Symptoms experiences at specific times

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Are there certain symptoms that you always know will be during that certain week in your cycle. Especially since peri ha started. Before peri, I always knew my stomach would be a little upset the day I started or that I may have pain in my thighs, etc. But since all this has started, I have so many weird symptoms that I don't know what could possibly be part of cycle, like when estrogen drops etc. does this question make sense?

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20 Replies

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    I guess I am just trying to make sense of something
  • Posted

    Hi, the question does make sense.......everything right now with me seems like it changes all the time so I dont know if its certain times of the month or not. I wish we could figure it out.

    How are you doing today?

    • Posted

      Eh. Thanks for asking. I went to Doctor today and all my lab work was normal lol. Now I really feel messed up. My husband couldn't understand why I was so upset. Fsh, LH, estradiol, prolactin, mag, etc. I feel depressed and am reflecting over my life. I mean geez, I am 44. I really don't know anyone my age that acts like I feel. We never can really know what's going on with someone unless they tell us. I just feel like my quality of life right now is not very good. My husband and youngest are going fishing tomorrow. Which means I will be by myself all day. I am supposed to go to a baby shower in the morning, and am praying I will feel like going. I should start my period tomorrow, but who knows. So far, they are still 26-30 days apart.

      Sorry for dumping all that out there, but I just don't have anyone else to talk to😪 This has to get better. Hugs

    • Posted

      Dont feel bad for talking about how you feel. I completely understand trust me. When all of the doctors that I went to told me that I was fine I was upset too! You just want them to tell you there is something wrong so they can fix it. About the baby shower tomorrow it might be too much for you. I cancelled everything that I was suppose to go to like that. If I were you I would be going fishing lol! That way however you want to feel you can. The water would be calming. I just love to fish. Im still anxious a lot of the time and crying off and on but I do feel like I am better some days. Better then when this first started. You will feel better doesnt seem that way when you are at your lowest but you will. Im going to private message you.
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      Fishing with those two wouldn't be relaxing lol. They are actually fishing a tournament. They have hobbies. I don't! 🙄

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      Oh lol! I have hobbies I just dont feel like do any of them. When you feel better you can try some new hobbies smile

    • Posted

      Hi again 2chr. please try not to feel frustrated by the normal lab work. most gp's diagnose peri or meno on symptoms/age alone as blood work is so often unreliable because hormones fluctuate so often even from hour to hour. you are not going crazy & it's not in your head. x

    • Posted

      Hi....i am 45 and can totally relate I feel like I have been riding this crazy roller coaster for 5 to 6 years. For me the anxiety has been the worst. Never apologize for talking. We are all in the same boat and here to.keep each other from drowning.
    • Posted

      Thanks dear doe. So you have the health anxiety? Have you found anything that helps with that?
  • Posted

    Hi 2chr. Yes. i have been on hrt since april & it has made a huge difference to me. it really helped the mental symptoms & stopped the irreg bleeding i've had for the last 2yrs, & eliminated the horrendous all day headaches i would get several times a week. however this last 4wks i've started to have bleeding again - I'm on my 2nd bleed in 4wks, this one started 9days ago lightly & is now moderate bleeding. also in this last week i have had 2 of the horrendous all day headaches that i used to get frequently before i started hrt. so although it doesnt seem to have a pattern on my calendar with my hrt cycle ( i am on estrogel nightly & utrogestan capsules days 15-26 of every 28day cycle) the bleeding is accompanied by the return of the headaches, not sleeping so well last couple of nights, & tender boobs with the first bleed. the 2nd bleed started a couple of days after i finished my utrogestan for this month, so that would be expected, so my doc & i have agreed to keep an eye on the bleeding until october, when she is going to request another transvaginal ultrasound. the reason she is going to request this is in sept last year  i had a tv  scan due to the irreg bleeding & i had a slightly above normal thickened womb lining, but nothing else found. a few years ago i also had a cyst on my uterus, which appears to have disappeared (nothing on subsequent scans). so we agreed for re-aasurance (as i have my nan,grandfather, & great auntie on my mum's side of family) all died of cancer - womb, bowel, & pancreatic respectively) & also because i would've been on hrt 6mths by october, so we can see if the womb lining is any different now.  hormones fluctuate so much, so even on hrt, i have to expect the odd "bad day", & irregularities with symptoms/bleeds, but on the whole everything is soooo much better now I'm on hrt. i hope this helps a bit. x

    • Posted

      Thank you for sharing loo loo. Yes it helps. This is what I was looking for
  • Posted

    It totally makes sense!! I try to keep some sort of hold on them that way it makes me feel more in control. I keep track with them some with my phone with period tracker. There are symptoms you can check. Sometimes it changes when I get now right after my period, it seems to be the worse. My back starts to ache instantly after period, I get that dizzy spacey feeling and a few more. Right before my period I feel I could take on the world..I always pray please keep this feeling..don't get my period..this is now done. But, then my period comes and it starts all over. Since I have changed my diet, routine, and added exercise and gentle has helped alot.

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      My goal is to try yoga soon. I bought the mat lol. Thank you this helps
    • Posted

      I use a period trader to and make a entry of how i was feeling that day. Very useful to track cycles of symptoms.

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