Symptoms are so crazy!!
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I am literally losing my mind! Ok so i havent had a period in 255 days.....i have had all 66+ symptoms of perimenopause and then some. Most people who have read my posts know that i have tried antidepressants, herbal treatments, probiotics and vitamins to no avail. But in the past 2 months ive been having "good" days here and there when i feel like my old self (not enough if them tho) but then right after i have a good day BAM i wake up with intense nausea, extreme lathergy, depressed mood and awful headache....that will go on for 1-3 days then all the sudden i wake up normal feeling again....i can eat, absolutely zero depression or anxiety, no nausea tiredness or headache but it only lasts for like 24 hours at most then its back to my hell again. What in the world is going on with me!? Is it hormone related or is it mental illness i wish i knew for a fact cause then i would suffer through the months of debilitating antidepressant side effects so i could get more better days. Can anyone else relate?
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Gypsy014 Guest
Hi brandy you know what they say if you think your crazy then your NOT people with mental issues can't think hey I feel crazy if that makes sense.. also I'm having an awful scary bunch of symptoms day, my legs are weak hands and arms fingers are really stiff don't want to move or else really hard to move with numbness, I had the bad migraine 2 days ago so I believe this is what is called the migraine hangover aka aura also believe the big migraine is around the corner for me.. anyways I'm just like you described 2 days awful next not too bad then back to normal feeling like old self, all hormones up and down.. wish they would just stabalize already.. I guess thats why they refuse to test hormones cause they're always up and down , maybe they should test them while we're feeling so bad then they might actually show something.. well hope you get them good days again soon and me too I can't stand feeling like this ..I would not wish this on anyone..
Guest Gypsy014
Yes it is horrible!! What is killing me the most us the nasty nausea days.!I keep thinking this cant be normal to feel so sick nearly every day but the dr says im completely healthy! I dont feel healthy at all, i cant even leave my house (before this pandemic) cause of how awful i feel. I just wish there was a magic pill to fix everything 😦 but i hope you feel better soon too
Gypsy014 Guest
well the good news for you is your symptoms are finally cycling themselves it seems since you had some good days that right there should give you hope until your days become more good days then bad! also I feel like everyone of us have most if not all these menopause symptoms and for most of us there is that one set of symptoms that just gets ahold of us so bad and just won't let up, for you its the losing weight because your so nauseated everyday , and for me its the horrific migraines... uggh right? and it makes sense that its hormones cause my entire 1st trimester of being pregnant I was throwing up and so nauseated from those crazy hormones, the migraines for me are new with perimenopause been with me 4 years now straight. and before that never even got bad headaches unless I had a hangover ha..
sakura26 Guest
I TOTALLY relate!!!
abijah23843 Guest
Please just hang in there. i strongly believe all will be well. i have suddenly been unwell again. this happens at least once a quarter unfortunately its happening now during this pandemic and with a lock down in my country. i have been very very scared with all sorts going through my brain. I am not stepping out anywhere. its 2am now just vomited. what i quickly did was grate a clove of garlic, little ginger into water boiled for 5 mins then squeezed some lime into it. drank it hot: i am sitting up in bed and feel relieved.
At this time i spend my time studying the bible it helps forget my worries and i pray. i pray using Psalm 91. also i pray the following declaration daily:
I dwell in the secret place of the most High who is JESUS my Lord and Saviour and under His shadow and mighty wings I am covered. So no weapon formed against me, my family, my loved ones and also my business shall prosper in JESUS name.
Father you are my refuge and fortress and in you only I put my trust, and in you I am safe. You deliver me from hidden traps and shield me from deadly hazards. Your arms protect me and under them I am perfectly safe. I fear not because your arms fend off all harm.
I fear nothing, not terror by night nor arrows that fly by noon day, nor diseases and destruction. I fear none of them because your arms protect me. You never leave me alone and I thank you for that. You are my God, the protector of my home, evil will not come to my door.I thank you Father that your angels have been ordered to guard me wherever I go, I go in peace and return in peace. If I stumble they will catch me, I will walk around unharmed.
