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hi looking for advice here please. new to all this just a couple of months and my main suffering is the pains in my chest its like a stinging feeling and is really uncomfortable and scary any suggestions what helps  also a bit weird but my mouth always feels like im out in the cold you know when you breath and you get cold air coming out my lips n breath n face feel cold all time is this normal please x

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi,  have you been checked out by your GP to eliminate any other possible causes for the chest pain?  It could well be related to menopause as it does produce so many symptoms and each of us is individual but please rule out anything else first.  Good luck.
  • Posted

    Yep, agree. Should get any chest pain checked out , especially if you become breathless. Book that appointment today! X
  • Posted

    Yes, Lol, first thing is always to be checked by a doctor.  If all your tests come clear, so you can think about peri, specialy if your periods changed somehow.  Be well!
  • Posted

    Hello lol.

    I have something very similar to what you describe. Mine started 5 weeks ago with what felt like a bad case of heartburn which then turned into a pain in one place on my chest with occasional heat feeling and I've had that pretty much all the time since. I got really panicky about it so 2 weeks ago I went to the Dr. He took my blood pressure, listened to my heart and did an ecg which were all fine, I've got to have a stress ecg because I've a strong family history of heart problems but he thinks its more a gastric problem than a cardiac one and he's given me lansoprazole for acid reflux which can cause the symptoms that I have and seem the same as you describe. I'm 44 and I believe I've been peri for about 3 years even though my Dr says that in his opinion peri doesn't really exist and you're either menopausal or you're not and because I'm still having periods, albeit irregular then I'm not! Its definitely worth talking to you're gp about your chest pain though but from what I've read reflux is really common in peri even if, like me, you've never suffered before. I'm still having the pain because I've not taken the tablets yet (I've a severe health anxiety and have problems taking medication because of fear of side effects) dumb I know but I've only been like that since my periods have been messed up so I think there's a connection. Id be interested to hear what your outcome is. Big hugs x

  • Posted

    hi thank you all for your replies yes i have had same checks all tests came back normal and having a well woman check next week.  It just on same place all time on left hand side and stings like hell.  I am on mebeverine as i have IBS so know that some problems come from that.  I feel like my face and jaw and nose are freezing all time and feel like im breathin ice cold air as though i was out in snow.  thank you so much for your replies its so nice to know i can ask without feeling as though im being a nuisance thank you so much everyone xx
    • Posted

      Mine too is just in one place, almost on the inner side of my left breast. I get the odd cold feelings in my throat just as you describe its like taking a massive breath in through your mouth on a really icy cold day. Have you tried an antacid?
    • Posted

      Thats exactly what its like doc has given me some peppermint capsules to take solves the problem of trapped wind but not the icy cold feeling . Mine same lisa left breast pains n a stinging feeling. Thank you so much for your help and advice

    • Posted

      Hello lol

      Its been good to find someone who has the same problem. I'm going to give the lansoprazole a try so I will let you know if it gets rid of the pain. Hope we both feel better soon. Big hugs xx

    • Posted

      Ok let me know how it goes hopefully u be feeling better soon x
  • Posted


    Yeah, like everyone else, I'd advice getting checked out by your GP.

    other than TT, I thought 'acid reflux'.

    Like many other gals on here, I've only really experienced it recntl.

    Just another JOY of Premenopause!!!

  • Posted

    hi me too i was 49 whaen mine started chest pain,got took to hospital a couple of times they told me i have angina,i no i havent my dr knows i havent.When i worked it out it was usually after a weekend of having wine, chinese and other nice stuff lol. I went had a colonoscopy which said i had acid reflux,he put me on omeorazole and within a couple of days the pain went.I lost alot of weight because i couldnt eat much without it kicking off.Once the omeprazole started working i was fine.Good luck take the tablets they are good.
  • Posted


    Well, I started taking the lansoprazole 5 days ago for suspected acid reflux and I cant say that I'm feeling much better. I don't know if I've just not given them a chance or whether they aren't working. I'm struggling a lot with high levels of anxiety at the moment which I'm guessing isn't helping. I wad going to make another Dr appointment but my GP isn't very understanding and I'm sure just thinks I'm a neurotic female!

  • Posted

    hiya yea ive tried them and didnt really find a lot of difference.  /at the minute just taking all my vitamins with meberverine for my ibs.   Im sorry to hear your anxiety is causing you problems its one of the worst symptoms i think but i have been trying the relaxation techniques i downloaded and that has helped me a lot but i still get bad days.  Are you taking anything for your anxiety?
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      I take propranolol but my GP keeps messing around with the dose which makes me feel a bit faint cos it affects my blood pressure. Anxiety is a real problem cos it aggravates the already horrible physical symptoms. There just really doesn't seem to be much understanding or help from gps 😩 x

  • Posted

    hi yea i was given that too and was told could take up to 3 a day.   I took them when my anxiety was at its worst but havent taken them for bout six weeks now i really dont like being on medication.  I can sympathise with you the anxiety is horrendous and its the one thing i dread coming back but since i came off them i feel a lot better and cope now with help from this forum and relaxation . i know its easier said than done sometimes xxx
    • Posted

      I really want to come off them, they don't seem to do an awful lot. I want to try relaxation techniques but to be honest I find it so hard to concentrate lately. I have a stressful job and I care for my elderly mother who's not in good health and the peri symptoms on top make it feel much harder at times. I'm glad of this forum too, its good to share. Thank you xx

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