crazy.
It is now 8+ weeks since surgery and my accident and nobody noticed anything abnormal with my wrist/hand despite me complaining of the pain. Since the re-fracture, the pain is off the Richter Scale and I will be going to see someone to discuss the above to get a second opinion.
My questions are is it possible that I have an allergic reaction to the plate that was fitted (potentially) I have been told that some hospitals don't use pure titanium but a mix with Nickel - if that's the case, could that be causing the severe swelling?
Is it possible the screws are inserted and blocking something in my hand?
Should the hospital have plated both the radius and ulnar at the same time when the operated 8 weeks ago?
Are there any questions I need to be asking and what advice can you give me?
bizzyazab1213 vicky87059
yvette95087 bizzyazab1213
Hi Bizzy - I broke my distal radius on Feb. 12. Was in cast for 4 weeks too. I was recommended to have surgery by one doc; the other, a specialist at a prestigious medical school, said I should also have surgery, but casting was also an option. I did not want to have surgery so we just castes it. The cast turned into s nightmare -- pain and horrible swelling. I couldn't wait to get it off, and once it was off,my fingers were swollen and stuff. I have that hot to the touch feeling too. You need to ice frequently and use a compression glove. I am getting PT 2-3 times a week. I've seen improvement but it's slow. It's now close to three months post-injury. I'm really focusing on bending my fingers and getting rotation so my palm can go up. I use to play violin… I am not sure if I would be better off right now if I had undergone surgery… from the research I have done, it seems like it can go either way. Did you have surgery? You should be getting hand therapy.
Sorry for typos. I wanted to add that I am very accident prone and have had many injuries and illnesses in my life (just turned 54)! but this wrist break has turned into quite an ordeal…I had no idea a broken wrist could cause so much trouble. Apparently it's a super common injury. Maybe most people have an easy time with it, and just the people with problems turn to these forums.
vanessa2018 yvette95087
Hope you are making progress with your PT!
yvette95087 vanessa2018
vanessa2018 yvette95087
It’s nice to hear if other people’s experiences as I am a bit of a worrier and google every little symptom and have convinced myself that I have permanent nerve damage because of the numbness! How long did your numbness last? I’m glad to hear that your swelling has improved - it’s really frustrating as i cannot make a fist due to my sausage fingers!
I am hoping that physio on Wednesday will give me some reassurance and hopefully like you I’ll return to driving soon - I hate having to rely on other people!
Guest vanessa2018
I too broke my distal radius & had surgery four weeks ago with plate & screws. My recovery sounds a lot like yours. My fingers & my wrist swell a lot and I cannot make a fist yet. I started PT last week and it is very painful. I also notice I get a lot of swelling after PT. It sounds like it’s normal but it is very frustrating and very painful. It feels like someone is squeezing my wrist really tight,
i know everyone’s Recovery is different, but it is good to hear that others are experiencing the same symptoms.
vanessa2018 Guest
It’s been eight weeks since I had my cast removed and am still experiencing problems. The swelling on my fingers is worse first thing in the morning with stiff fingers also. I am beginning to make a tighter fist but my hand seems to stiffen up overnight and I’m back to square one in the morning.
Another worrying symptom is the numbness in my wrist and fingers - even though I can feel with my fingers they are not right and I have what only I can describe as numbness in my wrist which feels worse when I move my wrist up and down whilst trying to make a fist! I didn’t have any surgery as such- they just manipulated my bone into place so I am wondering if a nerve was irritated then. I had an orthopaedic appointment last week and the consultant has now discharged me which is a bit concerning! I am continuing to have physio and can see a slight improvement but things are really slow and I’m impatient!
Whilst I wouldn’t wish this on anyone it is nice to be able to share experiences with other people with similar conditions as my family are unable to share my concerns as they have never broken any bones!
Keep me updated with your recovery and if you have any concerns that you want to share please feel free to message me - take care!
deborah97120 bizzyazab1213
hi i know this is an old post but my symptoms are exactly like yours burning sensitivity and the small red spot after wrist surgery can i ask what treatment you had and how things went