Father I hold on to you and trust you, for my life is in your hands. You give me the best care always and answer when I call. Thank you for all you are to me, and thank you for a long and successful life. All this has been made available because of your ABUNDANT GRACE. Amen
GOD bless you
Guest abijah23843
Thank you! I just want this to be over and this stupid virus! It makes things worse
hopeforever Guest
brandy i know what you mean. Its very uncomfortable. Just pray
c14889 Guest
I can totally relate! How old are you Brandy if you don't mind me asking? Mine got REAL at 39. I'm 42 now.
Guest c14889
Hello, im now 42 years old...mine started at the age of 36 with symptoms, bybthe time i was 38 i had missed three periods in a row and went to my dr....she told me i was too young for peri & it was just stress. Well 2 years after that i had hit flashes for a whole year and now im going on 10 months with no period!! i dont know what else it could be but menopause....i feel like im dying and have no control over my life anymore. Antidepressents just make me feel sicker
Ella23ps Guest
Have you had your thyroid checked???
Guest Ella23ps
Yes my thyroid always comes back fine
c14889 Guest
Brandy, we sound so much alike. I think I'm going to start a low dose birth control. I had my thyroid checked (honestly hoping something would be wrong) can anyone relate? The doctor just said, "You're in perimenopause and you're very sensitive to it." I waited MONTHS to see that doctor, but I did start soy as a result and that seems to help. Brandy, I'm not skipping periods yet, but mine are like 2 days and brown (I wear about three panty liners and that's it).
Guest c14889
I did that sane thing right before my periods stopped. My thyroid tests always come back fine. I wish there was an easy simple pill that would fix everything but that would be too easy 😦
karen60759 c14889
Hi - yep you sound just like me, I'm 43 and periods are now 2 days and mainly brown and sticky / clotty...feel sick a lot, usually get a week's relief in the month, which is glorious, the rest of the time I just try to get on with things - but it's soooo hard, with the nausea and anxiety and low mood...never been able to tolerate the combined pill - guess I've always been super sensitive to hormones, but I was on the mini pill for a while with no issues, so I've been considering that...just don't know what to do for the best really, scared if I take on more hormones it might just make things worse...
c14889 karen60759
I know Karen! When did your periods get like that? At what age? My gyno prescribed Noreth Estrad Fe 1-0.2. So here's my thing, if I take BC, will it complicate things. But, I've had to increase an SSRI from 20mg to 40mg. I literally cried because I don't want to take an anti-depressant mostly bc I don't feel that depression is at the root of things. I do feel a little better, but I'm also coming into my one good week a month. I think I'm super sensitive to hormones too!
karen60759 c14889
Hey - sounds like we have the same physiology ! nice to meet you! isnt it great when you're in your 'normal' week - life is just so easy, food tastes good, you have energy, sleep comes's been almost 2 weeks since my last good spell, so im hoping it comes soon, last month i actually had 2 good weeks, it was heaven! i guess it the one benefit of feeling crappy 70% of the time, we really appreciate when we feel my periods have been like this for about 18 months now i guess, i went through a phase when they were very very heavy, but now hardly anything, im on a higher dose of ADs as well...i dont think they help much but when i tried to come off them last year i defitnely felt worse, so i guess its something...i just dont know about adding in more hormones might just put off and prolong this misery, think id rather get it over with - i read yesterday the peri phase gradully hits a peak when symptoms are worse and the gradually eases up until menopause - so given our age we might be reaching the peak of peri now and will have menopause in a few years - so some hope on the horizon, are you in the UK ? x
c14889 karen60759
No, I'm in the U.S. but I actually just got my DNA done and found out that I'm 63% English and Irish! Ha! I know. I got a couple of good weeks in a row and was like OH MY! THIS IS WONDERFUL! So mine has been intense for about 2.5 years... do you hurt like crazy when you ovulate?
karen60759 c14889
ha! yes i got my dna done too 95% britsh and irish - no surprise! i have 400 distant relatvies in the yes funny you should say that, i have been getting bad cramps lately, not just when i ovulate though, during my last period they actually woke me up they were so has been awful, bad nausea all day and in the past hour my stomach has been gurgling non stop, just after i'd eaten, so over this