swollen vagina because of lichen or treatment?
Posted , 12 users are following.
I'm wondering if others can comment if they've experienced a swelling of the vagina with LS? Or it could be due to the steroid (which I havent taken now for almost 3 weeks). The only thing I've used is the coconut oil. With that being all natural it seems strange that it would cause swelling and redness.
Thank you in ladies.
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claire12259 sara61637
It could be thrush?? Apparently we are much more likely to get it cos of the LS
kathleen65757 sara61637
Are these prescription "advantan fatty ointment and dermeze sensitive"?
I'll look up thrush. I'm not familiar with this.
Thanks ladies!
Is the Advantan a 1% steroid? I was going to call my dr's office this morning and request a 1% prescription.
It looks like the Dermeze is OTC?
I don't think it's thrush; I'm familiar with yeast infections and I dont have abnormal discharge.
Crazy that we have to do all of this diagnosing ourselves! And crazy that this disease takes so much attention and energy. For me it's turning out to be daily monitoring.
kathleen65757 sara61637
I am in Australia, Sara.
ElleF sara61637
It could be the coconunt oil. Just because it is natural does not mean you cannot have a reaction to it. For example peanuts, shellfish and sesame seeds are all natural occurring things that people can have (deadly) reactions to. And sensitivities can develop over time.
I think I have recently developed a sensitivity to coconut oil and there are others on here who have said the same thing.
I hope you figure it out soon.
sara61637 ElleF
It looks like Dermeze is not available in the USA. Has anyone found this product in the US?
suedm sara61637
I had a lot of swelling of the labia when the LS was at its worst. I would try and see the consultant you go to if possible- Continue with the higest concentration of the steroid you were prescribed with and use it accordingly. Keep moisturised and protect yourself from body fluids with a good barrier cream/ ointment. Look daily and dont allow the skin suraces to stick together - it may be uncomfortable but it will inhibit fusing. Keep the area VERY clean esp after using the loo. keep the area cool and use bland non allergic products.
Ivy is natural as is aconite - you wouldnt use either of those products any where near your body as both can cause severe reactions and in the case of aconite - death. Do check the Dr Goldsteins webinar and do not be swayed by "if it is natural it must be good" it isnt always!
Go down the scientific well researched route for treatment - not the [u]anecdotal[/u] new age thinking of those who want to ditch modern medicine for unresearched "natural rememdies", there are many who have no real knowldege that try and persuade one to drop convential products unnecessarily.
Always look for the side effect and interactions with other treatments when you embark on alternative therapies.
I know that individual sensitivities will also play a part,and, if it does no harm and makes you feel better, that is good, but do so with knowledge that you are experimenting on yourself and with products that may not have had rigourous scrutiny of their therapeutic effect.
Take care and good luck
judy02533 ElleF
kathleen65757 suedm
claire12259 sara61637
Me again. My specialist said you can get thrush in the flesh/skin which wouldn't necessarily give you any discharge. x
Chrisy sara61637
UlliS sara61637
Thank you for the feedback on coconut oil. Glad to know that I'm not crazy. Yes, I used it for 2 days and appeared much worse; red, irritated, burning and swollen. Now, 2 days off and I'm better.
I'm still not sure what to use for a moisturizer. I'm afraid of not keeping the area moist thinking that the LS will sort of adhere things together if I'm not super diligent.
I have been using vaseling the last 2 days but I'm still swollen.
Can vaseling cause an irritation too? Has anyone experienced this? You'd think it would be okay because it's used on babies bottoms, but who knows at this point.
Thank you again!
UlliS sara61637
suedm sara61637
Your doctor may prescribe Diprovate - (or Dermeze depending which country you are in)- I find the former works well for me- a 1kg pump lasts ages - I wash with it too and it is a useful barrier. Several people here find their diet affects their undercarriage so perhaps look at your sugar intake and or other food stuffs that can affect you
good luck
ElleF sara61637
kathleen65757 ElleF
sara61637 kathleen65757
I looked every where for the Dermeze sensitive and can't find it. I'm in the US. Where are you?
sara61637 suedm
Is Diprovate a steroid? I think Dermeze is a moisturizer not a steroid. I am in the US and can't get this product.
I have enough steroid creams, at this point, to last a life time. Now, I need a moisturizer that I can apply liberally to keep the stickiness and adhering away.
I can't seem to find anything that my body can tolerate. I think I might even be sensitive to vaseline for pete's sake.
My heavens there has to be something that is gentle enough for a sensitive person.
kathleen65757 sara61637
kathleen65757 sara61637
sara61637 kathleen65757
That steroid is not available anywhere in the US that I could find. I called every pharmacy in Chicago and it's not even listed as a possible medication in anyone's computer.
My dr chose another low dose steroid.
Yes, maybe I can find dermeze online. I looked the other day and their website said only sold in pharmacies and no pharmacies sell it. I did find some on ebay but shipping is from australia. probably would cost a fortune.
suedm sara61637
suedm sara61637
suedm sara61637